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triple update cause i am happy today 😜😜😜😜💜


"...yah why don't you listen to me" Jin groaned as they entered the apartment.

"When I said I am your fucking babysitter, I meant it" Jungkook put the groceries on the table. Jin eyed the table suspiciously and found a dish with steak on it "you already made shit on the table, I told you I hate the smell of this shit"

Jungkook frowned "wha?" his big eyes landed on the piece of cooked steak on the table "I didn't... this one looks good though". His mouth watered at the appetizing sight of stake.

"wait" Jin stopped him, his eyes hardening. It might be poison.

His sight identified the glass vase from his side table, flowers from the artificial vain Taehyung bought and implanted in his room, ignoring his protest, and a pink scarf resting on the chair.

His breath quicken as his eyes widen with the realization "Minnie?"

"Jin? Hyung..." Jungkook looked at him with concern. The man was changing emotions like changing clothes today!

"I gotta go" he plucked the scarf from the chair

"I'll come with..."

"no," he said and rushed out, leaving Jungkook behind.

Jimin came to his apartment after so long. He came to him...it meant he was forgiven?

He eased his breath as he stood in front of the Sunshine and Rainbow café. Jimin's café. He swung the glass door open and there he was, serving a couple with his cute smile.

He ruffled his black hair with frustration. He ran all the way here, only to get anxious about how Jimin will react.

He heaved in a heavy breath to compose himself and approached his stepbrother "hey Mi... Jimin..."

Jimin seemed to tense up. And turn towards him "hey..."

And it felt like someone squeezed his heart mercilessly. Jimin's busted lips and a bruise on his right cheek, long finger marks imprinted on his pale beautiful neck.

His insides twisted thinking about who might have done this.

"who did it?" the scarf was long forgotten in his hand.

Jimin stepped back, he was seeing Jin change his emotions like a chameleon. His face went from soft and loving to menacing in a second.

"what are you talking about?"

Jin placed his finger softly on his purple bruise and watched his brother's eyes spread with fright "n.no one... I fell"

He lied.

Please it's not what he thinks it is!

His voice shuddered with fright "I see knuckles Minnie. Who was it?"

"I did it"

Jin squeezed his eyes shut and inhaled a huge chunk of breath to calm himself.

The world is too cruel to live in.

"Let's speak outside!" he fiercely pulled Namjoon from his collar, who was eerily calm about all this and even winked at Jimin.

The sight of his attacker from last night made Jimin shudder with fright.

He watched them leave the café and he was stunned to see Taehyung's figure rushing swiftly behind them, like a shadow.

What is going on?


I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜💜

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