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Having Fawn living in the guest house and watching the boys worked out perfectly.  I was able to go to work with no worries of a total stranger watching Gage and Axel. 

Both Alex and I trusted Fawn and knew she'd protect her brothers.

Whenever I got home from work I would thank Fawn as I greeted the boys if they weren't in bed.

 it was like a whole routine we all just fell into. Yea half the time Alex wasn't involved since he had Club matters to handle like runs and other things. 

So it'd just be me and Fawn with the whole taking the boys to the guest house so Fawn could watch them. kissing them all three on the cheek and biding them bye after telling them all three to be good as I walked out the door. 

Then when I'd get home I got to the guest house or half the time go in Alex's and my house where Fawn was at making dinner for me and her. I greet her then I go and get cleaned up, check on the boys before heading back down and asking how her's and the boys' day was then she'd as how mine was before we'd sit and just talk about different things.

When Alex was there it was like our little family was whole. we'd eat together, we talk, have a few laughs. just be relaxed and enjoying ourselves.

Now here I am finishing up with work for the day after I had seen my last patient. I headed to my office put in all the new information and sent what I needed to the insurance companies before I went over my schedule for tomorrow then cleaned up everything and headed on out biding my fellow coworkers a goodnight.

When I got home I seen that Alex was already here. which made me glad cause him being away for that whole week sucked and I really missed him.

I walked in and closed the door quietly before I went to say something I heard a gun cocking and pressed against my temple.

"Don't open your mouth just keep right on walking and I won't blow your brains out."

I took inventory of who all was in the house and noticed it was just Fawn. So Alex must be with the twins.

"sit down and keep your yammy shut."

"you think you'll get away with this Ima? I mean honestly?"

"shut up. I am sick of hearing you talk."

"well I'm sick of seeing your face" I replied

she went to shoot me but Alex shot her wrist making her drop the gun. I kicked it over toward Fwan and tackled Ima punching and hitting her repeatedly.

" I told you what would happen if you pulled something like this again" I said between hits

"I'm sorry" she tried

"not gonna help you. you sealed your fate" Alex tells her

Fawn walks over and points Ima's gun at her while I go and grab some duck tape and rope to tie her up and tape her trap shut.

Once Ima was tied up Alex called a couple of the guys to come get her.

"I don't want to know what you do with her" I tell him

Fawn decided she was tired of Ima being awake so she took the butt of the gun and knocked Ima out.

I took the gun from Fawn and wiped all the fingerprints off it before I handed it over to Alex.

Once the two guys came to get her Alex told them where to take her. He handed the gun to them telling them to get rid of it.

I looked at Fawn.

"You alright?" I asked

"Yea, she just came in when dad walked upstairs to check on the boys. and held the gun to my face telling me not to make a sound. few minutes later you came home so she hid behind the door and you know the rest" she explained

"I'm glad you're ok. and you too baby" Alex says as he walks over and hugs us both.

"yeah thank you for shooting her wrist," I tell him

"Was gonna shot her in the head but decided that the blood spatter would be to much to deal with."

"yea I don't want to risk catching anything from her and I'm sure fan doesn't either."

Fawn shook her head.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and thanked her for watching the boys.

"you girls stay in this house till I come back. make sure the house is locked up" Alex says

"alright we will" I assured him

He gives me a kiss then kisses on her head before he leaves to deal with Ima.

I locked the doors while Fawn checked the windows.

"once we made sure that everything was locked up I went to check on the boys before I got showered and cleaned up before joining Fawn.

"wanna order take away? or make something simple here?" I asked

"something simple and light" she replied

 I nodded my head before walking into the kitchen looking through the cabinets and fridge before I grabbed things to make a simple sub.

"alright Fawn its finished come eat" I called out to her

As we waited for Alex to get back Gemma called me to tell me that the club was going under lockdown since someone left a threat on Tara's windshield.

 so I headed upstairs grabbed some clothes for me, and Alex. before I went to the boy's nursery, and got them some clothes, diapers, wipes before I went and placed everything by the door.

"Alright I'll call and let Alex know what's going on" I tell Fawn

"No need, I'm here. you get the boys I'll go with Fawn to get her a bag packed up" Alex says

"Alright," I say before going back up and carefully picking up the boys placing them in their carries then walked out of their nursery with them, and headed towards the door waiting for Alex and Fawn to come back.

Once we were all ready to go we loaded up my car.

"I'll follow you girls," ALex tells us

Fawn got in the passenger seat while Alex got on his bike and I got in the driver's seat.

"This is gonna be different," Fawn says

"It will be. I have to deal with Opie who I'm still pissed at" I replied

"From what I was told, I don't blame you for decking him. I'd done the same had I been in your position."

I looked at her briefly before I turned my attention back as I pulled up to the gate watching two prospects pulled the gate open allowing us inside.

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