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Next morning came and here it goes again




He flinched when the hot surface of coffee cup touched his upper lip, it burnt his sensitive skin. He gave his cup a disgusted betrayed look and throws it in the bin. He was not hungry any way.

 He was walking slowly, some-how tired, and entered the coaching center. His lips formed a frown at the sight of the  fluff ball known as jeon jungkook.

“Jungkook!”he heard his hoarse voice call the bunny like creature.

“gooood morning beaut…uhhh…. Hyung how are you doing?" Jungkook immediately returned the greetings and brushed away the strings of his bangs falling over his eyes and grinned widely. His attention fully turned on and his eyes never leaving seokjin's blazing hooded eyes.

'Damn he's hot' kookie's naughty brain made a funny comment and his heart buzzed weirdly. He chuckled for no aparent reason. Jin frowned and cleared his throat. 

 Jungkook chirped right in his ears when he was about to lift a dumble "ready to ship shape??” He radiated pure positive energy which was annoying to the elder. 

“yeah, just help me get these shoulders match my body frame” jin gnawed his lower lip thoughtfully giving kookie a whole dimension of thoughts. kookie watched his troubled client with wide eyes and an in-intentional string of saliva dropeed corner of his lips which he wiped almost immediately and stuttered"r.right away"

What more coyld he say. He was just so attracted to the man that he dreamed to just keep him to himself. Seokjin's dark shell only sparked his curious self and he could not stop himself imagining himself with that Mr.Mystery and a puppy on a beach….

He wanted to break open that shell hastily and love him so much so so so much that he forget where he belonged and keep in his warmth for so long that he forget what hardship is.

  but he was his client, so no flirting… 

well will it harm?? 

he smirked at his train of thoughts and began helping seokjin with his regorous work out. He always wondered wby that guy needs to achieve. Why he was always in state of war when he had 

hurry up and get himself all worked out when he was perfectly chiseled like that!

 Jin was always complaining about his irregular shoulders, thin waist, irregular legs, flat muscles….and so on and on… but to be honest, he didn't need that regorous work out but who is complaining about it when you could see him every day all sweaty and out if breath…

'Ok kook you need to calm down here.'kookie suddenly slapped himself on his forehead, drawing attention and weird glances from every where.

He coughed and noded apologetically. His eyes landed on seokjin and he almost forgot to breath"hyung!" A sudden cry of wonder escaped his lips. He ran to seok jin and prevented him from being crushed under the heavy weight.

“ hung stop you are gonna kill your-self” for the first time his heart shattered watching a weird color of desperation on his client's face. Like he was defeated, like he lost something very precious.

“did I… lose some weight?” jin breathed out and swatted kook's hands away. He could not breath properly. Jungkook carried him to the restroom and put him on the hard mattress used for acrobats and aerobics.

He touched his forehead and wiped away cold sweat from his cold skin. He was getting worried about him. Just then seokjin opened his eyes and watched jungkook hovering over him with hioded eyes.

He gasped and pure disgust decorated his handsome face. Kookie turned away and shook his head in denial" non no hyung its not what..you just fainted…" he shut his eyes and clenched his teeth as a powerful fist landed on his chin and knocked him off.

"JEON JUNGKOOK WE ARE THROUGH I WILL SUE YOU I AM LEAVING THIS SHITTY PLACE YOU ARE A DISGRASE ON FACE OF HUMANITY….WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU…"seokjin yelled at him breathlessly while continually hitting his poor head. His strength giving away slowly giving jungkook opportunity to grab his cold wrists in his warm palms

"NOT MY FAULT YOU FAINTED…"he roared at his crazy client's face who in return kicked his stomache


Jin stood up on his wobbly feet only to fall back on the matteress lifeless, snatching breaths away from Jungkook's lungs.

He wasted no time and carried jin to the medics not forgetting to call Taehyung for help.

 “kim taehyung I have an emergencyyyyyy come quick to my center, this bab….this dork blacked out for no reason”

“on my way”

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