Chapter 15

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Hello everyone!!! I am back with one of my favourite chapters that I enjoyed writing very much. I hope you enjoy it too.
Happy cupidly reading, sweetcakes!!



I was sitting on the floor by the bookshelf, against the wall in the attic.It was always my special hiding place I would go to whenever I wanted some quiet and peace or whenever I was mad at any of them. It was always like my sanctuary where I could sit and read my all time favs and write my stories without anyone disturbing me.

Just as I was proofreading my new chapter to eliminate any silly typos, I heard something hard hitting the floor. I looked around wondering if by any chance I clumsily kept something in a place from here it can fall. While looking around, something caught my eye. I found a small paper ball lying near the foot of the bed.

I frowned knowing full well I didn't see that when I was looking for my diary under the bed. I walked towards it and picked it up only to find it as a note wrapped around a beautiful shell.Before even looking at the note I had this knowing feeling in my mind that the note is from Liam.

I remember I was little when I suddenly decided I want to make a shell collections and gave Adam and Liam my sweet innocent puppy dog eyes that they can never resist and Liam dragged Adam along with him to collect shells and they actually went to the far side of the beach and brought so many different shaped and cute shells.

Adam kept grumbling about having to walk for so long for some stupid collection I am gonna lose anyway since I was quiet careless and Liam smacked the back of his head to shut him up and then he sat beside me while I named all the shells in my collection. He even took lots of pictures of me while I was placing all the shells in their rightful places. Still we have kept those shells in our parent's side living room as a memory of our childhood.

I felt the tears straining my cheek as I thought of how things are right now between us, from being inseparable to avoiding each other. I wish I could undo the last few days and go back to how things were easie- pissie between all of us. I hate how there is a suffocating tension between us even if everyone is trying there best to lighten the atmosphere, it still feels heavy with emotions and said and unsaid things.

I opened the note to find Liam's messy and cute handwriting sprawled on the paper and what was written on it just started melting my heart.

Lyrics of Love Is Gone
Stay here one more time
Remind me what it's like, oh
And let's fall in love one more time
I need you now by my side
It tears me up when you turn me down
I'm begging please, just stick around
I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me
I know that your love is gone
I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy
Don't tell me that your love is gone
That your love is gone

He was doing the cheesiest thing he knows I love happening in the romance novels even though he find them silly and stupid. That boy isn't going to make it easy for me to stay mad at him.

As I was done reading the note, a second note came flying from the window wrapped around another beautiful shell. I kept the shell alongside the note carefully on the bed as I straightened the wrinkeled curved ball note to read. It has lyrics of another one of my fav songs that somehow is nicely fit for his apology. I can't believe he actually went through all the trouble of fitting the lyrics of the songs as an apology and to convey his sincere feelings in the deepest ways.

Can't be selfish to keep you waiting (I Can't)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin