Platonic!! The Collector x reader

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ItsYoGirlCeci  I hope you enjoy but uh.. sorry if it's weird, to be honest I've barely kept up with TOH and uhhh I really didnt have much for this but     
: D Hope ya like it!  Kinda rushed, I'm sorry.

“But you promised to play with me!!” the childish entity whines, growing impatient with you as he waves his  fists in the air in rage. The collector, they had taken quite a liking to you, you had just been so kind to them.. too kind. Playing games and doing what they wanted.. You were too perfect to let go!

“I- but I did play with you already!! And now it’s time for me to go!” you argued, trying your hardest to leave but not hurt the child's feelings. All of a sudden, something blocked your way. The small collector had rushed in front of you, floating. It causes you to stumble back a bit, slightly scared… okay really scared. Imagine giving a small child powers, this is basically that.. Except these powers can quite literally destroy the world bit by bit and this child is very. Very attached to you. So it basically rests on your shoulders to make sure no one else is hurt by him, as he may not exactly be so happy that you need to leave. The collector doesn’t seem so happy with your response. 

“We’re not done playing though!! It’s not fair!!!” he whines even more before grabbing you like a small child begging for candy.. “Come on!! I can make us keep having fun if you’re bored!!” he yells and whines more.. You get tired of the entity and push them,
“Listen, I need to go!! Okay?? I need to get to my friends!” you say, trying to figure out how to get off here… it’s a small childish room.. 

“You mean these friends??” Collector pulled out some dolls.. They… no they wouldn’t… not… your eyes widen and gasp as you put a hand over your mouth… it’s.. All of.. Luz.. Amity.. Hunter.. They’re.. Dolls.. 

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?” you yell and run over, dropping to your knees, trying to take the dolls as they snatch them away. 

“They’re gonna stay like this until you promise to stay with me!” they say back with a sad expression.. “Promise to stay!! Stay you’re mine you’re mine!!” they yell, like throwing a tantrum. “No one else's mine! You’re MY friend!!!” They yell.. You can't help but continue to stare at the dolls.. Your friends.. This is for them… 

“If.. I pinky promise.. Will.. will you leave them be? Return them back to normal? They’ll… be okay?” You ask, slowly.. You gulp down the lump in your throat.. They.. they have to accept right? The collectors’ eyes light up and they quickly nod. 

“Yes! Yes! They’ll be all fine!” they promise and hold a pinky out… you hesitate.. But hook your pinky with theirs… The collector cackles and laughs before dropping the dolls.. The dolls all disappear as the collector holds you close. “Yay!! Yay!! You’re my friend!” They celebrate as they continue to hug you… you hug back… maybe.. Maybe you can get used to this- no this is bad! But maybe.. As long as.. But your friends… but they’ll be okay… you’re not that important to all of them.. But the collector finds you interesting.. Finds you important.. You don’t have to feel lonely anymore.. Everyone having relationships then you are just third wheeling.. At least with this.. You get attention. And you’re wanted.. Not told you can’t join because it’s a ‘couples’ thing’ so… maybe it’s not too bad..


It’s been a few weeks.. You’re tired.. The collector tires you out with the amount of ‘games’ they want to play..
You have to stop them from destroying places and hurting people, they never understand why, but when you beg them to stop… oh how can they say no to you?? So.. you play normal games.. Tag… hide and seek.. But they always add their own rules to it… 

You want to go home.

Want to go back.

But they will hurt your friends and family (If you even have any of either left) 

“Y/nnnnn! I wanna make something with you!! I wanna bake.. What do you mortals call it… a cac? Cak?” You sigh as you listen to the whiney collector.
“Cake..?” you question.. Just sounding tired.. Hopeless.. They giggle and cling to you.
“Yeah! Let's make one of those!” They smile.

“We need a cookbook.”
“I can find one!” 

“I don’t have the energy to bake.”
“Thats a boring excuseeee!” they pull on your arm. “Come on pleas-” 

You snapped. You can't handle their whining. 

“YOU’RE SO STUPID! CAN YOU SHUT UP FOR ONE MINUTE!? ALL YOU DO IS WHINE AND WHINE AND IT’S SO PATHETIC SO JUST SHUT UP!!” you yell.. You've barely slept for days.. They always insist on things.. Whining and nagging.. They certainly flinch at your yelling.. But soon.. Fear is replaced with anger.. 

“That wasn’t very nice… I didn’t like that!” they pout and grab your arm.. “I think… Im gonna get this one first!” snap. It takes a minute for you to process…


They broke your arm…

You scream in pain and fall to the ground, holding the broken arm..

The collector kneels by your side with a smile on their face.. They grab your not broken arm. “Now.. will you be good for me? Or do I have to hurt you more… you promised to play with me.. You’re my playmate.

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