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From the time Scarlett was born, she was known to be the sweetest person that anyone has ever met. Scarlett likes to go around town and helps stores, flower shops, elderly with their shopping, etc,. New people, friendly welcome. Not once has Scarlett showed hatred, but that was do to being herself. Scarlett never once believed in hating people.


"Yes mom." She replies as she stepped into the living room.

"Did you hear that we have new people in town?" Her mother said.

"No, but I will go fix them a cake and go greet them." Scarlett says as she walks to the kitchen. "Are you visiting dad's grave today?"

"No, I have a doctors appointment." She replies making Scarlett nod sadly. "Oh, honey. I know you want me to go, but there is a reason for this appointments and when I find out, I will tell you." Scarlett nodded. Her mother sighed and smiled. "Your father would be so proud of you."

Scarlett looked at her mother and smiled. Knowing her mom was right about her father being proud as she is the only down to earth person to have met.
When Scarlett learnt the family was moving into the forest part of town, it amazed her. She always dreamt of owning a house in the forest surrounded by trees. Which that's the nature side of her coming out. She stopped her car and put it in park. She sat there for a minute admiring the house.

Scarlett grabbed the cake and walked towards the door and knocked. The door opened revealing a petite woman with a motherly smile. "Hello."

"Hello, my name is Scarlett and I brought you this cake to welcome you and your family to Forks." Scarlett said.

"That's very thoughtful of you." Esme said. "I'm Esme. Would you like to come in?"

"Sure." Scarlett replies. As soon as she stepped in she was in awe with the house. "This place is beautiful."

"Thank you, Scarlett."

Scarlett noticed flowers laying on the coffee table and walked over to them. Esme watched with curiosity of the human. She watched as Scarlett carefully placed the cake down and started sorting the bouquet of flowers out. She took the dead ones out and replace them with the new ones and fixed them so the room would brighten.

"You made the room brighten." Esme complimented.

"Dead flowers won't help so replace those and use the bright colors." Scarlett said. "Do you have children?"

"Yes." Esme said. "One is here as she wanted to go shopping."

"Oh. She can come with me and I'll show her all the spots to shop." Scarlett said.

As if on cue, Alice walked in with everyone behind her. Esme and Scarlett looked up and saw everyone. "I thought it was just you Alice."

"I just happened to see them arriving." Alice replies and smiled at Edward's mate. "Hello, I'm Alice Cullen."

"Scarlett Jones."

"Alice, Scarlett has offer to take you shopping."

"Finally." Scarlett raised an eyebrow at the one that spoke. "She will aggravate you to go shopping."

"Oh, I'm always shopping. I buy things for the children in the hospital, help the elderly, and stop by the flower shop to help organize their flowers." Scarlett respond.

Edward looked at the beauty and was shock by how she acts. She was down to earth, but something was telling him that there was a connection. Like a pull, but what person like Scarlett would love a monster.

"When would you like to go shopping Alice?" Edward looked back at Scarlett.

"Is right now okay?"


Alice smiled as she linked her arm with Scarlett and walked out. Joesph gave Edward a look. "I know she's your mate."

"Yeah, but why would someone love a monster like me?"

"Edward, that girl will accept you. Scarlett is the sweetest person that I have ever met. Give it a shot and maybe she will prove you wrong." Esme tells him.

Edward sighed and nodded knowing she was telling the truth. He'll get to know her first before telling her about him and them being mates. He hopes Esme is right. Scarlett Jones might just prove him wrong.

Down to Earth-Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now