It Gets Worse

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"Friday, scan the package."

"Scanning package," she pauses. "Contents of package seem to be three dolls and one action figure. No danger detected."

Mr. Stark brings the package over to me, but I want nothing to do with that thing. I know all too well what the contents means. I have so many questions, but at the same time, I don't want any of them answered. How did the package get here? Who delivered it? Who did it come from? How did they find me? What if Friday is wrong and there is an undetectable danger? Well, looks like I'm hyperventilating again.

Ms. Natasha takes my hand and gives it a little squeeze. I look up at her, hoping that she understands something. She looks up at Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts like she is trying to do the same thing.

Ms. Potts kneels next to me. "Honey, does the contents of the box mean something to you?"

I can only nod.

"Are you okay if we open it?" Ms. Natasha asks.

I nod again. Mr. Stark takes a pocket knife out and cuts the box. He takes out the items, and as soon as I see the first doll, I know exactly where they came from. How someone got them, I don't know. All I know is that those are the same toys that Mr. Atkins had to represent us at his house.

When I first arrived, there was only one action figure. There was only one other boy living there at the time. It was really late that night, so the doll didn't show up until a few days later. It was the first and only nice thing that Mr. Atkins ever did. He gave me a doll. He didn't let me keep the doll with me, though. It had to stay on the windowsill in the living room. A constant reminder that he was in control of us.

"Hey Delilah?" A voice says.

I snap out of my trance like state and realize that I have just been staring at the box. The voice talks again, and now I know that it's Ms. Potts.

"Delilah? Nancy is here now. Do you want to go downstairs? We can wait a little if you want."

None of my thoughts are clear. I understand what she is saying, but I can't figure out how to respond. Between everything that happened today, everything is just melding into a black hole that is starting to suck me in. I can't get away. It's just pulling me closer and closer, taunting me with fear. If they can find me here, who's to say they can't find me somewhere else? Somewhere where no one can protect me. SI is the first place where I have felt safe in nine years.

"Delilah," Mr. Stark says. "Do you want Nancy to come up here and meet us? Then she can walk you out. Would that be better?"

I nod. I like the sound of that. Something about Ms. Nancy just makes me feel better. Mr. Stark leaves to go bring her up, so it is just the girls in the room. Ms. Potts sits next to Ms. Natasha and me.

"Hey," Ms. Potts says. "You know that you'll always be welcome here, right? We will always be here for you."

Her voice is so soothing. I know that she is saying the words, but how am I supposed to know she means it? How am I supposed to know anything? All I can hope for is everything being over. I just want everything to end. I never want to see his face again. I never want to hear his voice. I just want to be able to leave and never go back.

The door opens.

"Delilah?" A voice asks. "Are you okay?"

I look over to the door. Ms. Nancy is standing there with Mr. Stark. She looks at me and walks over, kneeling in front of me.

"Hey, do you want to go home?" She asks.

I nod. I have no words right now. The best that I can do is nod. I can feel my hands shaking, and I don't know what to do. She places her hand on my shoulder.

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