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Scarlett woke up late. She looked beside her to see a note from Edward causing her to smile.

I'm sorry I didn't wake you for the game, but I was going to wake you. I changed my mind as you looked peaceful. I hope you got enough rest because when I come back, we are leaving before Alice makes us go to prom.

I love you

Scarlett smiled as she laid the letter down and went straight to the bathroom to get cleaned up. She turned the hot shower on and stripped from her clothes. Edward arrived worried about his mate as they have a hunt on their hands. "Scar?"

"In the shower."

Edward walked in and sighed. "We are leaving Forks."

Scarlett and Edward were already gone when Bella arrived. Scarlett couldn't believe this was happening, but she was happy that she didn't go to the game. Edward looked at her as she was sleeping. He smiled as he was glad she was safe and in no danger. Scarlett groaned as she woke up. "Are we there yet?"

"Not yet."

Scarlett nodded as she looked out the window. "Do you think we should start early on our vacation?" She asked. "I don't mind prom, but I would like to spend time with you. Alone. No one around and no drama."

Edward grabbed her hand smiling. "I love that idea."

Scarlett smiled as she looked at him. She heard her phone ringing causing her to ignore it. They saw a dirt road causing Edward to take it. Scarlett wondered where this road takes them. She smiled as she saw a house. "This is one of the houses Esme had built." He tells her. "I thought we could relax here."

"I love it." She said as they got out. "I love you."

"I love you." He tells her. "Go in and relax."

Scarlett nodded as she couldn't wait to relax. Her mind drifted back to her mother and smiled as she knew her mom would be happy with her. She walked in and smiled at the room. Edward walked in and saw Scarlett on the couch asleep. He walked over to her and covered her up before taking their luggage upstairs. Tomorrow was going to be the beginning of their vacation, but first, him and Scarlett had some unpacking to do.

Edward looked back at Scarlett when he entered the room again and smiled as this was another memory for them to add on to the ones they have together. "I love you, Scarlett."

Down to Earth-Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now