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It was week later his blackout and hobi would not stop scolding him and shamelessly visiting him even though Jin had thrown him out several times. Yet hobi was determined not to leave the elder alone. 

Jin was reluctant to keep j hope with him. He was noisy, loud, unbothered about cleanliness, snores like several hand grenades bombarding at the same time and above all, he was programmed to keep his mouth uttering noises… ugghh. Like last night, he could not shut up about his ex and ruined the dinner. He just could not help it. 

Eventhough jin hated hope's such annoying features, he still allowed jhope to show his face. 

 Jin woke up early next morning and his head started his ritual to throb. He turned the coffee maker and went for shower. J hope woke up and found the opportunity to step in the red area…the kitchen. 

After enough effort, he managed to produce pancakes and scrambled eggs with some hot chocolate. He was waiting for jin to come out of his shower so he could enjoy the masterpiece. he was so hungry and the alluring appetizing smell of the food was making him drool practically. 

At last jin stepped out of the bathroom with his wet hair. He looked for j hope while drying his hair with the towel. He stepped out of the room and heard j hope's Opera from the kitchen. An adoring smile carved on his face and he called him out"ya brat! Who told you to step in my kitchen" 

He heard j hope's giggles and merrily waljed to his kitchen. But he stopped. His eyes dilated and his face scrunched up with pain.

The smell of pancakes and heavy aura of cocoa made his head spin wildly. He grabbed his throbbing head in his hands.

The familiar smell of breakfast felt like rotten blood. His hazy brain picked up image of panicked hobi danced in front of his eyes"am ok" he didn't forget to mention. 

He turned his face away from hobi because that guy was practically oozing with that smell of pancakes and his brain was not helping either. 

 it made his stomach flip and his throat pricked with the bitterness. He covered his mouth quickly and ran back to the bathroom, gagging breathlessly. J hope ran after him and held him by both shoulders. He could not understand what was happening to his hyung.

The too much appetizing smell of the heavenly breakfast made Jin sick. That smell haunted his senses and images of faded golden memories washed over his sight. Tears of agony fell from his eyes and he shoved away his soft hearted friend. And locked himself in the bathroom.

J hope had enough of this shit. He fished out his cell phone from his back pocket and called namjoon.

"Namjoon hyung need help"

"Sorry hobi I am busy"

"HE IS DYING" j hope yelled with all his might


  His brain blacked out woth rage. Did namjoon just hung up on him...why? 

Namjoon was not like that“ that namjoon is heartless to leave a man dying” He growled and shoved his cell back in his pocket. He banged the door open and you d jin curled up with pain.He carried  jin in his arms and dragged the reluctant male to his car and drove off. The fresh morning air hit jin and at last Jin spoke with weak voice” what was that for??”

"Hang in there hyung. No worries. Everything's gonna be fine." J hope let out a sigh of relief and patted jin's sweaty head. Jin's forehead creased“ what was that smell hobi? that…that rotten smell in my apartment?”jin asked the worried man beside him and took deep breathes in.

  j hope watched him worriedly “hyung I am sorry, I didn’t meant to… I didnt knew you hated it that much. As long as I remember you loved that”

“ let’s go back”

   “hyung let’s have breakfast at some café” jin shook his hands in disapproval ” hobi, I can't and besides, you dragged me out in the bath robe you dumb”

J hope giggled“ooohh hahahaaha hyung you still look good” and winked with a naughty smile.

Jon screamed “LET ME GO HOME” jin was not in the mood. It was after math of his morning ritual and hobi was not getting it.

“OR WHAT??” hobi playfully yelled back but hus heart stopped when jin snapped and smacked the back of his head" chill out man, i am just taking you for breakfast and if you are worried about clothes then don't worry I have plenty at my apartment. And besides minie wanted to see you”

Jin stopped ranting and chills went down his spine all at once at mention of the familiar Nick name he gave to a bubbly little boy.

 J hope felt this sudden change and cleared his throat ”hyung no need to feel bad, let the past be the past” and then he smiled assuring him that everything will be fine. But he was wrong.

“stop the car” jin said flatly. 

“hyung..”J hope tried but jin slammed his both palms on the dash board and roared“STOP THE DAMN CAR HOSEOK”

The car stopped with screeching tires and Jin raced out of the car.

 j hope was stunned. His heart trembled with heavy emotions. This morning was just testing his limits. 

 He was so shocked to see Jin act like that. he slowly started the car and drove away.

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