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Hey guys! I  am back with another chapter for you guys.
Happy cupidly reading, sweetcakes!!

Well I don’t even know why I was standing on her door at night knowing that she is probably deep in sleep by now. I should go to bed early since tomorrow will be a hell of a hectic day. Adam and I decided to play some rounds on his X-box before we sleep. I was sleeping at Adam’s since for the next few months I have to stay there while mom and dad are at hospital and Kristina is staying at Lucy’s house. I really appreciate it because I know it would have been a lot difficult to stay in that house, just the two of us without our parents, a constant reminder of the current issue.  The Connors and the Carsons were so glad that we were staying with them.

I don’t know if what I did was right or not but I couldn’t sleep in that house without crying again because it hurts. So I decided to move with Adam today itself and it did help distract me for a bit but Adam was exhausted because of the big game and tiring day so he eventually fell asleep while I lay there on the mattress feeling restless.

I couldn’t sleep. My mind keep drifting off to..... Ugh.. stop thinking about it. You shouldn’t think about it. She is Adam’s baby sister after all and your best friend, your girly girl. Come on dumbass stop thinking about that kiss.

I glared at the ceiling for my frustrating internal thoughts. Before I would go crazy I pulled the sheets off me and got off the bed without making a noise. I looked at Adam and found him snoring.

I walked outside the room and stalked towards the room at the end of the hallway.

Here I was contemplating what to do. Whenever I am restless or nervous, Chloe always make it disappear. Maybe I can see if she is still awake. I’ll talk to her and then go to sleep. I quickly dismissed the idea and tried to turn back when I had a feeling in my chest that told me Chloe might need me so I stayed there. I opened the door quietly and got in and stood by the door. I heard her whispering. Her voice filled with a raw emotion making her struggle to hold back the tears. The door to the bathroom opened and Alley walked out . She couldn’t see me in the dim light. Chloe tried to suppress her sobs and lay still. Alley walked to the bedroom door and opened it slightly before giving me a smile and mouthed “ Take care of her”. I was caught by surprise that she saw me in the dim light but I nodded and then she was out in the hallway. I closed the door softly and as soon as she heard the doors closing I heard a loud gasp. Her back was turned to me and I saw her shaking while trying to keep her sobs from escaping her mouth as she buried her face in the pillow.

As if on reflex, I made my way to her bed and pulled her in a tight hug, nuzzling her neck, slowly exhaling the hot breath on her shoulder making her relax. She matched her breathing with mine. It always helped her calm.

I slowly laid down on her side of the bed holding her against me. She laid next to me, her head on my chest just above my heart as we cuddled in silence. I kept rubbing her back, soothing her. It felt too good to hold her.

I pressed my lips against her forehead. She leaned into the touch as she wrapped her arms tightly around me  and my grip impulsively tightened on her.

We laid like that for don’t know how long. It was a comfortable silence but I wanted to talk to her so I decided to break the cover of silence around us.

“ Adam slept after we played a few games on his X-box. He was exhausted but I couldn’t sleep. I was feeling anxious and restless so I just came to your room to check on you if you were sleeping before going to bed because you always oddly calm me, your innocence just.... you know....feels like a sunray full of warmth. I was standing by you door and I heard your yelling and cries and sobbing . When I looked at were shaking badly.... I was so scared girly. I thought you were having a panic attack.”

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