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Hey guys! I am back with another chapter with an introduction to a new character. I hope you like Tyler. And I am really sorry for being late at updating the chapter my dear readers and I'll try to update it sooner.
I've added a link above to one of the most amazing song by an amazing band.
Enjoy the vibes of a cheerful music!!!
Happy cupidly reading, cheesecakes!!



On our road trip, we took our first stop at Dylan’s house, it was the place where we all decided to meet since it was closer to everyone’s house so it was convenient for all to meet their plus it was on the same route we need to follow for the beach house.

So here we are standing in front of his house arguing about the sitting arrangements while he, Tyler ,Adam and Liam were trying to stuff all our luggage in the cars.

So let me introduce to our friends and partner in crimes at our school and home.

Dylan is Liam and Adam’s best friend. They have been buddies with each other since they were in 3rd grade and everyone at school call them the Three Musketeers since they always hang out together whether it is classes or football field. So you get the idea, right? Well Dylan is really a very sweet and fun guy atleast to us because even though he seems to be a jovial, cute , sweet and handsome  guy, he is still a player like the other two friends of his but he has a good heart and maybe when he finds his ‘The One’ , she will change his playboy ways.

Next is Tyler. He is Dylan’s older brother( 3 years older) and Kristina’s boyfriend for two years. Well I can write a whole book about Tyler and Kristina’s romantic beautiful love story but I’ll try to keep it short.

Tyler was Kristina’s Senior and she saw him at school from time to time since he was the hottest guy of the school and the captain of the basketball team  so he was definitely the perfect guy for gossips and rumours. But they only met in person with each other in the summer before Kristina was going to college. The Beach House was where their story started and that is why our beach house is alot special to our lovebirds.

Tyler has been like a big brother for Adam and Liam through all these years, they have spent a lot of their time together at Dylan’s home and the guys have a good bonding with each other. So Adam invited Tyler to the beach house with us and that’s how he met us all and we became friends. A funny coincidence is that Tyler is Kristina’s senior even in college. Yeah, they are attending the same college and they even had same dreams, Tyler wants to be a travel blogger and Kristina wants to be a photographer and travel the world. They both share same dream of travelling and capturing different cultures in their art and they make a great team together- Kristina is a talented photographer who can capture the hidden beauty of  things and Tyler has a way with his words that can make a person teleport to that place through his words and maybe that also played as a factor in bringing them together, I mean, they just sort of clicked from the very first day and they have been making sort of love-struck eyes at each other from the start. It was really cute and funny to see them fall in love together from the first row seat. And after spending the whole summer together, they told our parents about their relationship on the last day at the beach before going to college that they have being sneaking out and seeing each other in secret and shockingly the guys took the news rather well instead of the grand fight I thought the overprotective brothers would have and our parents all accepted Tyler happily. Tyler has become a sweet big brother for me through these years and after awhile our parents became more comfortable with them dating and they even allowed them to live together in an apartment after some time of their dating. Tyler took a lot of effort to prove his sincerity and love towards her to our parents. He really loves her and I am really happy for them.

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