Chapter 16

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Hey guys! I  am back with another chapter for you guys.
Happy cupidly reading, berries!!


After a few moments,  we broke apart from our embrace, and he held my hands firmly in his large ones, it's then when I saw his broken knuckles.
I softly touched them, and Liam sucked in a breath.
“What? How? Liam....” I couldn't form words after having a look at the mess he created of his hands.
“ Girly, relax.... it's... nothing.... am fine.” Liam said, trying to make it sound like nothing but still failing miserably.
“ You know you suck at lying to me, and I know your tells better than you, so quit being a poor liar and tell the truth already.” I said while tapping my foot dramatically.
“ Okay, Miss drama queen. Stop tapping your foot.” He said laughing.
I kept a stern face and let me tell you it is too frigging hard to keep a stern face when the person you love has such a beautiful contagious laughter and all you want to do is laugh along them.
“ Not my point,Mr. Ass. Now tell me what did you do with your effing hand!”
He scratched the back of his neck, and I already knew the answer to my question before he even had the chance to speak.
“You told me, you are going to stop hurting yourself like that... no more self-destruction and all... what happened to that..huh? Punching the life out of someone or something and breaking your bones and knuckles in the heat of anger is not the solution, boey. You need to find some different ways to direct your anger, which doesn’t harm you. What say?” I ask him with my glistening eyes.
“ I am sorry, girly. I know I broke yet another promise, but I just couldn’t think straight... the feeling was too overwhelming, and I couldn’t talk about this to the few people who I always talked to about stuff like this. I felt like I messed up pretty bad and I felt like I was drowning in my  guilt , regrets, fears and I needed an out so I could think rationally so I punched the tree repeatedly until I was thinking straight.” He gave me a small guilty smile, and I was just a goner then and there. I can never be mad at him, and sometimes it feels like a curse ‘cause I can’t even make him learn hard lessons if he becomes such a sweetheart.
“ You okay?” I asked instead squeezing his shoulder.
“ I am now... with you by my side... and me knowing I am not losing you” He gave me his hopeful puppy dog eyes, and I laughed, pinching his cheeks.
“You are not losing me, mister. But that does not mean you won’t need to go through some punishments.”
He groaned, “ Please tell me you are not going to make me do something like last time.”
I tried to contain my laughter as he gave me his puppy dog eyes.
Last time was when he wanted my forgiveness for avoiding me for so long, I made him go shopping with me and instead of me trying out dresses,it was him dressing up and even though he wouldn’t admit it... we both had a great time... we laughed, gave funny poses, clicked idiotic pictures, and even I dressed up as a guy afterwards, and we switched roles. It was the funniest type of punishment.😂😂😂
“ Oh com’on I know you liked it, so stop pretending as if you were tortured.” I rolled my eyes at him. And he gave me his signature smirk, which screamed trouble.
“Yeah we both looked like a hot couple and remember when one of the staff members actually kicked us out because they thought we were having a quickie inside.” He laughed at my mortified red face.
“ You cruel, ass, idioto, why do you have to bring that up.”I started hitting him with my hand and then with pillow and then we both were having a major pillow fight.


After our silly pillow fight, I cleaned the blood on his knuckles and bandaged them. They didn't look in need of stiches, and I hope the cracks will heal soon.
We both haven’t been getting a sweet sleep in the last few days, so we decided to take some rest  before going for dinner.
We both laid down on the bed, and he brought me closer to him as we cuddled, with his feet around mine and his one arm under my head and another on my back. I snuggled closer to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders and waist.
I closed my eyes, content with the familiar peacefulness and warmth I felt when I was with him.
He started stroking my hair and placing small kisses on my head absentmindedly.
I peaked one eye open to look at him, and he stopped what he was doing while he looked at me with such raw intensity.
“ Boey, you okay?” I couldn’t help but feel tensed.
“Yeah....” he said and cleared his throat. “ Yeah, baby girl, I.... just couldn’t sleep.”
“ Couldn’t sleep or trying not to sleep?” I raised my eyebrow at him, and he  sighed before bringing one of my hand in his and holding it in large hands between us.
“ It just feels like it is a dream, and as soon as I close my eyes, the dream will be gone. If it’s a dream, I don’t want it to end.”
“ It’s not a dream, Boey. I will be right here, snuggled into you when you wake up.”
He still wasn’t convinced even though his eyes had huge bags under them, showing the lack of sleep he had. I tried thinking about the best way to convince him.
I kissed his forehead, and he kept his eyes trained on me. I then kissed his eyes, his nose, then cheeks and then placed a small peck on his beautiful lips.
Before I could move away, he placed his hand against my neck and pressed me closer to him as he kissed me.
It was soft and lazy as if he is just trying to savour this moment but it showed how deeply these few days have affected him and how hard he is trying to convince himself that it’s real and not just his imagination.
I kissed him back after a few moments as I placed my hand around his neck and in his soft hair while I put my other hand on his heart. I could  feel his heart beating rapidly against my hand.
He pressed his tongue against my lips, asking for entrance, and slowly, I let him in. He deepened the kiss as we both lazily explored the other.
This kiss felt the same like our first kiss, and yet it felt like new on another level.
Back then we were best friends but now some things have changed with our confessions.
I don’t know what we are yet and as much as I want to find it out, I also want to take it slowly and for now I just want to lose myself in this moment with my boey boy.
We broke apart from the kiss after a few minutes, breathing hard. As he looked into my eyes with so much love and affection, I couldn’t help the blush that creeped on my cheeks as I touched my lips with my thumb, still trying to process how we went from cuddling to making out with each other.
As if reading my thoughts, Liam smirked at me before placing a long peck on my lips.
He winked at me after laying us back in our initial position and pulled me closer so half of my body was on him.
I snuggled closer to him, and he wrapped his arms tightly around me as we both finally drifted off to sleep.

I opened my eyes to find Chloe peacefully sleeping on me with her hands wrapped around my shoulder and waist and her head resting on my chest, rising and falling rhythmically with my breaths and her expressions, they are of pure bliss, a sweet small smile gracing her face.
I may look like a creep right now, but I wouldn’t care because I want to memorise every moment I have with my girly. Her every smile, every laughter, every giggle. I have never craved something as much as I crave being around her.
She is like a drug, which can make me all high on happiness and yet at times make me feel so lost that I couldn’t even understand what the hell am I doing.
But after today, I have realized I should stop running from these problems, not leaving Chloe in the whirlwind of troubles and face them with her.
Today, I know that no matter what happens, I am not going to do anything to lose my girly. I will always be by her side whenever she needs me and I know we can’t go back to how it used to be and truly I don't want to go back to our hidden feelings, instead I want to be able to hold my girly and tell her as many I love yous as she deserved.
Alley walked into the room and was shocked to see me and Chloe cuddled together.
She mouthed “What the hell just happened when we were gone?” And I chuckled quietly as Chloe snuggled closer to me and mouthed “We made up” to her. She had a cruel smirk on her face, no doubt she was going to pester us for details but then her eyes and smile softened as she mouthed “Take care.” And closed the door softly.
Chloe started stirring in my arms before she peeled open her eyes softly and looked at me with those beautiful , warmth filled eyes.
“Hey” she whispered with a little blush that started at her cheeks and spread all the way down her neck. I couldn’t stop myself so I leaned in until my lips were just a hair away from her and whispered a hey before capturing her upper lip between mine and she let out a little moan that stirred alot of emotion inside me.
I kissed her lips hungrily, trying to make up for the lost time to us. She slipped her hands in my hair as she stroked my hair in her soft hands while I grabbed her around her neck and waist to pull her closer to me.
We broke apart after a few minutes, panting. She looked beautiful with a light blush on her cheeks and the dawn casting it’s glow on her face.
“I love you girly. You are the most beautiful person inside and out, and I am a fluffing lucky bastard to have you believe in me more than I do in myself.” I said, stroking her hair and looking into her eyes as they glistened.
She pressed closer to me as she took my face between her hands and pressed her forehead against mine. “ I love you too, boey. I am a lucky girl to have an amazing guy like you as my boey boy.” She closed her eyes, savoring the moment, and I did the same.
We hugged one last time before we decided to go down and get something to eat. 
As we walked down with my hands holding hers... even the smallest gesture affected me in weird ways, and I was glad I could proudly hold her hands as her guy and not just her best friend.
Don’t know what we are yet but we'll take that slowly and for now we’ll enjoy being us although that was not the case as we walked into the living room where everyone sat together and on seeing us they had same evil smirks like Alley which screamed trouble.
“ This is going to be a long night.” I groaned, and Chloe chuckled as she dragged me further into the room before I could plan escaping from there with her.
I shook my head at her but walked inside nevertheless, waiting for the explosion. And it soon began. Questions flying from everywhere and Chloe’s punishment for me was letting me answer all the questions alone while she basked in my embarrassment when I told everyone about my cheesiest gesture to get her forgiveness and after a very long night as it felt, we all sat around the dining table , eating together and giving each other shits while making fun and being made fun of.
I love all the people in this room, and it feels after eternity when we sat together like how we all used to. This is where I want to stay forever.
With them and my girly girl.
That day went from remorseful to one of  the best memories of my whole summer.


Thank you so much, guys, for your support!! Love you all, my amazing readers💕
Thank you, my alpha and beta readers, for your support. Love you guys💕

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Keep reading, stay safe, and enjoy life!!!!💙💙

I'll update the next chapter soon.
Till then,
See ya!!!❤❤

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