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I thought that I'd be having to wait much longer then what I had. but the doctors told me since I was experiencing the contractions the whole day that I'm not gonna have to wait long for the twins to arrive.

they checked to see how far I was before telling me I haven't reached the full ten cc. then told me when they'd come back and check again before leaving.

I laid there and looked at Alex.

"we never managed to think of names" I tell him

He chuckled a bit

"No we haven't huh?" he asked

I shook my head

"What are some name ideas?" I asked

"Gage Mason Trager and Axel Noah Tragger," he says

I thought about them and smiled

"I really like them," I tell him


I nodded.

"I mean I know they have links to motorcycles but so do I so it's perfect," I told him

He leaned over the bed railing and gave me a kiss before sitting back down as the doctor came back in.

After the Doctor sat before me and checked my dilation he looked up at me.

"alright Mrs.Trage your fully dilated so the next contraction I want you to push as hard as you can" Dr. Emberlin tells me

I sat up a little bit and went to grab the bed rails. but Tig grabbed one hand.

It didn't take long for the next contraction to hit. When It did a took a deep breath and I pushed with all I had.

"doing good keep pushing" the doctor advised me

With every deep breath I took that's the times I pushed harder and harder. 

"Heads out few more or one great huge push and the first baby will be out" Dr. says

I took a huge deep breath and pushed making me self lift up off the bed.

"doing great baby" Alex praises me

"alright baby boy number one is out" Dr announced as I lay back while Gage bawls his little eyes out.

"alright onemore then its the after birth" Dr says

I flex my hands and grip hard before I sit up and go through the whole process again. pushing hard till the Dr. announces the heads out then I take a huge breath and push harder while Alex continues to praise me till Aexl come out crying just like his brother before him.

"Well done momma. you did great work" not one slight push to get the after birth" he says

I pushed all that after birth out and laid back letting that railing go as Alex kisses me while pushing my sweaty hair back.

"you did wonderful baby, I'm so proud of you" he tells me before kissing me again.

"alright here is baby number one. weighing a total of 9lbs 8 ounces and is 13inchs long." nurse says as she lays gage on my chest since the gown slipped during the whole laboring process.

I smiled as I looked at my oldest as he went from crying to relaxing once we had skin to skin contact.

"and here is baby two weighing 9 lbs 8 ounces and he too is 13 inchs long" another nurse says as she places Axel on my chest beside his brother. 

Axel done like his brother cried until he was laid on my chest.

"what are the little gents names?" a nurse questioned

"one on the right is Gage Mason Trager, and the other is Axel Noah Trager" ALex tell her

She nodded her head and filled out the information that she was given.

"Alex they are perfect."

He leaned down and gave me a lingering kiss while Gage and Axel just laid there with their little eyes closed and enjoying their momma's warmth.

"they will probably start fussing again which means they are hungry so if you want I can go over the whole breastfeeding process" the only nurse left in the room explained

"you can" I tell her

she went on tell ing me how to properly hold them, how they might not latch on right away. and all other things that I'd need to know when I'd try breastfeeding them.

"thank you" I tell her

she nods her head and walks out with the doctor.

"I can't believe they are finally here." Alex says as he brushes his fingers along their curly hair.

"they have your mess of hair" I commented

he gave a slight laugh.

"but everything else is you."

"bet their eyes are ocean like yours."

"we'll have to wait to find out."

After he said that Gage and Axel started to stir before the peeked their little eyes open making both Alex and I chuckle watching them till they finally opened their eyes.

"As ocean as yours like I told you" I tell him

He went to speak but they both got fussy and started to cry.

"Damnading little guys are ordering food" he says as he aids me in fully removing the top half of the gown as I get my self situated before psopsintning the twins at my breast.

It took a couple of tries till they finally latched on and started to eat.

"While they eat I'm gonna go share their arrival and names" Alex says

 "aright. I love you" I tell him as I lift my head and give him a kiss before I looked back at our boys.

"love you three as well" he says then walks out the room.

"looks like they are latched on and doing well" the nurse that explained breastfeeding commented after walking in.

"it took a couple tries but they latched on and seem to be feeding well" I tell her

After she checks the over she walks out and few minutes later in walks ALex with Gemma.

"woah. look at them" she says

I smiled

"little minature Alexs" I commented

"they have his eyes and hair," Gemma says

"Yep" Alex replied

For the remainder time Gage and Axel were eating Gemma sat there talking and congratulating us before she walked out.

At that time both boys finished up so Alex took Axel and started to burp him while I was doing the same with Gage.

"I just noticed that Axel and your name are spelled the same just the lettering is mixed up" I say to Alex

He looked at me

"I didn't even notice till you said something" he replied

I handed Gage over to him while I got my gown fixed up and tried to rest.

"we will be here baby. you just rest, you've got to be worn out from birthing our boys."

I agreed with him before I laid back and within a few minutes, I was crashed out.

Ocean eyes (not edited) ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now