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Hey sweeties!!!
Happy New Year's Eve!!!❤❤
I am back with another long and cute cheezy chapter for you guys.
I am so sorry that I haven't updated this book for so long.
This year has been long... going to college, finding new friends and then facing the endsems... a hectic life it has been... but then my captain motivated me to start my book again... so I am taking a new year's promise to never leave this book in between again.
So now I won't waste much of your time with my apologies...
Read on babies!!!



I feel my blood boiling inside me as I just want to find that frigging creep and beat him to pulp and break his every damn bone as painfully as I could while he begs to be let go. Then he would have understood, no means no. I hate that even after such a long time he holds this power over Chloe that can easily break her into pieces.
It took all those years for her to finally forget about that incident and move on, finally those nightmares haven't been paying her regular visits every other night and yet just one day they suddenly pop up when she is damn happy and take away all her smiles and replace them with frowns.
I hate seeing her so shook. I wish I was there with her in the camp then this wouldn’t have been happening.
As if reading my thoughts, Chloe placed her soft hands on my cheeks and forced me to look into her red puffy eyes, another reason I want to kill that douche because I never wanted to see these tears anywhere near her.
“ Boey, look at me, it wasn’t your fault, none of it, stop blaming yourself please.” She had a small smile on her face trying to reassure me and felt my eyes sting with tears as I looked at her.
“ I can’t” I whispered. “ I want to kill that douche, I hate myself that I couldn’t protect you then and even now from your nightmares.”
She shook her head as she pulled away a little to look in my eyes. Right now she was sitting in my lap with her head resting on my shoulder as she looked at me with her beautiful auburn eyes.
“ No Liam, it was not your fault, please. You always protect me, even from those dreams, I trust you and I never blamed any of you for anything that happened that day or even about the nightmares. Thank you boey for helping me today.... I was so scared ... I felt like I wouldn’t be coming out of that dream and then that monster will catch upto me.” She whispered the last part  and I felt her shiver as a chill run in my bones just at the thought of what could have happened.
Her dreams were never this bad except that one time when I was trying to avoid her to control my feelings and when I saw her that day during the nightmare.. I swore I will deal with whatever the fluff are my issues but I will not let Chloe suffer because of anything even if it was because I was being an ass.
But watching her broken right now in my arms makes me feel the need to hold her tightly against me and protect her from her monsters till she is as strong as the fighter she always used to be.
So I did just that and hugged her as she buried her face in my neck. It brought a calm over me knowing she is right there in my arms and no one can take her away from me.
Even after all these years, my feelings for her could never change, doesn’t matter if I was avoiding her or she was avoiding me, even when I was surrounded by all those hot girls I kept looking for just one girl when I thought she wasn’t looking. Even when she wasn’t there, she somehow had a way to invade my thoughts.
I hear her soft even breathing and realized she must have fallen asleep when I was lost in my train of thoughts.
I got up from the ground with her in my arms slowly so as not to wake her up and lied down on the lounge chairs near the pool with her lying half on top of me and my arms engulfing her small frame completely.
I stared at her beautiful features that shone in the moonlight, giving her a glow like an angel. The only things missing were the wings.
I should have put her to bed and let her sleep there peacefully, but I am a selfish bastard and I couldn’t let her go just yet, I wanted more time to hold her in my arms before I have to let her go again.
“ Boey” she whispered in her sleep and I couldn’t help the small smile that spread on my face hearing her call my name in sleep.
“ I love you Boey” her next words made me freeze. She never said the L word to me even though I knew how she felt about me. I don’t know why I did what I did next but I know I'll never regret it.
“ I love you Girly” I whispered to her and placed a small kiss on her cheek. I had the biggest smile on my face and it scared me to know even after all my efforts, my feelings has only grown for her.
As I looked up, I saw Adam looking at me with murderous eyes and I cursed under breath. This is gonna be bad. Adam is really protective of Chloe and I promised him to not break the offlimits rule. It never seemed a problem before but now I can’t stop thinking about her in a more than brotherly way.
Adam stormed off towards the beach and I knew I have to talk to him about everything. He needs to know I’ll never hurt her.
I carefully placed her down on the lounge chair and stroked away the hair that has fallen on her face hoping it won’t be the last time I could be this close to her.
I ran towards the direction where Adam went and found him looking towards the water, lost in thoughts.
As I neared him, he turned towards me and pushed me back.
“ You backstabber, you frigging liar, I should have never trusted you with my sister, don’t you dare touch her and come anywhere near her again because if you do, I’ll forget you were my best friend.” He hissed in a threating voice with his eyes burning in rage.
“ Adam, I know I promised you and it was never my intention to break that rule and I would never hurt her.” I told him truthfully.
Tyler and Dylan must have come there sometime in between. Adam grabbed my collar and whispered, “ You stay away from her, do you understand?” I didn’t say anything and being my bestfriend he knew me too well. He knew I won’t be able to do that. He yelled in my face, “ I told you to stay the hell away from her. I told you I don’t want you too close to her.” He paused, anger brewing in his eyes as he connected his fist straight to my face. “Then how the hell did you dare to lay your manwhore arms on her. How dare you to say frigging I LOVE YOU to her!!” he yelled, his face transforming into one of pure rage.
Adam started landing hard blows on my face and I let him punch me because I knew he needed it, Dylan and Taylor tried to stop Adam while he was fuming in anger and he pushed them away to punch me again when unexpectedly Chloe pushed me away and behind her. She wasn’t supposed to be there... she wasn’t supposed to see this mess but by the hurt and rage on her face I knew she saw every effing thing and she is not happy seeing me and Adam in this position. She started yelling at Adam and me and the disappointment and hurt was evident but it felt like every word squeezed a little air from my lungs until it was getting too hard to breathe.
She was right, I broke her heart when all I wanted was to protect her. She forgave me last time but this time it feels like I am losing her for good. I feel like I am losing the source of light in life and darkness has invaded my mind.
I ran after her as she rushed towards her secret room in the beach house and knocked on her door trying desperately to get a chance to talk to her but she refuses to open the door even when all the guys and the girls tried to convince her to come out of her room.
Eventually we decided to give her space and we walked into the living room where everyone bombarded questions about Chloe’s escape to her secret room.
The disappointment and sadness in their eyes made me feel more guilty then I already was and I walked out the door before I completely lose my shit and  make things worse.
One time when I let myself admit how much I love her is the time when I am losing her.
Never saw this is how my last summer before college going like . I was supposed to make beautiful memories with her so that when I am away I could just drown myself in those memories and be close to her in the scenarios I could only imagine.
But now it feels like I lost her and those are the last memories I‘ll ever have with her.
I wish I could do everything differently... I never regretted my first kiss with her nor do I regret my confession to her... Just wished I could show her how much I love her like she deserved. She got my world revolving around her and now she doesn’t even believe that and I am the only one to blame.
I was a effing coward who didn’t wanted to take risk and yet lost her nevertheless.
I hope she talks to me even if it’s just to say to me fo and to lash out at me. I’ll take that without blinking if it gives me a chance to let her hear me out for once. This time I am not holding back.
I am going to get my girly back.
Hopefully she takes me back.


Thank you so much guys for your support!! Love you all my amazing readers💕
Thank you my alpha and beta readers for your support. Love you guys💕

Please vote and share it with your friends and leave comments down here because I love reading your comments and suggestions.

I always imagined love in a certain way but understanding it's another angle this year has been fun.
Anyone who fell in love this year write in the comment box 😁😁
So what are your plans for the new year's eve... waiting to wish your someone special? Drop a heart for your loved one in the comment my doodles.💕💕

I hope you all have a great new year 2k23 filled with love and companionship❤❤

Keep reading, stay safe and enjoy life!!!!💙💙

I'll update the next chapter soon.
Till then,
See ya!!!❤❤

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