thank you :)

137 6 15

songs used:

you and me by lifehouse

this is how you fall in love by jeremy sucker and chelsea cutler

medicine by daughter

always remember us this way by lady gaga

daylight by taylor swift

say you wont let go by james arthur

hello uwu, Where You Belong has come to an end :< huhu.

believe it or not, this story had made so much attachment into me that i didnt know exactly how to end it nor i dont really want to end it here :< and this story was one of my best and one of my favorite stories i ever wrote here over the years of being a wattpad writer, you could see the efforts i did for this story and you could also see which was my other favorites and bests ><

so yeah, no matter what i did, i had to end it here but before i officially end this story, i wanted you to know that dont lose yourself just by proving how much you love someone, because at the end of the day, no ones gonna save you and no ones gonna love you as much as you love yourself. and its okay to choose yourself over to anyone or anything, it wasnt being selfish, it was being you. . you who deserve everything except pain.

thank you so much for reading and supporting me to this journey. this story wouldn't come this far without you, ayiee. i wont forget all the happiness, tears, pain and even how much anger you had for mingming. everything we shared here will remain as treasure to me and thank you wasnt even the right words for this indescribable support you had given me, but still, thank you. 💚

i also hope you had learned some lessons or two within this one, because for me, as a writer, i had learned a lot by writing this story.

just always remember that, you are loved, you are precious and you are worthy of everything. dont let someone limit you, controlled you and dictate you to do the things you should and shouldn't do. i am so proud of whatever you may become and i dont care may it be small or big as long as you are happy and you love what you are doing, those are enough to me. you are more than what you think you are to yourself. i love you, always. 💚

once again, thank you for being the best place to me during this journey. keep safe, always.💚

Where You Belong has officially ended.

thank you, my best place where i belong.


2020 Seventeen Project (narrative)

#1 anyone but you :: soonhoon✔

#2 a million dreams :: verkwan✔

#3 rewrite the stars :: minwon/meanie✔

#4 stairs in the north :: seoksoo✔

#5 where you belong :: junhao✔

#6 time and fallen leaves :: jeongcheol

WYB :: junhao :: ssouland :: 2020

november 18, 2020

september 20, 2021

🎧where you belong by kari kimmel

Where You Belong :: junhaoWhere stories live. Discover now