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he heard it. A distant call, unfamiliar voice calling his name. he tried to open his eyes but he failed. He felt like he was floating in the air, as light as feather. He heard it again, a worried voice calling his name. Then there was something stingy on his right arm, he squinted his eyes and a painful gasp left his mouth.

Then it was silent. Serene silence and warmth cocooned around him. He smiled softly, feeling a soft feathery touch on his cheek. His heart was dancing on the soft hum of the voice.

Was this heaven?

He felt his brain gain consciousness slowly. White sharp light stung his eyes and he groaned as his head throbbed like a drum.

As his gaze adjusted in the light, he found himself protectively held in an embrace.

Who the fuck?

His brain buzzed with confusion but through the hazy clouds of his consciousness, he noticed the familiarity of scent and warmth coming from the person.


He croaked as his heartbeat raced. He could not believe it, how? How is it possible?



"you...are here.."


"I missed you. Mom..."


"I didn't...didn't do it, mom I..."


The softness of someone's hand caressed his forehead. In the hazy vision, he saw a soft image of a person, in childish excitement, his heart thumped harmonizing the melodious harmony sung in his ear.

A soft kiss on his cheek filled him with sweetness. His brain satisfied him with the belief, that his dead mother visited him in his sleep.


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