Bakugo x reader ~Number 1 Hero~

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LoriBannon requested this! Sorry it took me so long!!

Your POV

I walked through the hallway, just hoping to get through the school day, without being seen, spoken to. Hoping to survive the horrors of highschool/middle school. The only good friend I have is Deku, we spend a lot of time together, lately he's been missing.

I went to my locker and started taking my stuff for my class out of it, as I did so someone tried slamming the locker door shut, but it hit my arm instead. I hissed in pain, dropping my books.

"Shiitake Mushrooms!!" I cursed under my breath, shaking my arm, "Hey what's the big de-" I got cut off.

"You damn idiot. Give me. A fair fight." The angry pomeranian said, anger and hate strong as poison seething in his words. You sighed, picking up your books and looking at the blonde.

"I did give you a fair fight. YOU just won easily!! No need to rub it in!" I responded with an eye roll. My words hurting me more than they hurt him.

"No. YOU went easy on me!!!" Bakugo responded, following me to my next class.

"Shut up.." I said, gritting my teeth, starting to get irritated with the boy's persistence.

"NO! I WANT A FAIR FI-" You cut him off, using your quirk (Choose your quirk idc) to hurt him somehow.

"You want a fair fight!? We can have a fair fight! THIS TIME I WILL BEAT YOU!" I yelled, holding back tears. You see, Bakugo had fought me about a week ago, he won 'easily' and said that I just let him win. So he hasn't shut up about it since then. I had finally gotten sick of it, at first I just let it slide and ignored the angry pomeranian. But when he continued, I finally snapped, and now we're both fighting in the middle of school. He tried to throw an explosion in my way but I dodged it. I finally defeated him.

"SEE I'M NOT WEAK!!" I yelled, flipping the boy off.

"Y/n L/n. Katsuki Bakugo." Aizawa glared at the both of us, his glare seemed to be looking straight into my soul.

Sooo what ended up happening was you and Bakugo got in huge trouble, detention and all that stuff. You were pissed at the boy for prodding you and getting you to do that, but in the end you knew it was your action, and you can't blame that on someone else.

Katsuki Bakugo, on the other hand, was thrilled.

Bakugo POV

Y/n is such an idiot, but she finally gave me a fair point. I got to see her full potential. And everyone else did too, but they can't have Y/n no! She's mine. I loved seeing her face when I slammed her locker on her arm. The look of pain, I loved seeing it. And then, I loved seeing her ambition, wanting to defeat me.

Here we are now, in detention. She glares at me, I get a smirk. Knowing that she hates my guts right now, she wants me dead. And I love it.


Bakugo followed the h/c girl as she walked through the hallway. Then outside. Then on the street. When finally they were alone, he struck. Pinning the female to the wall and kissing her, his lips roughly dancing on hers. The girl was in shock and quickly tried to push the male off, but to no avail.

Bakugo parted the kiss for a moment, his eyes staring into the e/c orbs.

"Mine.." Was all he said as he looked at her. Before putting a cloth over her nose and mouth, knocking her out.


You started to wake up, discombobulated and weak. You had no idea how you got there, you remembered being pinned to the wall by a blond but couldn't tell who it was. You realized that it would be a good idea to try to find a way out and took in some information

You quickly realized you were chained up, in a basement. You took a look at your surroundings and saw plenty of chains, knives, workout things, and torture devices.

You used your quirk to get out of the restraints and tried leaving, when you saw someone coming down the stairs. You recognized the man as Bakugo. He explained why he needed you. You were mad at him, but after some... convincing... you finally agreed to stay.

"And they lived happily ever after!" Y/n smiled at her children.

"But what about the girl's parents?? Family?? Friends??" the little boy asked.

"Well.. they easily get persuaded by money.." Bakugo said, intruding on the conversation.
"Bed time!" Y/n tucked the children in, kissed their foreheads, and left the room with her husband.

They walked to the kitchen and started cleaning up, with the help of Bakugo of course.

"You didn't add the part that the girl's parents and friends were killed." Y/n stated, hate strong as poison seething through her words.

"And you didn't mention how the girl was desperate for love... the parents hated her.. The friends only used her.." Bakugo responded in a surprisingly calm manner.

Ever since you came into his life, he would be more calm, instead he took his anger out in..

Other ways...

"My friends and family loved me more than you ever will you selfish bastard!" She snapped at the blonde. His head snapped around, looking at Y/n.

"You raised your voice at me. And mentioned people you're not supposed to talk about. You know what has to happen." He said. Y/n's eyes widened and your face turned from one of hate to a terrified one as the man led the both of them to the bedroom.

Bakugo made her bend over and started spanking her, the girl was used to this, but held in whimpers. The first time she struggled, she thought she could make it out. But now, after 5 years, she knows she can't escape. And even if she does, what is there left for her?

Bakugo then brought out a knife and put a mark into the girl's back.

"That marks... 500 times you've tried to disobey. Do I need to kill more people?" Bakugo asked. Y/n's eyes widened, "Maybe.. I'll kill someone that's close to you.." "NO! K-Katsuki- Katsuki I love you!" She yelled, looking at him.

"Show me you do." He commanded the girl. Y/n looked at him, knowing full well what she had to do. She kissed him, with Bakugo deepening the kiss, and pinning the h/c girl down. He parted for only a second. "I love you so.. So much..." Was what he said before continuing the kis.

You knew there was no escape.

You knew there was nothing to do even if you did escape.

You knew, the ambition you had was gone.

You knew, you're now married to the Number 1 hero.

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