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Double update cause why not!!

art is not mine, credits to the owner!


"Minnie..." Jimin repeated under his breath, holding the baby pink scarf in his fingers.

He stood in front of Jin's apartment. he was biting his plush lips and sighed, "well, here goes nothing" It was hurting now.

He gulped and dinged the bell. Though he knew the code, he wanted Jin to open the door.

He waited... and waited until he got tired.

No one opened the door. He huffed and punched in the code.

The door opened "Fucking finally" and he stepped in. everything was pretty much... smelt and felt like Jin. He heaved in a deep breath, basking in the heavenly familiar setup of the apartment.


He put his coat and scarf on the chair and smiled. It was pretty much the same when he shared this place with his Hyung.

But the big ass scary mirrors were new.

He opened the fridge to put Hobi's homemade ice-cream cake in. And he was shocked to see this much food in the fridge "eh? Is Hyung eating again?"

His heart fluttered with happiness. His Hyung was having meals!

His eyes landed on two dirty plates and his brows squinted "seriously? Is he forgetting to do chores now?" he clicked his tongue and pulled up his baby blue sweater's sleeves. He set himself to washing dishes, then he opened the fridge.

His eyes landed on pieces of stake.

His eyes rounded with surprise "Hyung! Oh Hyung..." he bit his lips with an endearing smile, pondering on his thoughts and reaching a decision. He pulled out a nice piece of steak and prepared himself to cook the best stake of all times.

He decorated the dish and placed it on the dining table. He found a delicate glass vase and put some flowers in it.

Satisfied with his work, he smiled "he's gonna love it hehe".

With a happy heart and a satisfied smile, he left his hyung's apartment. Satisfied that he was doing better, he was coming back to life. He skipped merrily on his way home.

He had a piece of very good news to tell Hobi Hyung.


what do you think!!

I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜

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