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Double update cause its been so long🤦enjoy!
"Excuse me what?"

Seok jin had enough. He was done with it.

Today, Namjoon invited him over at his house. As he stepped in, he was met with none other than Namjoon's little Hiyorin.

"hey baby sister" he was in a good mood, so he greeted her with blinding smile.

She giggled and gave him that sweet dimpled smile.

She took him to the small study, where normally Namjoon and Seok Jin did their homework and played chess with Mr.Kim.

"Oppa, Namjoonie hyung just stepped out to bring snacks...is it ok...if I sit here?" she was unnecessarily fidgety today.

"ok" he saw no problem with that and allowed her. She smiled and sat with him


"hyorin you can call me hyung. Stop calling me oppa."

"but oppa... Hyorinnie have a problem..."

His inner BIG BROTHER woke up instantly.

"who is bothering you? I'll punch that punk's face. And don't bother Joonie, he is still learning to throw shit at people, actually tell him..."

"a boy bothers me..."

"I knew it! Spill that fu...punk's name"

"Kim..."she uttered the surname and fell silent with her hung head. Seok Jin's eyes landed on her dress and he quickly looked the other way. It was a windy weather and she was wearing really light clothes, so light that he could figure out the pink patterens of her undergarment on the light skin shirt.

"... Hyorinnie, there are like thousands of Kims' at our school... other than Joonie, I and that Kim Bao..."

"He bothers me"

"hey.. don't be scared and tell me his full name."

"you will be angry"

"No, your safety comes first baby sister"

"he... he visits joonie hyung and, and he bothers me at night..."

"who is he?" And he lost his fucking fuse. He turned red from head to neck with rage and embarrassment.

She hesitantly bit her lip and held his hand in hers.

It must be serious! Jin leaned forward to hear that fucker's name clearly who bothered his Joonie's baby sister.

"...its Kim Seok Jin"


"Excuse me what?"

She placed his hand on her soft pail neck and smiled sweetly"Kim Seok Jin bothers me the most at night...in my dreams"

The audacity!

"Who Kim Seok Jin?" he needed to double check that crazy fifteen year old child.

She was a child in Namjoon's eyes, and he can't disagree with Him.


He pulled his hand from her warm compelling grasp and stood on his feet.

He can't name his feelings. He was just so pissed at the moment.

"Hyorin... are you flirting with me?" he triple checked, if she was messing with him. But his head shook in dismay when her eyes glowed with lust...pure lust...at such a young age...

She giggled "oppa! I am shy" and leaned towards him, close enough to feel his burning chest.

"Hyorin... I am disappointed..." he seethed with rage and shoved her on the chair. "It's better for me to leave. Think about what you did when you calmed yourself down. Bye" He picked up his bag from the table and sprinted out the study room, down the hall to the main gate.


But she was a persistent little girl. Despite her young age, she craved Seok Jin like he was some sweet candy Namjoon got her at the end of every evening.

She followed him to the gate and latched on his vast back and clung to his shirt "oppa don't leave"

"Kim Hyorin...know your boundaries" he shouted at her so loudly that she got afraid. She immediately let him go and watched him run far from her.

A tiny lump of salt hitched her breath. A salty tear drop slipped on her silky skin and she quivered in the cool wind.

Her teary eyes followed Seok Jin's running form with anger.

"you'll pay... you'll pay to make me cry" she whispered to herself.

Because no one has the audacity to say no to Kim Hyorin... Not even his own brother.

"hyorinnie..why are you out? And why are you crying?" Namjoon found her standing near the gate and dropped the bag full of treats on the ground. He immediately held her in his arms and wiped her tears away. Noticing her clothing, he put his upper on her and hugged her.

Right then, she started to bawl her eyes out "hyung... Hyorinnie is in problem"

"w..what's the matter?"

"Jinnie oppa..."

"What...what happened to him?"

"...he touched... he touches me"

Namjoon wrinkled his brows "Seok Jinnie? Touched you?"

"hyung...please I'm scared...he touches me..."

"Hyorinnie...he can't touch you...you must misunderstand...Jinnie hyung...no you must be misunderstanding baby sister" he pet her hair lovingly and defended his best friend. The spark of loyalty and trust in Namjoon's eyes threw Hyorin's mind off the roof.

She hysterically yelled at her brother "look at me...he asked me to wear this... Do I wear clothes so revealing? NO! And then he touched me! And when I started to cry... he ran away like the coward he is"

"no... Hyorinnie, are you sure you are talking about Seok Jin?"

"Please..." she wept all her tears out on his shoulder "Hyung please believe me, He is a monster...a MONSTER"

Namjoon looked at her with concern. He had no other choice other than to pull his baby sister in his arms.

His furrowed brows and problematic breathing made her smirk through tears.

She successfully placed her first hit on their bond.

Now who will stop her from getting Seok Jin?


The art is so cute!!!! I could not stop myself from stealing it from internet muhahaha😈😈😈😈😈
Anyway enjoy!!
I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜

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