Hawks x winged! Reader

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Zoeyfoxzoona509 Listen dude Idk what you want me to do here I didn't have much to work with lol enjoy, sorry I'm not very good with Hawks


You continued to clean the counters, the bakery that you and your family own is closing, and soon closing, possibly, forever. The bakery really just doesn't get enough people anymore unfortunately, bigger bakery's have taken over, and although the trend at the moment is small businesses and such, your bakery just doesn't really get noticed. You can hear your parents argue in the bedroom they share above the bakery. They've been arguing for weeks, your dad wants to just sell the thing, while your mom argues it's been passed down for more than 100 years. You wish you could help, you do what you can, working for free in this business, and in your main job you work just as hard. You try to support your family, but you have to pay your own bills and such. You shake your head as the phone rings... you pick it up and talk to the person on the other end.. You glance. Ten. minutes. Ten minutes until closing and some idiotic bastard wants a small cake. IT IS ALMOST 10:00 WHO ORDERS CAKE AT THIS TIME!? You just keep a nice tone all the way through, and when he hangs up you slam the phone down.. With a sigh you grab a small cake, ONE THAT YOU WERE GONNA TAKE HOME, but a customer needs it. You make sure to close everything up as you bring the cake with you. You go outside and sigh as you fly into the air, holding onto the cake tightly as you take off. You mumble a bunch of insults towards whoever is ordering.. So someone decided to order from a small business, closing in ten minutes, and want a cake at 9:50 at night!? Who in their right mind orders a dang cake this late at night?? You get to the place... you were surprised.. A complex of penthouses... "better tip me.." you mumble as you enter.. Going up.. Uh... he didn't give you a number earlier.. How are you supposed to know where he lives?! He gave you a name.. But most likely there's no one at the desk who can help- your thoughts are cut off when you hear a woosh behind you.. You turn around and freeze. Keigo.. You thought it sounded familiar yet you didn't think much of it.. Until the number two hero was standing in front of you. You quickly snap out of it and get an angry expression on your face- dang- number two hero ordered a cake, and it is now 9:55. You walk up to him.
"Do you realize how late it is? And how freezing it is outside, especially at night??" your manners were gone, you're tired. You just want to go home. Hawks, or Kiego Takami looked all confident with a huge smirk on his cocky face, until you started scolding him. The hero freezes.. Now feeling embarrassed but also shocked that someone would talk like this to him.
"I... well.. I just wanted a cake-" he gets caught off by your continuing, tired rant.
"You want cake this late at night??? Did your mother ever teach you to not eat so much sugar?? It'll mess with your sleep tonight!" you sigh and just give him the cake. "That'll be seven dollars and fifty eight cents." you say, looking at him.. Takami just looks at you.. Basically still trying to process how you're talking to him... what makes this worse? He realizes he forgot his wallet..
"Uh..Kinda forgot the money.. Isn't seeing me enough??" he says, putting his arms to his sides and giving a confident look. You look at him... your eye twitches... the absolute audacity of this guy!
"Seeing you... SEEING YOU!? ARE YOU SERIOUS!? If anything you should be paying me more for having to see you! Geez you're so egotistical!" you try calming yourself down, taking in a deep breath and letting it out... "So yes. You still need to pay." you glare at him...
Hawks lets out a sigh... he knows what he must do..
"Welp, come on then!" he smiles and grabs your hand and flies into the air, taking you with him.. Your eyes widen and your wings quickly come out, making sure you keep yourself up you break out of his grasp... he looks at you.. His face has a happy expression.. A small smile on his lips.. He holds a hand open.
"Come on!! I don't bite.. Or peck.." he says.. Looking you in the eyes.. "Trust me." his voice is soft as he says this.. You look back and slowly grasp his hand, and then you suddenly get yanked in a direction, all while, holding a cake. You scream as he pulls you onto a balcony, his balcony you assume.
"See! You did great! Come on now!" he invites you in.. and you do slowly walk in.. looking around.. He has a nice place.. It looks expensive. You just look.. Mouth agape.
"Wow.. you have some.. Comfortable living.. Now pay me." you say, earning a sigh from the blond. He grabs his wallet and picks up his credit card..
"Okay, do you take credit cards?" He asks.. You nod and pull out your phone as he enters the card number and stuff into there and boom it's all paid.
"Here's your cake and thank you have a great night-" you get cut off when he comes closer..
"Hey! But I can't finish this whole cake on my own! So.. why not just.. Stay and eat it with me?" he questions, hoping not to get rejected.. You look at him a bit weirdly.. Your mind screams to yell hell no and flea... but another part of you wants to stay and see where things go. See you're a lonely person, and this is the number two hero. No way can you pass out on an opportunity like this.
"You know what? Screw my life, yeah where do I put my shoes?" You put your shoes near the door and he leads you to his couch.
"Wanna watch a movie? No strings attached, promise." he confirms something you were worried about. You guys sit near each other and put on a movie.. And all goes good, you get some of the cake you wanted in the first place, and you get a movie on a huge TV... overall that night was amazing for the both of you.


You and Keigo slowly became closer over time, and as you did, he figured out about the struggling business. You found out he absolutely LOVES the cakes you guys make, and he'd hate to see you guys go out of business. So he (quite easily) pulled some strings and got the business booming!!! People now flood out the doors, buying your different pastries and such. Your parents are happy, and they haven't argued! You're able to work at both your main job and there better, usually now spending more time at your main job as they have an abundance of workers. You and Keigo often are found with each other, and there's many rumors of the two of you being together, but they're all false.. That was until.. The two of you were walking together, through a beautiful park.. And he slowly reaches his hand to meet yours...
"Y/n.. I really like you.." he confesses... as he slowly looks at you, you look back with wide eyes..
"Keigo.. I... I'm sorry but I don't.." you pull your hand away and take a step back, scared of his reaction. Keigo looks at you.. A sad puppy look comes to his face as he continues to look at you.. But soon that disappears and he puts on a smile, but it is a more strained one.
"Okay!! Let's go to my place! Please?? There's a movie I've been waiting to watch with you.." he takes your hand in his once more, but you pull your hand away, he seems to flinch slightly as you both take off into the air.


You wake up, tied up and laying against a sleeping Keigo. Your eyes widen as you struggle a lot. You try to scream but the gag in your mouth blocks any noise that you try to make. How did you end up in this situation..? Well.. you came home.. He gave you a drink and food, you felt dizzy and passed out. And now, this is where you are. He starts to stir..
"Mm.. baby bird?" he wakes up and looks at you.. "What's wrong..?" he takes the gag out of your mouth, gently.
"LET ME GO!! GET ME OUT OF THESE ROP-" he stuffs the gag back in your mouth with an eye roll.
"Baby! Why are you being so mean? And after all those times I helped you!" he stands up, looking you up and down.. He thinks you look beautiful like this, all tied up, and the fact that no one is able to get to you now. He lets out a dramatic sigh.. "Whatever shall I do with you.." his hand brushes through his hair as he hums, slowly looking around the room, trying to think of what to do from here. You start crying, terrified and betrayed, this was your friend, he helped you! And now he has you kidnapped and tied off.
"Oh don't do that baby bird! Shhh no!" he runs to you, sitting you up and wiping your eyes.. "It's okay! I won't hurt you, and your family is.. Well.. not exactly happy that you're missing... but it's doing your business better!" but suddenly, his look and tone change.. It changes to a much. Much. darker one. "But all it takes is a few words and you're back to no business. So if I were you.. I'd play nice.." his voice then changes back to its happy, chirpy tone. "Understand??" he smiles and you nod quickly... sniffling and calming down.. Well, now your parents can be happy, the business will stay, you don't have to deal with work.. And you're not getting hurt so.. You look at him with pleading eyes.
"Oh I can't say no to that..'' he sighs and unties you, taking the gag out as well, he hugs you, and you hug back, leaning into him. This is your fate, there's nothing you can really do. You can scream all you want but who are people going to believe? Hero or citizen?.. So you might as well go with this, get some love and care out of it. You nuzzle your head into his chest as you close your eyes...
Keigo smirks, realizing how easily you fell into him.. All it took was some threatening of your family and you broke almost immediately.. Hm... interesting isn't it..? Oh well.. All that matters is that you're his baby bird.

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