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A couple of months later after so much work to be put in, I've finally managed to get Tig's and my wedding planned.

It wasn't easy with the morning sickness and the sexual cravings for my man but let me tell you it's finally done. And now that I'm fully two in half months into this pregnancy I no longer suffer from morning sickness but I still have a sex craving for Alex and he doesn't care one bit.

Today however is the day that not only will I be Alex's wife but I will be committed to him fully in a legal way.

I had slipped on my wedding dress. Before I did my hair up in a floral braided bun, added light makeup before I slipped on my wedge heels and got ready to head out to many Alex the man I plan to spend forever with.

I stood behind Ellie who was my flower girl while Kenny was gonna walk her down. Abel and Thomas were the ring bears. Thomas was in charge of Alex's ring and Abel was in charge of my ring.

When the first cord struck Abel and Thomas made their way up the path towards Alex. Abel stood by Tig while Thomas stood on my side.

After that was Ellie's and Kenny's turn. they both decided to spread the petals out as they walked which was fine with me. Kenny went to stand by Abel while Ellie stood by Thomas as everyone stood up and looked back when the bridal march song started. It wasn't the original bridal march more like the sounds of Harleys revving up which I could hear the guys laughing when it started up.

I had a big smile plastered on my face as I made my way up the Alise with Fawn by my side as I carried a picture of my daddy.

Once I reached Alex I kissed Fawn's cheek before handing her the picture as stepped up and stood before Alex taking his hands as the Indian chief begun the ceremony.

"Ladies and gentle we are gathered today here today and this beautiful afternoon to join these two in holy matrimony. If there is anyone who thinks these two shouldn't be married speak now or forever hold your peace" he says

After awaiting a minute he continues on.

"They have decided to do their own vows so we will start with Harley" he announces before he gestured towards me to start.

"Alex, since the first time I say you when you came in with Jackson and Abel for little Abel's appointment I knew you'd be trouble when you made that comment about whether or not you would take Abel's spot so I'd examine you and not him. Then after I teased you with a childish sticker and you kept it I knew that something would become of us. And it has cause here we are today before our family and friends are about to be joined as man and wife ready to take that step as we are to take the step of parenthood. And though you've experienced that already with your wonderful daughter fawn. I can't wait till we get to experience everything with this pregnancy. Alex, I stand here before everyone and I am making this solem vow that I'll never misguide you, that I will forever be faithful. I will be there for you when you feel that nobody else is. I'll be the shoulder you can cry on. I'll be your rock for you to lean on and the woman that you can trust to love you for the rest of your life. This Alexander Trager is my vow to love you, cherish you, for richer or poor, sickness and health till the reaper comes."

He smiled as he brushed his thumbs over the back of my hands.

"Now you Alex," the chief says

"Harley the day you walked into that Esam room I thought the reaper already came for me and that a perfect angel was gonna take me away. You didnt get snobby when I made the comment about taking Abel's spot, instead, you told me you were there to see him and not me. I sat there the whole time contemplating whether to make flirtatious remarks or to be a good boy which for me is rare. But when you gave me that sticker of stitch and told me it was for not making flirty comments I knew I'd come back and do what I had to in order for you to go out with me. I know that I have a past that's not perfect and I've done things some people would be disgusted by. But when you found out everything there was to know about me you didn't run nor did you judge me instead you stayed by my side and you loved me for me. You get along perfectly with my daughter Fawn you've helped our relationship get better than it was before. And so I stand here before our family and friend and make this solem vow to be there for you whether you need to cry, complain, rant, or just to have someone to talk to and just listen. I'm there. I make this vow to never cheat on you, to experience everything with this pregnancy, to love you for richer or poor sickness and health till the reaper comes." he says

"What else," Happy asked

I started to laugh a bit.

"I also promise to treat you as good as my leather & ride you as much as my Harley," he says as the others join in the last bite.

"Funny how you got two Harleys to ride" I joked which made everyone crack up laughing.

He laughed and shook his head.

"And now the rings" the chief requested.

We both turned to Abel and Thomas and took the rings before we faced each other.

"Harley repeat after me," Chief says

"With this ring, I thee wed," he says

I slipped the ring on his finger.

"With this ring, I thee wed" I repeated

"Now Alex," he says

Alex took my hand and slipped the ring on my finger.

"With this ring, I thee wed" Alex repeated

"Now by the power vested in me and the state of California I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride" the chief says

Alex grabbed my face and kissed me while everyone clapped I could hear the kids Ewing which made both Alex and I chuckled as we pulled away.

"How you can ride in that dress baby," he says

I looked at him and smirked before I grabbed the front of the skirt and pulled it off handing it to Fawn leaving me in a knee length halter top dress.

"I can know" I replied

He smiled and took my hand as we ran off to his Harley jumped on and rode off to the reception that was up a little way on the reservation.

We parked outside of the Barn and headed inside and upstairs to one of the many rooms they had and we had a bit of orgasmic fun as our family and friends showed up and got seated.

Once we were finished we headed down and joined everyone.

They started up the song for mine and Alex's first dance as husband and wife before the song changed and Fawn took my spot so she and Alex could have a father daughter dance.

"That's a nice surprise you did there for him."

I looked over my shoulder and see Jax.

"It's the lease I could do," I replied

He smiled before he went back to where he was as the song started to come to an end.

Fawn hugs Alex and gives him a kiss on the cheek as they make their way over to where I am.

"Thank you for that Harley," she says

"It's no problem," I assured her

She smiled and then walked off while I looked at me hubby.

He said nothing just kissed me to show his appreciation.

After we kissed we joined everyone on the dance floor and I danced with all kids except Thomas cause he clunked out before I got the opportunity.

"I'll get a dance outta him eventually," I said to Jax who was holding.

" Ah will dance wi' ye," Chibs says

"Well lead the way Scottie" I replied as he took my hand and lead me to the dance floor where we danced to some soft instrumental Scottish music.

He twirled me right into Alex's arms making me laugh as I wrapped my arm around his waist and took his hand as the music went from Scottish to some other slow dance song.

Alex and I decided the whole I do wasn't needed since our vows were practically 

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