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Few days after Alex left me warned out from all that pleasure. the lockdown was over since they handled the threat and everyone was back to living their lives how they were.

I was making my rounds seeing my patients and talking a bit with my staff before I headed into my office and filled the new information in the database before taking lunch.

As I sat in my office eating lunch Fawn called me giving me an update on the boys. before she and I talked a bit and she thanked me for what I did when she told Alex about her relationship with Koz. 

I told her that he and I both agreed that her happiness is much more important than his hatred towards Koz.

after thanking me yet again we said our goodbyes, I finished up lunch tossed my trash, washed, my hands and got right back to work.

 When I was gone for my maternity leave I missed my little patience. they are such bright little angels that were very entertaining to watch when they took notice of something or just decided to be little entertainers for the day as I examined them.

Some of the toddlers they'd just carried on conversations adding different things to the mix just to make it sound much more interesting and I'd go right along with 'em.

When it was time for everyone to go home I locked up the office and walked out to a surprise.

my car was gone and Alex was there leaned up against his bike with his legs crossed at the ankles.

"To what do I owe this delightful surprise?" I asked as I stepped off the walkway and into my man's arms.

"I wanna take you somewhere so I had Koz take your car to our place."

 I looked at him in question.

"you're talking to him now?"

"I have to get used to him being around since my baby girl is dating him and my beautiful woman likes him," he says as he pulls me closer wrapping his arms around me, and dips his head giving me a lust filled kiss.

"if you don't take me somewhere and have your way with me in the next five minutes you'll be making new residents on the couch tonight mister" I warned

I chuckle before straightening up letting me go. 

"let's go fuck against your office windows so when the cleaners come in they will see your handprints."

I grabbed his hand and took off back inside and we did just that.

He had me pressed right up against the window and took me so hard from behind that my whole front half was pushed up against the glass.

"harder.. please Harder" I begged

He didn't say anything just gave me what I begged for.

I had no worries about the cameras catching us in the act since this part of my office was the blond spot to those cameras.

But just the damn thought of the slight possibility of this being recorded made me soaked and Alex took notice but never questioned it.

It wasn't till hours later when we were curled in bed that he asked me about it.

"you know how we enjoy the thrill and rush of getting caught fcking?"


"well, the whole possible chance of use being filmed in my office was such a thrill it made me soaked."

He looked at me.

"Are you wanting to me filmed as I take you hard or make passionate and possible baby making love to you?" 

I said nothing just slightly nodded

"Holy shit baby you've become an exhibitionist."

I turned my head causing my hair to cover my face and I hide in his chest.

"No... don't cover your face. there's nothing wrong with you enjoying being watched and want to me filmed" he says as he tries to get me to look at him and move my hair but I'm too embarrassed to do so.

"Come on baby look at me" he says

I shake my head keeping my face covered.

"Why not?"

"I'm embarrassed."

"why are you embarrassed?"

"Cuase the way you reacted to what I'm becoming."

"its nothing to be embarrassed about. and if I acted a certain way to make you think it is I'm sorry."

I turned my head to the side keeping my face covered my by hair but he gently lifted and pushed it back away so he could look at me.

"I've never felt like this or wanted to experience this before. I mean I've seen it happen with porn and all that but to actually be the one that is what they are. its like I'm a whole new person and I'm not sure how to deal with the possibility that you'd not like it or would hate that I practically get off on the whole ordeal."

"Have you forgotten who I am baby. I'm a kinky motherfucker who is in to practically every and anything."

"No i haven't and that's how I become what I am now."

"then why would I hate it or not like it?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

He nuddged me causing me to lift my head and look at him.

he brushed his thumb along my cheek.

"I don't hate it or dislike it, Harley. I too am an exhibitionist. I've done my fair share of it out I the open with some crow eaters before you cam along but now that I'm with you I tend to want to only be able see your body. but enjoy the possibility of being watched."

I moved up so I was leaning over him before I bent down and kissed him.

I was and am so grateful to have Alex in my life and able to experience and learn new things about myself with him by my side.

Ocean eyes (not edited) ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now