Day Two

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Delilah should be getting to the tower soon, and I want to have something ready for her to do. She has a lot of potential, and I want her to use it. I also want to make sure that she's okay from yesterday. Obviously, I can only talk about what happened in my lab, but I'm hoping she starts talking about the group chat. All I can do now is wait.

Mr. Happy drops me off at the front doors again, and I thank him. I walk in, say hello to Ms. Kayla and Ms. Grace, then go to the elevator. I say my floor number, and then look at my feet. I try to ground myself as the elevator is moving, just wanting the doors to open so I could get out. They eventually do, and I start walking towards Mr. Stark's lab. The thing is, I don't completely remember the way. There were so many turns, and all of the hallways look the same.

I continue walking, hoping that I am going in the correct direction, when I hear footsteps behind me. I quickly turn around, and someone is standing there with a blade in her hand.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I-I-I'm Mr. Stark's new i-i-intern. I'm s-sorry. I g-g-got lost. Could you please tell me where his l-lab is?" I respond.

She puts the blade away. "Fine. If you get lost, ask Friday for directions. She'll tell you where to go."

I nod, and we walk in silence. I must have taken all the wrong turns because it took us a while to get to Mr. Stark's lab. I quickly thank her and walk in. I set my bag down and go to sit. Mr. Stark seems like he is working on something important and music is blaring. My head doesn't feel great, but I can manage. I wait for him to look up before going over to him.

"Hello, Mr. Stark," I try to say over the music.

He jumps back. "Jesus, kid. How long have you been here?"

I step back. "Sorry. I've been here for a few minutes. You seemed busy, so I waited."

"No, it's fine. I didn't notice you come in. Friday, turn down the music," he says

Friday turns down the music, and Mr. Stark stands up. I wait where I am while he gets pieces to some machine out of a cabinet. It looks like it had been smashed with a hammer multiple times then dropped off the roof of a building. In other words, it is severely damaged.

"This is what you'll be working on today," Mr. Stark says. "There are different parts that you can work with because some of these are just trash. I'll be in and out of the lab if you need help."

"What's it supposed to be?" I ask.

"That would be good to know. It's a battery for a new suit I'm designing. I try to use old parts if I can. There's a junk box of parts in the corner if you need something different. Do what you want, just make it functional," Mr. Stark responds.

I nod, and get to work. I can't believe that Mr. Stark is trusting me with this. I start by taking everything apart, and separating the damaged parts with the salvageable ones. The main part of the battery has also taken some damage, so I need to completely disassemble the entire thing. I lay everything out so I can see it, then go to see what is in the junk box. Some parts are easy to find, but the box is so big that I need to dig for others. I just want this to be perfect for Mr. Stark.

Once I find all of the pieces I think I'll need, I start to put the battery back together. Mr. Stark said that he would be in and out of the lab, but he hasn't come back in since he left the first time. He's busy, so I didn't want to ask Friday to get him, but there was a little moment where I kind of needed some help. I'm all good now, but I may or may not have created something sharp. I put it to the side where all of the broken pieces are, and I'll dispose of it later. I start with the main part, then work around it. There are so many wires that need to be connected very carefully.

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