Over and Over

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I bandage Delilah's leg while we wait for her to wake up. As I am helping her, I notice a bunch of cuts and scars on her leg.

She starts to stir, and I give her some space, and she is laying on Pepper. She shoots awake and immediately starts to hyperventilate.

"Hey kiddo, you're okay. You're safe. We've got you. Just take some nice deep breaths, okay?"

"I'm sorry, please don't," she pleads. "I'll be good. I'll follow the rules. I'll be quiet, I'm sorry."

I stop her.

"Delilah, look at me. Breathe. You haven't done anything wrong. Just keep focusing on right now. You're doing great."

She looks at me and I can see the terror in her eyes along with the tears threatening to fall.

"No one is going to hurt you kiddo. I promise. No one who is a part of the Avengers is going to hurt you. Do you understand me?"

She nods, and she buries herself in Pepper's arms. Pepper accepts the small child and does her best to calm Delilah down.

An alarm starts to go off and I can hear footsteps running down the hall.

I try to get away from the sound as soon as it starts going off. I cover my ears and try to turn away from everything. Someone starts running towards the room and opens the door. I look up, and it's Mr. Wilson.

"More HYDRA is here. They're attacking the entire building."

As soon as he finishes his second sentence, people come storming into the room and no one has any time to react. I'm thrown across the room, and everything goes dark.

I get sprayed with something, and I can't make anything out. There is so much noise and movement, nothing is clear. I hear Sam yelling more than anything, but I can't understand anything he says.

Everything goes quiet, which can't ever be something good. I try to call out for Tony, Delilah, or anyone, but I just feel my chest tighten.


The next thing I know, Steve and Tony are helping me up.

"Are you okay?" Steve asks. "Is there anything I can get you?"

I shake my head as I sit on the bed. I look around the room, and I don't see Delilah, or Sam, anywhere.

"Where are they?" I ask before breaking into a coughing fit.

Tony hands me a glass of water.

"HYDRA took them. There were too many of them. I don't even know how they got in, but right now, we need to focus on finding them. Wilson has been trained and knows how to deal with the situation, but I'm afraid for Delilah. She's going to feel alone."

No, this can't be happening. I told her that she would be safe. I told her that we would protect her. I was just starting to make progress with her.

"Pepper, she's going to be okay. We'll find them. I promise."

"Tony, it has to be quick. Please."

"JARVIS is already working on it. I promise you that we will do whatever we can, okay?"

"I promised her, Tony. I told her we'd keep her safe."

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