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In the time frame of stitching Alex's ass and my mini vacation, I've had a lot of spare time to just take some naps to catch up on it and to go on dates with Alex when he's free.

Today I figured that I could go and take them all some lunch and just hang out a bit with them or well maybe Alex before they got too busy.

I pulled up to the little restaurant where I'd seen Gemma just arrive.

"Hey Harley" she greets

"Hi Gemma" I greeted back

"What brings you here?" she asked

"Well I figured that I'd get you all some lunch and just hang out with you guys for a bit before Alex got too busy" I answered

"I was just coming for their lunch," she says

"Can I get it, I mean I don't know what they want so I'll leave the ordering to you. But I'd like to pay."

She nodded her head as we headed inside and placed the big order.

"Let me guess no drinks needed since they got beers?"

"Unless you can get them to drink soda then your correct."

"I'm not their boss, I'm sure your part owner and that you can make them drink what you want while they are on the clock."

She looked at me and smiled before nodding.

"Half if not all of them are frightened of me."

"You keep them in line" I joked

"They know not to screw around."

I just smiled before paying for the food and took half of it while Gemma took the other half.

"I'll follow you."

Once we arrived at the garage Gemma and I got out and headed towards the picnic tables.

She went to speak but I held my hand up before I whistled.

"COME AND GET IT" I hollered

"Angel, what are you doing here?" Alex asked

"I'm feeding my sexy blue eyed man and his brothers" I replied

He smiled as they all came over and found somewhere to sit.

"Prospects go get beers" the guy who I found out name is Clay ordered

"I'll take a water if you all have some" I called after them

"What not drinking beer today?" Opie asked

"Nah, it doesn't go good with my lunch" I replied

"Ta Gemma " Chibs said

"Don't think me I didn't buy this she did. I just placed the order" Gemma tells them

"Well little lady thank you" blonde says

"Welcome blonde" I replied

" I'm Jax," he says

"Right, sorry I should have known since your boys are my patients."

"It's fine," he says

"I'll introduce you later," Alex says

"Ok baby," I say then peck his cheek.

Once everyone had their beers and food we sat down and just talked about different things. Some of the subjects were about the Harleys others were asking about my name.

"Did your dad not care that he named you after a motorcycle?" the mohawk guy asked

"He didn't care. And besides is a unisex name so either gender can have it." I replied

"It's the best name to have," Gemma says

"Well when I was in school I got into a lot of fights over my name cause ass clowns would make a mockery of it and when I warned them to stop their shit they wouldnt so I let the lockers or walls do the talking."

The guys started laughing.

"What do you mean?" some girl that was there questioned

"Well half the time when I got into a fight I'd slam their heads into the wall or I'd open my locker and bash their face with it."

"I love this girl" blade dude replied

"You can love her all you want but she's mine" Alex replied

The bald dude nodded his head.

"You never got in trouble for doing that?"

"Well I did plenty of times but they were warned plenty of times by my dad and by me. My dad told them that if I was ever bullied that I would retaliate. When they told me they don't condone fighting for no reason. I told them it wouldn't be for nothing and that the administrators won't do anything but sit there and watch as I defended myself. I told them if I got backed into the wall too much then I'd come out swinging."

"You fight for the hell of it?" mohawk asked

"I don't fight for fun, but if I need to in order to protect myself you bet your ass I'm gonna do it. Hell I'll fight to protect people I love and care about" I answered

"Why type of fighting?" Bald guy asked

"Well I fight bare knuckle, I fight dirty when needed. Heck, I can even fight like I was part of the military."

"Tig you lucky fucker" Opie says

Alex looked at Opie with a bright smile.

"You got a good one right there" he replied

I could hear the sound of a bike.

"Coming to the lot is a street guide" I informed them

They all turned to watch as a black Harley came into the lot while I grabbed some of the trash and went to toss it.

"I'm gonna fucking marry her," Alex says

"Better do it before I take her," Jax says

"Over my dead body Jackson," Alex says

I shook my head laughing as I headed back.

"How did you know Bobby's bike?" mohawk asked

" She tellt ye awready" Chibs answered for me

"All I know is Alex you better keep her" Opie replied

"I plan too," Alex says

After everyone gathered up their trash and tossed it Alex went around and introduced me to everyone.

"The guy whose bike you called is Bobby he's the Elvis impersonator" Alex explained

I nodded my head as we moved on.

After I learned everyone's name I bid them a good day and thanked them for allowing me to hang out for a bit with them during their lunch.

"It was fun," Opie says

"That 'twas" Chibs agreed

I waved bye to them as I made my way over to my car with Alex.

"Will I be seeing you tonight?" I asked as I grabbed his belt loop and pulled him closer to me.

"You keep up your teasing and shit and I'll take you right here right now."

"Maybe later when some of the young guys aren't around to get hard ons by just a pair of tits."

He laughed.

I rubbed his chest before leaning up and gave him a kiss.

"If I don't see you tonight I'll be having fun with Max," I tell him

"No you won't, I'll be there unless last minute shit happens," he says

I nodded my head and kissed him again before I slapped his asscheek that wasn't bit.

"See you later baby," I tell him before I give him one more kiss then got in the car.

After leaving the lot I headed to the store for a quick grocery and items pick up then I went home got cleaned up and everything ready.

Ocean eyes (not edited) ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now