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Hey guys! I am back with a sweet chapter from Liam’s POV, the first from his POV and I hope you like the insight of his thoughts too.

Happy cupidly reading, sugarplums!!!!



“.....She will break to see her son like this”.

Her words brought all the walls I built to hide my fears to the ground. She knows me too well, things even I don’t know about myself and emotions I’m too scared to admit to myself.


She is the one person in this whole world who hold this power over me, always had from the moment I saw her, I vowed to keep her protected from all the pain. I want to keep her happy. But today I feel like I failed her. I couldn't keep my promise to protect her. I am the one who is causing her pain, who she is scared about.

Her words pulled me out of the mess of emotions I had fallen into. She is right. Mom’s news today about her sickness broke me in some way, I felt a weird pain in my chest, I didn’t want to lose my mom and I didn’t want to break, to cry in front of everyone. I wanted to be strong, strong to hold everyone together and comfort them. I tried to shut my emotions but it was becoming harder. After mom, dad and everyone left for hospital and Kristina and Lucy walked towards her room, I walked out of the house to get some fresh air and stay away from them so that I can shut my emotions.

I ran away

I shouldn’t have.

I never did.

But there I was at the one place that shield me from the outer world. My territory where I can be more of myself. I laid down on the rock , my eyes shut tight as I tried to get a grip over everything going and be stronger. 

I should have known Chloe would find me. She is the only person after me who know about this place and she wouldn’t let me run away.

When she laid down beside me, my resolve slipped away, I couldn’t keep the burst of emotions on bay for a long time.

But it was nothing.

Nothing in comparison to hearing her say she is scared to lose me. It terrified  me just to think about not having her in my life. She was right; in less than a few hours-my outlook of life, my way of dealing with emotions, my need to be stronger changed me.

I had cradled her face against my chest as she cried harder. When I pulled away slightly to look at her as her sobbing stopped, she looked at me in that way that would no doubt break every damn resolve in me. I can’t hurt her. Her tears absolutely frigging kill me.


I have to clean this mess so that I can be her boey boy like I used to because I don’t want her to be scared of losing me. She is right and I’ll do everything to make it right.

“ I am trying to be stronger for her, girly. I just needed some air. I think we should go back.” I tried to stand but she caught my wrist and got up before I could walk back to the house.

And then she pulled my face down to hers and pressed her lips against mine.

 I froze.

What the hell!!

Chloe was kissing me. She pressed her lips against mine holding me in place as she stood on her toes to reach me. She took the support of my body to stand still without falling. Her eyes were closed shut tightly. She looked like an angel as the sunrays softly fall over her face. Her face so close to mine.

I shouldn’t kiss her. She is Adam’s little sister. She is my girly girl. But I couldn’t stop the kiss. It felt way too good. I closed my eyes as she parted her lips to give entry to my tongue and her taste was so fucking sweet, she melted completely against me and explored my mouth with her tongue as I did hers. I lost myself in that kiss. And I felt wetness on my fingers as I cupped her cheeks.

I opened my eyes to find hers looking at me with her beautiful auburn eyes, her eyes were filled with warmth and tears as a few drops slip down and she cupped my cheeks without breaking the kiss. We kissed softly, lazily exploring and losing ourself in that kiss. I felt wetness on my cheeks and a few drops dropped on her cheeks which moved down the valley of her neck. It took a moment to realize they were my tears mixed with hers. I was so lost in the kiss, I didn't realize I was crying.

But I was not scared anymore. I didn’t try to control my emotions. I let go and for the first time in months I felt relieved. I didn’t say anything as I let the tears flow, letting the hurt, pain, anger, stress and tears all out. Chloe broke the kiss as she hugged me tightly and I buried my face in her hair breathing in her soothing scent. Both of us held each other as we cried. We stood there for a long time holding each other in our arms. Finally we broke apart to take a look at each other. Her eyes were puffy from crying and my gaze fell on her lips, her red swollen lips and I could feel those lips on mine. As if she read that thought, a fierce blush crept up her skin. She was the most beautiful girl I ever saw. Even with puffy eyes and swollen lips she looked beautiful.

She looked at me with wide eyes  before she started laughing and I was grinning so wide my face hurts. She was so damn cute.

I was waiting anxiously for the talk about the kiss to come, I thought now things will become awkward between us but that talk never happened and things were as it used to be. She was grinning at me as she caught my wrist in her small hands and dragged me to her favourite spot by the lake.

“ I don’t think we can go home now looking like that”, she said pointing to our faces. “ So lets look at this beautiful sky for now and we can go home after sometime.”

So I texted Adam that Chloe and I will be home later. I should have felt guilty because she is his baby sister and completely off-limits but the guilt and regret never came. I really loved that kiss. It was unforgettable.

And then we both laid on our backs looking at the sky and imagining different shapes just like little kids. And after a little while we walked back home with a new born hope and trust.


Thank you everyone for supporting my work. Thank you for all the reads. Really appreciate it. Hope you enjoy this journey till the end.

Please vote, share and leave comments because I love reading your thoughts on the chapter.

Comment on how you liked their kiss? Was it like you imagined it to be? It wasn’t a cheesy fireworks kiss but more like a soul touching kiss on a deeper level. I hope you liked it.

I’ll update the next chapter soon. Keep reading.

See ya!!

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