Jack Frost x Teen! reader (Pt. 2)

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You started to wake up, confused about what was going on.

"Hey! You're awake!" You heard a voice say, you started to sit up but your head hurt like you got hit by a bus.

"AGH! Ow! Wha-what's going on.. Where am I?" You then saw a smiling face in front of you, a boy with white hair.

"Hey sleepy head!" Jack said, you were startled at first but calmed down.

"H-Hi.. Oh my gosh I had to go to school!! HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN OUT!? WHAT TIME IS IT!? AM I MISSING!?" You were freaking out, Jack calmed you with a laugh.

"It's only been about 30 minutes, look at the clock." You looked at the clock

Only 30 minutes? That doesn't make sense..

You shook your head and gave the boy a small smile.

"Thank you Jack, I should really be getting to school though.." You started getting up but Jack pushed you back down.

"No! Wait- stay please.." He looked at you with soft eyes, pleading with you to stay. You sighed and nodded.

"Fine..." Jack smiled and picked you up, you freaked out at first, but relaxed in his arms.

"Wanna see the others?" He questioned you. You slowly nodded.

Jack started by showing you the tooth fairy.

"Jack! Children aren't supposed to see you!! You shouldnt be showing her to all of us!!" Tooth exclaimed, Jack rolled his eyes, laid back as usual.

"Tooth.. Come on! Calm down, it's fine! She's chill!" Jack hugged you close. You blushed a little. Tooth sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Fine.." She went to you and smiled, she still loves children, "Hi! You look familiar-" You cut her off.

"When I was 8 years old. I woke up and saw you.. I grabbed your arm and hugged you then kept repeating 'you're real!! I'm telling everyone!!' then you calmed me down and got me back to sleep.." You recalled with a smile. Tooths eyes widened.

"I remember that.. Wow.."

Jack then took you to all the different guardians, until you started to go back to his cabin that was surrounded by a snowy forest.

"That was fun!" You exclaimed with a smile. Jack nodded, smiling as well.

"Yeah! Today was the best!" Jack responded, your smile faded.

"I have to go home Jack.." You looked at the boy, he seemed to get a little angry as he grabbed your shoulders, looking into your eyes.

"No. You don't. I'll take care of you now." He stated, your eyes widened but you just awkwardly laughed as you pushed him off you.

"Funny joke! Seriously let me go hom-" He cut you off.

"It's not a joke Y/n. Do you know how long I've been here!? ALONE! By myself!! But then.. You come in! You can see me! So now I'm keeping you.. Don't worry! I got things to make you comfortable! Blankets, food, water! Everything you need!" The boy exclaimed, you got scared and started getting tears as he pulled you inside the cabin.

"J-Jack! I'm scared!!" You exclaimed, the boy frowned as he wiped your tears, but that was soon replaced by a smile.

"I know! I know! You're gonna be alright, We're gonna have a little fun instead!"

when you dont update a story for a while TwT Sorry bout that guys!!


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