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His head hurt like hell. He didn't want to open his eyes. He hated his life. A soft pat on his fluffy pink hair shocked his whole body and he screeched with horror.

"hey you are ok, I'm here. Everything is fine. It's ok...Jimin"

By god Jimin never felt so relieved his whole life. He hugged Hope tightly and let his unshed tears run free.

"I'm so glad" his voice trembled with the intensity of emotions. J hope pet his back softly "you are safe now. I'm glad I listened to Taehyung and we went after you...who was that guy?"

Jimin fell silent.

"you knew him...right?" J hope asked softly.

Jimin looked at J hope and everything about him at that moment was comfort. Jimin smiled and snuggled in the crook of the man's neck.

"please hyung...I don't want to talk about it now..."

Jimin looked around and found a very anxious Tae and a very pissed looking cat like man starring right at him with his sharp gaze and a small teasing smirk on his lips.

His heart jumped in his throat as his face progressed turning bright shade of red at the sight of his high school crush.

" Min Yoongi!" he let out a squishy squeal


"I am so disappointed at you Jimin, I thought I taught to fight like a beast, what was that?" Min Yoongi said slowly.

Taehyung eyed his friend shrink in J hope's arms and then he looked at THE Min Yoongi " Hey, thanks for saving him for us"

"the first thing I saw when I stepped foot in town, was my kitten getting harassed by that bastard, what kind of friends you are?"

Taehyung pursed his lips and stopped that naughty giggle "kitten?"

"now get my kitten some..."

"Yoongi yah stop!"

"yah our Minnie is shy"

"Is he?" Yoongi smirked,

God l! he missed his kitten's red face.

"you! Get out, you are making my Jimin uncomfortable, Taehyung kick his cheeky ass out. You ain't seeing him till I approve." j hope grumbled.

"chill man, I am approved by his older brother, I don't need no more approvals, anyways sleep tight and dream about us. Yeah? Good kitten"

Yoongi gave Jimin a small wink with that hot smirk and left the room with Taehyung.

"cheeky bastard" J hope grumbled again"jimin, do you need anything?"

"no...hyung...is ...is he alright?"

"he? He who? Who are you talking about?"

"I..nevermind. I want to sleep."

"bless your soul, I am leaving some snacks and milk for you. Eat up when you feel like."

J hope left the room with a small smile. But in his heart, he knew that Namjoon was upto no good.

Should he tell Seok Jin about it?

Double update cause I love yall
I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜🤩

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