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Hey guys! I am so sorry for the late updates this time since I got caught up with some tests but I am back with a bigger chapter( about 3000 words). I am feeling so happy that they kissed finally. (wiping my happy tears)

So guys tell me in the comments did you like Liam’s POV of the last chapter.

Happy cupidly reading, cupcakes!!





I always imagined how kissing Liam would feel like, feeling his lips on me. But what happened today was beautiful beyond my imagination.

I couldn’t believe that we actually kissed, that Liam was my first kiss. And I definitely never expected to steal such a beautiful kiss from him. I don’t know where I got that power from that I pulled his face towards me and pressed our lips together and when I realized what I did and was about to pull back, he started kissing me back. He controlled the kiss from soft and firm to passionate and strong to lazily exploring each others sweetness. That kiss ruined all my future kisses for sure, nothing can beat that kiss.

Even a hopeless romantic like me would never have imagined a kiss like that happening after a situation we just found ourselves in, would never have imagined crying in between a kiss.

Even if someone would grant me a wish to do that kiss with Liam again minus crying and in a more romantic situation, I would definitely pass. Even if we were a emotional mess and our faces were tear strained and eyes puffy, it was still beautiful. As we silently let go the tears, they mixed up together that we couldn’t even figure it out whose tears were those anymore and it felt like we were connecting on a deeper level. All those tears, the need for that connection in his eyes and that sense of security I felt in his arms to let go our emotions together was something I never imagined a kiss would make me feel.

A part of me, the reasonable part that was still alive in my brain was anxious that it was a mistake and as soon as Liam will realize what we did, he would regret it. It hurts to even imagine that he would regret our little moment of love, the first moment when I expressed it to him.

I was scared to look in his eyes because I was worried of what I would find. So instead of looking in his eyes I hugged him tightly and he buried his face in my hair as we both just stood there holding each other as we cried.  Finally we broke apart and looked at each others face and I was hyperaware of my swollen puffy eyes and tear strained cheeks .... and my wonderfully swollen red lips. My thoughts went back to our kiss and at the exact moments I saw him looking at my swollen lips in that way that made me blush harder knowing he was also thinking about the kiss. His eyes spoke the words what he couldn't speak from his mouth as he continued to look at my face making me feel the most beautiful girl even with those puffy eyes and I couldn’t hold in the laughter and started laughing. His face broke into a huge grin too and I was glad that he wasn’t regretting it. I could feel the anxiety in him, worrying about it being a mistake for me leave.

I just grinned at him as I caught his wrist and dragged him to my favourite spot by the lake.

“ I don’t think we can go home now looking like that”, I said pointing to our faces. “ So lets look at this beautiful sky for now and we can go home after sometime.”

I definitely didn’t want to go home just yet and thankfully Liam agreed as he texted Adam that we will be back after sometime.

We laid back on our backs, looking at the clouds and trying to imagine different shapes and figures letting our imagination run creative and wild just like we have been doing since we were kids. It felt so refreshing and carefree and I tried to bask in his presence as for the reason you all know and might have guessed I feel comfortable and happy and safe.

Can't be selfish to keep you waiting (I Can't)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang