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double update because i love yall 💜💜💜💜💜


Jungkook held Jin in his arms firmly. His eyes were filled with sadness and his chest heaved with rage. He lifted him in his arms and placed Jin carefully on the soft bed. If he hadn't snatched that tux coat from Taehyung at Jimin's cafe and sprinted towards Jin's apartment giddily, he would never have seen Jin in this state.

For once he didn't regret snatching things from Taehyung.

He softly caressed Jin's damp forehead. "god why are you testing my patients?" he whispered to himself as Jin softly whimpered with pain.

. He sat on the comfy sofa chair and sent Taehyung the apartment's location.

Taehyung was quick to respond and within fifteen minutes, he was inside Jin's apartment and met with teary-eyed Jungkook who quickly took him to Jin's bedroom.

"he needs you, some relaxation medicine, he's in pain you know"

"fuck guk what happened to him, awh ! his face is bruised and..."

"save the details for later Tae and help him, he is in pain"

"ok" Taehyung examined Jin "don't worry, I am on it..." he quickly pumps Jin's stomach and wails "somebody gave him a high dose of sedation" and almost had a heart attack when Jin's hand, held his palm. Jungkook got alert and held Taehyung close to his body, careful not to detach Taehyung's hand from Jin's hold.

They held their breaths and watched Jin struggling to open his eyes.

"mom..." he breathed out

"The fuck?"

"shut up guk" Taehyung whispered shouted at Jungkook and decided to see where this goes "hey...shush...I'm here..." and caressed Jin's cheeks softly.

The man squirmed and tried his best to open his eyes yet failed dismally and sobbed " you are here... I. I missed you..."

Taehyung felt Jungkook's hold on his arm getting harder, he knew what Jungkook was going through, so he let Jungkook hold him and pet Jin's cheek, and hummed softly.

They heard Mr. Perfect break down into broken sobs "I didn't do it..."

And man that was hard for Jungkook to experience all that.

Taehyung, on the other hand, composed himself and kept on replying to Jin with sweet nothings, like he was comforting a lost kid.

Jin fell in deep peaceful slumber after shedding a shitload of tears, leaving Jungkook feeling miserable.

"kookie" taehyung breathed out, slowly pulling Jungkook's stronghold from his arms.


"you can let go of my arm now, he's asleep. He is fine, for now"

"who..who did this to him..." he trembled with rage.

Taehyung took Jungkook outside Jin's bedroom and hugged him, he knew Jungkook was sensitive to situations like this "hey, it's ok..." he may look like and walk around like a macho man but he was a soft bunny on the inside.

"he doesn't deserve this... I won't...I don't allow this.." Jungkook fisted his palms and looked away from Taehyung to hide his face from his best friend slash crush.

"shush guk ... it's alright he was given a high dosage of sedation... he will sleep ..."

"no tae are you blind? He was beaten to this state. And whoever did this to him, I will escort that bastard to hell myself.."

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