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Hey guys! I am back with another chapter and I hope you guys enjoy it.

Happy cupidly reading, honeybunchs!!



I swear god has given some intensified special powers to your bestfriends that heighten their senses just like werewolves and they can literally sense slightest change in your demeanour damn well and don’t even get me started on the lying thing because Yeah you got it right! You can’t ever lie to them about anything since they can just very well tell when you are lying to them.

Well but god has given me a special antique piece of a friend who is actually like The Alpha of the werewolves, you know, like she actually has the most powerful senses and well she can be downright scary when you lie to her and she demands the truth from you with a no bullshit attitude. You catch the drift, right?

Well I pray you never have to go through what I have been through all these years because even though I am proud of my bestfriend that she can read me like an open book yet its tiring to miserably fail at every attempt you make at lying.

I mean if I am trying to tell a lie then they should give me space and let me tell them but nah that’s never going to happen. Ha!!

I mean Jake gives me my much needed space but not before his favourite dialogue ‘ You suck at lying twinny’, letting me know everytime that he knows I am lying. Liam, well he knows me the best and he knows how to tackle the situation with me without forcing me to lie or lash out at him for being annoying and to give me space but yeah our dear friend Alley is not like them because that girl can never be patient and can be rather demanding to know the truth. But anyway I wouldn’t change it for anything since I’ve gotten used to it kind of and I really love her so yeah I’ll just try to get better at this thing I guess but hey! A girl can complaint. So yeah just bear it with me.

After our little family hug and dinner, we chatted for a bit and soon everyone dispersed to their own rooms to get rest because tomorrow will be a tiring day.

I did my night routine and sat on my bed, head against the headboard as I touched my lips unknowingly, lost in thought and when I realised what I did, a fierce blush crept up my face as I remembered the kiss. I was lost in my thoughts as a slow smile spread on my face when Alley opened the door and instantly I tried to behave cool but she caught on it already and laughed “Daydreaming about your boey, are we?”

“ Shut up Alley!” I whisper yelled at her. I pretend to be annoyed as I always do when she starts teasing me relentlessly but instantly her face changed as she narrowed her eyes at me. “ What are you hiding from me, huh?”

“ What?” I asked frowning.

“ Oh no baby girl, I know that look very well and you know you are no good at hiding things like that. Your face is just a dead give away. So spill.”

“Nothing broe. Just thinking about a dream.”

“ Uh-huh. So what happened in your said dream?” She asked narrowing her eyes at me. She wasn’t buying it as usual.

Well let me tell you that everytime I try to lie about these things I either say I saw a dream about that situation or that I was talking about one of the characters in the book I read because lying to your bestfriend is a sin according to miss drama queen and so like that I am not exactly lying. I sighed because I don’t know if I can come out alive from this one.

“ Well... I saw that me and Liam were standing on the rock and we were... hugging and then sort of were sad and upset and then we kissed.” I  said holding my breath for the impact to hit.

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