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Jin hustled to his apartment, he could not believe he actually met Jimin in flesh and blood and he did his best to not bring the pool of disgusting memories but they came rushing down in his poor brain who had enough for today.

he locked himself in his apartment and exhaled deep and long breaths, in a poor attempt to calm himself. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and for a mere second, he felt his heart leaped out of his rib cage.

The sickening smell of cigar hallowed over his senses. He trembled with fear, with anxiety, or an annoying sense of nostalgia. He didn't know. He took one last deep inhale and turned slowly and located that tall man on his creamy couch, with a cigar between his smirk.

"good afternoon" he heard a rumble.

"joon?" his eyes immediately landed on Namjoon's bandaged hand. Concern filled his heart but the distance between their hearts held him firmly at his spot. He cleared his throat as Namjoon smashed his lit cigar on the poor couch's arm.

Augh! It'll take ages to get cleaned.

"surprised?" Namjoon stood on his feet and moved towards him with steady slow steps.

Jin shrugged and opened his door "I don't get the need for this displeasure, now get lost"

"I wish I could" Namjoon rumbled as his gaze fixed in Jin's wavering eyes, trying to search for the old warmth and affection, but all he got was ruthless wilderness inside his hard gaze. It infuriated him to his guts and he ended up banging his injured hand on the delicate coffee table.

"I wish I could.."

"hah great! Now break this poor shit just like us "

Namjoon growled and held Jin's throat in his hands, he could have sworn he saw madness in Jin's eyes as he cackled hysterically in Namjoon's hold.

Oooh that was enough bullshit for today. He kicked Namjoon's ribs and his hard knuckle landed on the smooth skin of his old friend's face.

"hah! Out of tricks big guy?" Jin spats at Namjoon "Now look here you moron, I am not someone to bother. Never show me your fucking face. Now fuck off"

Jin shoved Namjoon's huge body out of his apartment door, but Namjoon's unexpected jab caught him off guard. He fell face-first on his slippery white tiled floor.

"you thought you could live sanely after backstabbing me? oh no, you jerk, I am dragging you with me in hell. Gosh, things would be easy if you listened to me" he kicked jin on his back and got furious when the latter didn't respond. He watched how he was breathing heavily and even tried to get up. Namjoon clicked his tongue in annoyance and grabbed his hand.

Jin felt a sudden pinch on his right hand. It was getting darker now and Namjoons's voice was no more coherent.

He tried to get his senses back, his wavering sight caught a sharp thin needle stuck on his right hand. His heart hurt, his brain throbbed, his eyes begged to weep till they no longer see.


He heard a distant rumble and sighed weakly. His brain took him to the darkest corner of his subconscious.


hi guys. be patient, good things are just around the corner😉😉I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜

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