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The italic is for the past events. enjoy~


It was lunchtime and he sat on his seat peacefully, waiting for Jin. His dimples popped out as his bright smile danced on his lips. He caressed the pink and blue ribbon bracelet Jin got him. His eyes gleamed with happiness. His heart bubbled with joy each time his eyes landed on "brothers forever" dangling down the pretty bracelet.

He sighed happily. But his happy moments never lasted long.

"Aww, what do we have here?"

A hard hand grabbed him from his back and anxiety took over his lungs. He shut his eyes and tried to compose himself.

"Where have you been ape butt?"

"We were pretty lonely"

He was suddenly surrounded by a group of bullies, who were gathering around him, too close for his liking. Their bodies were hot with malice and un-recruited rage.

Despite his efforts, anxiety took over him completely and he shrunk with fear. He tried to escape their terrifying hold. But one of the tallest boy's eyes caught the pretty bracelet in his shaking palms. He chuckled "Oh! What's this?" and snatched the friendship bracelet from namjoon's shaking hands and snickered. "Awh how cute! Brothers forever what a crap!"

Namjoon's eyes widen and he shook his head "no, give it back"

"What? You want this piece of shit?"


"Come and get it nerd" that bastard threw the bracelet in the air and it fell in the garbage can. Namjoon's body stilled, he never felt so much fire and heat in his body like this.

"oops, I guess I threw it right where it belonged" the meanie shrugged his shoulders and fist-bumped one of his friends.

The boys started laughing, unaware of the misery they were about to face. Namjoon grabbed the boy taller than him by the collar and threw a punch on his hard chest as hard as he could.

It was suddenly silent in the bustling cafeteria of the school. All eyes landed on Namjoon, standing strong between the gang of bullies.

But he was far too much stronger than Namjoon. Instead of getting hurt, he started laughing even harder and his gang followed after him, throwing punches and dirty looks at anxious frightened Namjoon.

In the midst of it, Namjoon heard a war cry and someone banged something heavy on the tall bully's knee cap, successfully dislocating it "No one messes with my brother" another powerful blow of his heavy bag landed on the bully's head, knocking him senseless on the floor. Namjoon had a clear view of Jin standing with him, carrying a heavy bag that certainly doesn't belong to him.

"uh..uh jin..."

"Joon are you ok?"

"b.but ..."

"thank god, aahhh" a guy threw a lethal kick at Jin's back.

And the torture began. He was beaten to a pulp. They threw his limp body on the ground and tore the pretty bracelet into shreds and threw it on the ground.

"there, that's what you get for playing hero haha" they laughed and clapped

Namjoon never felt so heartbroken before. A stream of sorrowful tears fill his eyes as awfully painful gasps fell from his lips. Something snapped inside him at that moment and he shook with rage. He collected the remaining pieces of the bracelet and secured them in his pocket.

He advanced forwards and lunged at the guys twice his size and age. He saw red at that moment. Punch after punch, he didn't care if his fists landed on aim, he needed to fight. But he was still young and weak, he was soon thrown on the hard tiled floor.

He heaved his chest up for some air, his vision blurred with tears and fear. The adrenalin he felt was now nowhere to be found. He waited for the bullies to continue the torture but he heard the powerful banging again. And one by one, his bullies were being banged by a heavy bag with god knows what inside of it.

Jin stood wavering on his wobbly feet, blood dripped from his nose and busted lips, still, he stood firm on his ground. He had clear rules for his life.

He will never fall, he will never show his weakness and he will definitely fuck up anyone who hurt his loved ones.

Namjoon watched him in awe, even though he was swaying, but he stood on his ground and yelled "scram bitches" with all his might.

Namjoon staggered on his feet and held Jin's arm "Hyung how did you got up? Oh my god, you are bleeding!"

Jin whipped his head towards Namjoon, his eyes immediately soften as his clenched jaws relaxed "no shit Sherlock" He squished Namjoon's bread cheeks in his palms and sang hazily "You were brave today joonie~".

He threw a bloody smile at equally swollen and bloody Namjoon. Namjoon heaved a wavering sigh and burst out crying, holding, more like crushing poor little Jin in his embrace.


"shut up and take me to the medical care. The heavens are calling for mee~"

"no hyung please don't die!."

" pfft silly Joonie~ am I not allowed to be dramatic once in a while?"


"ok ok , stop crushing me you big baby, and let's go to see pretty nurses"

Just as the duo left, with arm in arm, the cafeteria was filled with a strange kind of excitement.

A new era of friendship was about to rein the school.

And a little heart melted with the burning courage of rich little boy named Kim seok Jin.  


I hope you guys are well and enjoying this story. share, vote, and comment. I purple you💜💜💜

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