Villain Deku part 2

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It's been about a week since Deku brought you to the villain base. Everyones nice. Well, nice as they can be. But you still felt uncomfortable, and want your normal room instead of some kind of jail cell that the stupid green haired boy put you in, you had started getting to know each other better. You found out that you werent too different from each other. Deku explained how people used to make fun of him, and he didn't have many friends. His mother knows where he is, and doesn't turn him in. I started.. I don't know.. Understanding him?

But That wasn't gonna change what you're doing right now. You finally got the opportunity to run away when Deku left the window open. You climbed out and ran, ran as fast as you could.

But that wasn't good enough, Deku easily caught you. He started dragging you back with a smile.

"Punishment time! I'm so excited it's finally punishment time!" He said in a sing-song voice as he dragged you to a room you haven't seen before... you assumed it was his room.

"D-Deku.. I'm scared.." You said looking at you, he looked back.

"I can tell!! Ohh I love that look in your eyes! That look of fear!! That look of wonder of what happens next!" Deku smiled wide as he chained you to the wall.

"Deku please, let me go!" You were shaking, so scared of what would happen next.

TW blood, torcher I'll say when it's over!

Deku took off your shirt and pants, leaving you in your undergarments. He slowly started cutting your skin, causing blood to drip down your arms and legs. There were tears in your eyes as you loudly whimpered in pain.

"Look at that! My masterpiece! Look at my baby!" Deku seemed to be having fun while you were in terrible pain. When he was done he turned you around so your back was facing him, and carved his name into your back. His real name. You screamed at this and couldn't take all the pain so passed out.


You slowly woke up, everything hurt. You felt tired and weak. You saw Deku there.

"Hey baby... I'm sorry for earlier, you had to be punished! But I'll give you love now!" Deku's lips smashed onto yours, you struggled a little but slowly gave in and kissed back as his hand traveled your body. You just then realized, you weren't wearing anything. Damn boy took off your clothes when you were sleeping... you prayed to God he didn't do anything to you while you were asleep.
Deku sat on top of you and kissed you passionately, hurting you in the process as he kissed too hard.

You tried pushing him away but felt pain, you were weak, there's nothing you can do but go with it

Deku sat up and placed you so your legs were wrapped around his torso. He kissed you hungrily and passionately. You enjoyed it. You enjoyed the attention, the feeling of his touch.

It has been months now, you don't want to go back home. You've decided to stay with him.

This is your happily ever after...


That's what Deku thinks.

But he doesn't think to ask how you feel about it.

How do you feel about it?

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