Why, Why, Why?

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I put my phone in my locker after closing the messages. No one knew that I was texting these people, not even Ella. I don't know what I would do if someone found out. I grab my binders that I need for morning classes, then walk to Ella's locker. She is closing her locker as I get there, and we walk to first period together. Even though I am only 13, I go to Midtown High. Ella is 15, but we are still in the same grade. Being a freshman at a school for smarties is very intimidating, especially when you should be in seventh grade.

Ella and I have the same morning classes, since the school wanted me to have a familiar face, but really, they want to look good in the eyes of the district. Our first class is AP Biology, and we are lucky enough to be lab partners. I am fortunate enough to have done online school and gotten my English and history credits out of the way, so I take a bunch of science and math courses, along with some fun classes. Out of the eight periods that we have, I am taking two languages, two AP science classes, two advanced math classes, and two music classes. Even though I only have two languages in my schedule, I have online courses where I am doing two more languages. I already speak English, Spanish, and French, but I am learning Italian, Swahili, Mandarin, and ASL.

Ella and I sit down in biology, and I see on the board "Stark Industries Internship" in big letters. I can't help but smile because it has been my dream to work at SI. I don't care if it is just an internship, I want to do it. The teacher starts passing around applications, and I take one. I notice that Ella takes one, too.

"May the odds be ever in your favor," she says.

"I think you are a little too obsessed with Hunger Games," I tell her.

She shrugs and starts filling out the application. I do the same, even though I probably won't get it. They youngest that they have ever hired was 16, and I'm 13. If there is one thing that I can remember my mom telling is to shoot for the stars. I try to remember as much as possible from my parents, but I only remember a few things. I know that mom and dad would be proud of me, but Mr. Atkins would make a fuss. I notice as I am filling out the application that I need an emergency contact number in case anything happened.

"Would your mom be okay if she was my emergency contact?" I ask Ella.

"You know she is," Ella responds.

I smile, and go on with my day.

Time skip because of a brain fart

The last bell rings to dismiss eighth period and I start walking to my locker. Today has been a pretty good day compared to some of the others, but I still have to go "home." There are three other kids that I have to pick up from the elementary school before I go, since they don't want to walk alone. I'm fine with it since they are like my siblings, but pretty soon there will only be two of us. Two of the kids are being adopted, and will be able to move out of the hell hole that is the foster home. Then, there will only be me and a little boy.

As I am thinking of the kids, my books and binders get slapped out of my hands.

"Hey loser, where do you think you're going?"

I know the voice immediately, and I don't want to look up. I crouch down and start picking up my things and another kid helps me. I say a quick thanks and try to keep walking, but once again, my books hit the floor.

"I asked you a question. It's not nice to not respond," the voice says.

"I'm going to my locker. Some of us have places to be," I respond.

I don't even look back to see his face, because I know that would be a mistake. I just keep walking until I get to my locker, and grab my backpack. I put my homework in my backpack as quick as possible and get out the door. I start walking to the elementary school when I hear something behind me. I turn around, thinking it was nothing, until I get pushed into the wall. My head slams against the brick and I can feel something crack. I open my eyes, and sure enough, in front of me is Henry.

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