Dabi x Roomate! reader

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Skull-Slayer I hope you like it!!

You yawn as you walk out of your small room, walking out you instantly get hit by a great smell. You run over, and see two plates and a cooking Dabi. "Oh- um- thank you Dabi!" you say with a small smile, the two of you have been roommates for a while, sharing this two bedroom apartment, for maybe a year? You guys got along pretty well, he lets you do your stuff as he does his. Well lately he's been doing just little things for you, such as laundry and cleaning up different messes around the house.
"Yeah yeah..." he mumbles, putting the food on the two plates, dividing it equally between the two of you.. He made (favorite breakfast), and it looks absolutely delicious. Your eyes sparkle as you run over.

"That's my favorite!!! How did you know???" you asked as you looked at him. Dabi merely shrugged he totally didn't look through your text messages with friends

"I didn't, I just like it as well." he lies, oh there's so many lies that he's told you, where he works, what he does, *where all of your missing stuff has gone*.

"Oh!! That's cool!!" you grab a plate, as he does as well, and you both sit next to each other at the small table... "So.. how's work been going for you?" you ask him, eating your food.. That starts a small conversation, only ending a couple minutes later.. Not too chatty, that's what you've learned about him, unless you talk to him or he's asking you a question, or just little things like that. Soon enough you finish and get up, stretching. "I gotta go get ready for work." you say, going to your room and changing. Soon enough you come back out, but your face is met with Dabi's chest, he's right outside your door.

"Erm.. hey.. Can I ride with you? I think I missed the bus." he asks looking at you.. You meet his eyes and give a small smile. "Yeah sure!" You do wonder if this is why he made breakfast, but you don't think too much into it as the two of you make it to your car, it's pretty silent. You slip into the driver's side, and him into the passenger, he closes the door and gives directions on where he wants to go..

The car ride is silent, the distant sound of whatever's on the radio plays, you drop him off..

"Have a nice day at work.." you say with a small smile, and Dabi gives a sort of.. Shocked? Expression..

"Erm.. you too.. Thanks.." he shuts the car door and starts walking as you ride off, going to your own job


You didn't know this was going to happen, you didn't know your morning would contradict your morning so drastically. As you come back to your apartment crying, crying hard. Wondering why. Why has this happened to you?? You go to your room and set your stuff down.. Your boyfriend... he died.. Just so suddenly.. Murdered. His body was found burnt and contorted into something that looked almost non human. You cry and cry.. Soon Dabi hears from his room and comes to you.. He's not too good at comforting, oh and he does love watching your distress, watching those tears just roll down your cheeks feels amazing to him.. Though he is annoyed you're crying over that stupid boy.

"Hey.. erm.. What's up.. Do you need anything?-" you cling to him, just needing someone, anyone for right now. You just need someone to help you..

"H-he's dead.. My boyfriend.. I finally found someone that loves me and.. He's just dead now! M-murdered in cold blood- I..." you cry harder, your legs feel weak, your body numb... you hope crying will flush the sadness out of your system, but you're disappointed when it doesn't. Dabi lets out a sigh as you feel two arms wrap around your body..
"Listen.. There was nothing you could've done about it, you're crying but over what? Sure you may have loved him but he was going to die eventually. Crying.. Won't solve anything. Trust me, I know. If you keep crying and just keep yourself like this, you won't ever be happy. And none of us want that. So just.. Calm down or whatever." he says, looking down at you... your cries have calmed a bit as you look up at him, face red and eyes puffy..
"Y-you suck at comforting people.. You know that right?" you get just a small smile.. A small sad smile.. Dabi gives a grin.

"Ah yes I assumed I did." he takes in a big breath and lets it out. "How about some (favorite dessert)? Does that sound good?" he asks, a slight tilt of his head.. You nod and he gets up, looking down at you. "You just rest there, I'll take care of it." he goes and gets you some.. You change into some comfy clothes.


Over time, you got a bit closer to Dabi, he took good.. Actually better care of you than anyone ever has, he made sure to keep your spirits up. Cooking for you, giving you little gifts, doing your hair, laundry.. Just so many little things. That was until he started getting a bit more drastic. He started trying to keep you home, not wanting you to leave, using excuses for dangerous people and people who'll hurt you. You would just roll your eyes and leave.. Well one day. When you got up.. You just couldn't get up. You struggled and tried but you couldn't move, it's like you were paralyzed.. You screamed for Dabi and he came rushing in.. you cried and explained what was going on.. He gave a small frown.. Picking you up gently..

"Hey don't worry, I'll help you out.." he gave you something, and you slipped back into your sleeping state.. When you woke up again you were somewhere else, and laying on someone.. You look up to see Dabi's face.. You can move again..

"There you are.. Finally awake.. Don't worry.. I made sure you were okay.." that's all he says.. And although you're suspicious you just shrug it off.. Your eyes widen when you see how dark it is outside.

"Holy crap I missed work!!" you yell, Dabi looks down at you..
"Yeah, you were fired, you have to go pack up your stuff by 3:30 tomorrow." he says, calmly, even though everything's falling apart for you.. You start to shake, scared of what's going to happen to you. Dabi notices this.

"Hey, idiot calm down, I got it taken care of.. You don't have to work anymore." he states plainly once more.. And you look up at him, confused.. He explains how he got a higher paying job, which technically isn't a lie.. He's working for another villain organization as well as his original one. You look at him.. Confused.. But you slowly lay on him.. Relaxing.. No work doesn't sound too bad..

"I love you Dabi..." you say gently, laying against his chest.. You can hear his heartbeat race... he gets a small smirk on his face.

"Is that right baby?" he asks, looking at your now red face as you slowly nod.. He kisses your forehead. "Well, I love you as well idiot." he responds.. Continuing to watch whatever's on TV as he plays with your hair gently, running his hands through it as well.. You're his now.. All it took was some manipulation.. Killing... not much.. Oh and those drugs.. All that food he cooked? Drugged. Helping you become more drowsy, so you'd perform worse and worse at work, so you'd surely get fired. Unfortunately someone gave him the wrong drug, paralyzing you that morning.. So he knocked you out and made sure to go to the guy who gave it to him, being told it'd wear off in a few hours he was relieved but pissed... Let's just say, he no longer has someone to get that kinda stuff from. But it's fine.. Since you've decided to stay with him, since you love him.. It's okay... because at the end of the day you're not hard to trick.

I tried going back to all of the ** but if you spot some, just know it's supposed to be bolded/italisized, I went over it three times but couldn't find any more than the ones that are bolded/italisized, thank you for reading! and Merry Christmas! : )

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