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Hey guys! I am really so sorry that I haven't updated the chapter for so long but this is the first time I've been this late so please forgive me and I'll try to update the chapters sooner.
Happy cupidly reading, buttercups!!

After 4 years


Today is one of the most precious day in all of our lives. Today Adam, Lucy and Liam are graduating high school. We  are so excited for their graduation ceremony.

Generally kids are not allowed in this ceremony and only parents are invited but Coach insisted our Principal to let the kids too come to witness the event.

I am so excited to see them walk on the stage and receive their high school diplomas.

Adam, Lucy and Liam already left since they have to report early while we got ready. Alley and I were confused on what to wear to a graduation ceremony so we decided on a simple formal dress. I was wearing a checks shirt in red, white and blue combo and ice blue jeans while Alley wore a similar shirt in aqua, white and blue combo and grey jeans. We wore our sneakers and walked towards the living room where everyone was. We were looking like twins with similar dress and our hair pulled in ponytails.

We drove to the Riverfield High school breaming with excitement.

It’s been four years since Char’s surgery and the journey of these years have been a little bumpy. We often find ourselves standing at crossroads to make a decision. But it is life. It isn’t smooth. It is made of bumps and crossroads, bridges and peaks and this is what makes it meaningful and interesting. Smoothness would never give us a chance to stop, to slow down, to make mistakes and learn from them  or to learn to make correct decisions.

After surgery, Char and Mark lived in the hospital for three months for the rehabilitation program and then she was back home but doctor said that we still need to take care of all the things since she is not fully recovered, it will take time and with love and support she can have a good healing rate. All of us took care of her and it felt good to have her back home and with us.

It took some time but after an year, our old Char was finally coming back, she was healing into her old self and we couldn’t be more glad to have her back to her normal.

We all planned a graduation gift for them, I mean I know generally friends do the whole graduation party and not parents, so we decided to let them enjoy the party with their friends and after that we’ll have them all to ourselves. It’s going to be a crazy month.

Oopsie! Spoiler alert!

Okay so now since I already told you a little thing, I may as well tell you the whole thing.

So after the graduation party, we all children will go on a long drive to our beach house together tomorrow  morning and then we can have the house all to ourselves for whole two weeks after which our parents will join us for the rest of the time before they have to leave for college.

It was then that the realization set in that today is the last day I’ll be seeing them in that school, the last day we’ll be together in the place where we wreaked havocs, where we had so much fun together.

Throughout the drive, I kept thinking about all the memories we created in that school and I was so close to tears. The three of them will be gone to college after the summer vacations leaving only Jake, Alley and me together.

I was in a depressing mood suddenly so I decided to switch on to cheerful frequency on my radio instead of the sad one.

After we reached school, we sat in the higher rows of the parents to have a clear view of the ceremony that was being held on the football field.

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