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Jin pushed Namjoon to the wall "what the fuck are you doing?"

The devil chuckled and looked at his once best friend "Eye for an Eye Hyung... Eye for an Eye..." Jin frowned and grit his teeth. He wanted to wipe away that grin from namjoon's face "stop whatever you think you are doing Namjoon".

Namjoon was going out of control and may harm someone other than him. That should not happen.

He heard Namjoon snicker "Did you forget hyung? You and I have an unsettled business"

"Don't pull my innocent brother in our mess."

"She was equally innocent" he stepped forward, making Jin step back and slithered "But the question is, what are you gonna do about it hyung?" his eyes were stone cold and hard with hatred.

It was an open challenge. And Jin didn't want that, he didn't wanted things to get worse than it already was.

"Namjoon... stop. I am warning you"

"And if I did come after some innocent lives, then what are you gonna do about it? Punch me?" he chuckled, amused by little panic on Jin's face.

"just what I thought hyung. You just bark and no bites" he snickered, igniting Jin inside out. His eyes were burning with rage and his hand that was holding baby pink scarf trembled. He seethed with rage "I will kill you Namjoon"

Namjoon grit his teeth and growled at him "wrong answer" he blew a hard punch at Jin which he blocked, but he could not dodge the fierce kick on his belly.

Jin groaned and fell on the ground. Namjoon tusked and squatted near Jin and pulled his face up by his hair "funny how you are so weak yet you say bold shit" his powerful fist aimed at Jin's face again.

He grit his teeth when Jin blocked his attack with a nearby empty wine bottle, but he successfully blew a hard knuckle in Jin's chest, making him gasp for air.

"Imagine how I would play with your brother after you die my friend" his dark chuckles froze Jin's blood. Despite his blurred vision, he fought his way out of Namjoon's fierce grasp and blew a hard punch on Namjoon's lips, busting out a fountain of red hot liquid.

"I'll drag you down with me then..."

Hurt, Namjoon saw what he wanted. The colors of betrayal in Jin's eyes.

The colors of hurt were so beautiful in Jin's eyes that Namjoon wants to see more. He wanted to make his life a living hell.

And he will make him beg for death.

Despite his injured lips, he smirked sadistically at Jin who was struggling to stand on his feet.

Jin at last managed to stand on his feet. He harden his knuckles again for the combat, but Namjoon stood straight, looking in his eyes "I will make sure to make you beg for death...even then, you won't die Hyung. Because what's the fun if you died during your punishment?"

Jin shook his head, the hard hit on his head earlier was making him dizzy. He stood on his ground, knuckles ready, eyes sharp on his enemy "I won't allow it. I won't allow you to stoop so low"

"I want you to feel the same excruciating pain here in your heart, when I'll beat your brother and fuck him"

The fuse in Jin's head just expired and he shouted his lungs out at the man in front of him "oh for heaven's sake shit head I didn't kill your sister" and lunged forward with the craziness that Namjoon witnessed in their childhood.

The desperation to fight, even he was at the brink of his limit.

He smirked and blocked the blow effortlessly "You hurt her. You used her out of her will and when she got pregnant, you killed her"

Jin gritted out with rage and successfully hit Namjoon on his face "I never touched her, I never hurt her, I never even liked her"

"it was my fault too, to put my trust in you..."

"Namjoon..." Jin huffed with rage and shook his head to gain control over his fleeting consciousness. But Namjoon grabbed him from his collar and threw another punch creating a significant impact on elder's breathing "I will do what you did five years ago..." he pushed Jin to the wall and pressed his neck, suffocating the life out of him " I will hurt Jimin so bad that you won't be able to do anything...I will fuck up everyone who will cross paths with you.. I want you to die, in front of my eyes. In the dark lonely apartment where you live. "

Jin was a stubborn mutt, he chuckled through the little air Namjoon was letting pass through his throat "try me bitch" and spit the blood in his mouth on Namjoon's face

Namjoon groaned with disgust "bastard". He threw Jin near trash bags and spit on his bruised bloody face ,and left his almost lifeless body in the alley, while wiping the blood on his face.

Jin's fading vision caught the sight of a frightened face leaning over him as he passed out for good.

Hey fam, i hope you like this update. I was a bit busy 😁😁😁 let me know with your comments and votes how the story is going.
I purple you guys 💜💜💜💜

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