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Months have passed and in that time frame I've gotten along perfectly with the guys. Things between Alex and I have gotten along splendidly.

I've been kept busy with my patience with those who haven't decided to stick with the nurse practitioner Kelly. Which is fine with me.

Today is the start of lockdown with the guys since something went south with their transactions.

So I've set up my things in Alex's dorm before I headed out to where everyone else was at.

I saw Abel.

"I sweety" I greeted

"Harley," he says

Once Tara sat him down he took off running right into my arms.

I smiled and tossed him up in the air before catching him.

"How's one of my fav patients?" I asked

"I'm good," he says

"That's good," I say as I carried him over to the couch where Jax placed Thomas.

I was about to sit down but once I got on the floor Thomas and Abel decided it was time to pile up on me.

Ellie and Kenny came over to join the whole fun.

I was laughing as I was at the bottom of a kid pile up.

Once they got up I attacked. I went with the oldest first then I ended it with Thomas making him laugh.

"She's really good with them," Tara says

"I know. She's talked with Fawn when she came around a few days ago. And they hit it off like they were best buds." Alex said

"Come on snack time" Gemma calls out to the kids

So I let them go eat their snacks while I walk over to my man.

"You're not talking bad about me are you ocean eyes?"

"Never. Just talking about how you and my daughter hit it off" he replied

"Well, Fawn was easy to get along with. But Dawn that's a horse of a different color. And I'm not gonna fight you over that. But I will say this and you can be pissed off at me all you want. But if she comes here wanting money for some fucked up excuse then me and you will have problems if you give it to her. I mean I love you Alex with all my heart but I won't let your daughter play you. I've seen it happen first hand before and I won't let someone I truly care about go through that shit" I tell him

He says nothing just kisses me and holds me close.

"Do you mind I ask how you know first hand about things like that?" Tara questioned

"My dad had a daughter before me by another woman. who would go years without speaking a word to him. Then out of the blue, she'd come by to visit make up some pathetic excuse of what's happening in her life and why she needs the money. Half the time she says she has a half sister who's being admitted into some hospital for bulimia. And my dad would give her the money. I tired I put a stop to it. I told him that the half sister she claims to have an eating disorder and is being admitted doesn't exist when he asked how I know it told him that the girl's mother called and jumped my ass since her daughter bought drugs and came close to doing had the mom not rushed her to the ER and gotten her stomach pumped." I replied

"Whatever happened to the girl?" Jax asked

"Well, she came around when I was in school and made up a "tear jerking" story about something my dad fell for again even after I told him before. This time the girl didn't luck up and she eighty sixed herself out of this world. Which killed my dad when he heard about it. He blamed himself but I told him it wasn't his fault that he was just trying to help out when she made some sob story about something to do with her mom. That the girl was plenty old enough to know better and that she was the one who od on crank."

"Wow." was all Tara said

I looked at Alex.

"It's like I said and I'll keep saying it to you. I love you and care so much about you that if I have to fight you and your daughter then so be it. but I will not allow her to play you like my druggie half sister did my dad and then if she kills her self you have to live with the feeling that it was your fault."

"I wont fight you over her." he assured me

I nodded my head before I kissed him then walked off.

"Man you need to marry her like yesterday," Juice said as he walked up to Alex and them

I walked over to where the kids and I was before and I turned on the tv putting on some good old fashion cartoons.

"Now your talking" Happy says

"Cartoon fan as well huh?" I asked

"Of course, mainly these kinds" he replied

I nodded my head and turned my attention back to watching the cartoons before the kids came over and filled in the space between Happy and me. Thomas climbed up on my lap and laid back against my chest while Able leaned on my arm.

Later after everyone had eaten and the kids went out to play I headed to Alex's dorm where he was and I sat on the bed.

"I want you to pierce my nipples."

He turned and looked at me little surprised.


"You heard me."

"What made you decided to do that?"

"Well my lover seems to have a fetish for my tits and sucking my nipples so why not give him something to tug to really make me wet."

He walked over to the door locked it then came over and stood between my legs. I looked up at him which made him growl.

Ocean eyes (not edited) ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now