Hunter x Reader

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Hunter sat across from you, eating his lunch, and soon he took a small piece of fruit then threw it in the air, catching it in his mouth with a smile as he looked at you for confirmation.. You gave a small smile as you watched him..
"Great job Hunter, that was cool!" You exclaim, giggling as you try, and fail. Hunter laughs at you. You shake your head. "I'm not good at it."
"Aww don't worry Y/n you're good at a lot more stuff!" he puts both your foods to the side as he hugs and clings to you.. His head goes to your lap as he turns and lays in it, letting you play with his hair and such.. You smile as your eyes meet his..Your eyes have bags, tired.. You're so tired.. Hunter notices and suddenly frowns.. "Oh dear... you do need to eat and sleep more!!" he says, sitting up. "Here.. let me feed you.. Open up!~" he takes your food and slowly starts trying to feed you, a smile on his face. But.. you keep your mouth closed.. Being stubborn but looking him in the eyes. He's glaring at you. "I said. Open. up. Now do it." oh you screwed up. He looks pissed.. And he was in a better mood too.. You slowly open your mouth as he shoves food in.. it's hard to swallow it down but you do.. You look down.. He smiles. "See.. that wasn't too hard was it? Now the rest.." he continues to feed you and you just go along with it.. He soon finishes, and hugs you.. "Oh you're so good Y/n.. so so good.." he strokes your hair.

"Hunter.. My ankle hurts.." you whimper out a bit to him, looking at him with pain filled eyes. Hunter looks back with pitiful ones..

"Okay.. I'll take it off.." he snaps the cuff on your foot.

See, you were captured by Hunter not too long ago, and are now being held captive by the overprotective guy.. At first, you struggled, but that made him angry, he'd take things away from you.. Food, bedding.. Even clothes. So you learned.. Just do as he says and you'll get rewards.. But you're so tired of listening to him... but at the same time he actually wants you.. Someone. Wants. you. And you can finally be special.

"Thank you!" you smile as he takes it off and you hug him close.. "I love your hugs.." you say.. Partly trying to manipulate him.. But at the same time you do like his hugs! Hunter lets out a hum.

"Hey.. wanna sleep next to me?" he asks with a small smile towards you.. You quickly nod, beats sleeping on the floor, alone and cold. Being woken up by bugs every few minutes.. You woke up with a bug on you that morning.. You just want to be in a warm bed again. Hunter notices goosebumps and his eyes widen. "You're cold!!" he says and quickly helps you up, you stumble, weak from just sitting and laying down these past few weeks.. Well except for the walks you got.. How long ago? That had gotten taken away..

"Y-yeah.. I've been cold.. And.. I was scared and.." you start getting tears. Now you've learned that you can easily make Hunter feel bad by saying he hurt you.. Oh he absolutely hates hurting you.. He hates other people for hurting you, so why should he be so hypocritical? He hugs you close, helping you walk.
"Let's get you somewhere warm.. Okay?" he puts you in his own bed, softly laying you down and speaking.. "There.. Want more food..?" he asks with a still worried expression on his face.. He does really care about you, he really just doesn't know how to portray it.. His response to this feeling was trapping you where you couldn't be hurt by anyone, or stolen or just.. Not by his side. He hates when you're not by his side.. He missed you when he banished you to that small cell instead of his bed.. So he is happy you're here now..

"Erm.. maybe (favorite snack)?" you say as you look back at him.. Hunter nods and leaves to get that for you as you slowly slip under the comfy.. Warm blankets and comforter of the bed.. You place your head on the pillow and all that tiredness comes over you, knocking you out completely as you fall asleep..

Hunter comes back with snacks but sees you asleep and gives a small smile.. You're adorable like this.. He sets (favorite snack) to the side and cuddles you close... finally.. You're back to his side!


You wake up to a sleeping hunter.. Oh it's just an adorable sight!! His little mouth hangs open, revealing his cute little tooth gap! You just think he's so cute.. You smile and lay your head on his chest.. He's surprisingly comfy.. Really really comfy.. You hold him closer..

"If you didn't.. Kidnap me.. Maybe.. This would've truly worked out.." you mumble quietly, sadly... it really would have... you two would've been happy together and it would be a great fun time.

"It works out either way.." Hunter mumbles back.. Slightly awake you now realize as your face goes red and you get flustered.. Getting off of him.
"S-sorry.. I'm sorry.." you quickly apologize to the boy. Hunter chuckles as he pulls you closer to himself.

"Don't be sorry! I like you on me.. And it does work out either way. I didn't kidnap you.. I saved you Y/n.. you just don't know it.. They all were out for it.. You would've gotten hurt or killed if I didn't step in.. if I didn't take you for myself.. I don;t care if it's selfish... don't I deserve this!? Don't I deserve to get what I want after- after everything!? I saved you, don't I at least deserve this!?" he looks at you, as if asking.. You look back at him.. Wanting to satisfy him, yet at the same time, wanting to get him help.. You let out a sigh.
"Hunter.. Calm down... I'm not going anywhere.. You won't let me anyway.. But I want to stay.. Stay with you. I want. To stay with you Hunter." you say, continuing to look at the boy..

Hunter seems shocked as he looks at you, his eyes widened and mouth agape. "You... wanna be with me?" he asks gently... you nod.

"Yes. with you hunter.." you respond, a small smile forming on your lips... Soon, a huge smile comes upon his face as he pins you down, kissing all over your face and cuddling you.

"I love you!! I love you Y/n!!" he yells with such excitement.. You'd think he's getting a puppy or something. He was so happy!
"I.. love you too.." you were a tad bit overwhelmed by how excited he was.. but you went with it. Whatever could keep you in the okay with him.. Get you food.. A place to sleep.. Love. Love and care is what you want.. And he provides that for you.. You cling to him once more, laying your head in his chest again.. It is really comfy.. Yeah.. you don't need to go, you just need to stay... all you need to do is stay.. And you'll be taken care of then everything will be okay! You put on a smile..

"Oh Y/n you have the most amazing smile.. The most amazing personality.. And just... I love you.. I love you so much!!" His voice sounds.. Desperate almost as he speaks to you. Desperate for someone, for you, to say those words back, for you to want him, to hold him close...

"And... you're really cute.." you kiss his cheek, to once again make him happy.




As long as you made him happy.

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