Wrong Number

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Hey Ella, can you give me the homework from Mrs. Duffy?

This isn't Ella.

Ella, stop. If I don't get the homework,
Mr. Atkins is going to get upset. Please?

Seriously, this isn't Ella.
I've never met anyone named Ella.

Ella, please. I am BEGGING you. I
need the homework. I don't want to have
to explain another black eye.

Woah, are you okay? I'm not kidding
when I say I'm not Ella, but do you need
help with something?

No, thanks. Um, sorry for bothering you.

Wait, kid. Come back😥 What's your name?

Why do you want to know? Why would some
stranger care?

I'm not just some stranger. I've texted a wrong number
before and it saved me. I just want to help.

Fine, my name is Delilah. Hbu?

You can call me Web.

Okay, Ms. Web, I told you my name. Why
cant I know yours? Are you trying to
kidnap me?

Ms. Web
What? No!😱😰
My life can be very dangerous because
of who I know. I just want to keep
you safe. Also, I'm a dude.

Okay, Why do you care?

Mr. Web
I care because I have been there.👍

Well, thanks. I have to go do my homework
now. Sorry for texting the wrong number.

Mr. Web
No problem 👌 good luck.

A/N: This is a completely new writing style for me and I kinda love it. When I joined Wattpad not even a mouth ago, my friend told me to read a story by RosaMeurs called Wrong Number, Kid. I fell in love with those kinds of stories and have read a bunch of them. I don't want to be exactly like everyone else, so this is kind of if this would happen after Peter Parker had gotten the wrong number for an Avenger. When I am finished with this story, I might go and write a backstory for Peter if people like it.

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