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It was the day before me going back to my house. We had spent the week in his house at Esikhawini. Now he was sulking and begging me to stay. He was actually behaving like a baby, a big baby. I didn’t ask him about the Balungile his mean sisters mentioned. I figured since she was not in the picture at the moment, she wasn’t important.

I came back home when sis Futhy was about to give birth. The agreement was that when I leave, I will leave with my siblings. Dad even allowed us to use the family private jet. Drama I tell you. It was the day after sis Futhy gave birth when I received a call from Zenzo. It was early in the morning. Like 5 am. He knew I loved sleeping but I guess he had his reasons to call this early. I answer the call.

“Hey Bab…”
“They killed my father.” After that he hung up. My eyes popped out. What the hell? Who would kill the king? Those royal wars were still a thing? Siblings fighting for the throne? I quickly sent Libongwe a message that we would be leaving in 30 minutes.

I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a cold shower which helped with getting rid of all the sleep. I dried my body and went to my closet. I got dressed in black tracksuits, black sneakers and a black beanie. I shoved a few of my clothes together with my gadgets in a duffel bag. I then jogged downstairs where I found my brother Kuhle walking up and down with one of the twins.

“Where are you going Lisakhanya?” I smiled nervously and waved at him.
“I will be back in a week and no my life is not in danger. I love you brother.” I quickly ran out and I was pleased to find my guards already waiting for me in the driveway. I climbed inside the car and asked them to drive me to Mthembu’s house first.

Well here is the thing. I was only allowed to attend family funerals. Well not necessarily allowed but every time I went to a stranger’s funeral, I would come back sick, very sick. Mthembu found out that I had something that would weaken me whenever I go to a graveyard. I could easily take isithunzi somuntu ongasekho sihlale emahlombe ami. Which is why I had to ask him to do something to me so that I don’t come back sick or anything. We got to his house and it looked like he was already waiting for us. He was standing outside his working hut.

“Nkosazane emhlophe. Come in.” he walked inside his hut.
I took off my sneakers and followed him. We sat down and he started burning incense and mumbling some things. He brought the bowl which had incense to my face and then placed it down in front of me. After a while he removed the bowl in front of me. He slightly cut my wrists and ankles with a razor and put on some black powder before blood could come out. He then handed me some liquid which I drank on one go.

“Zulu ancestors, go with your daughter. Protect her through every evil in the outside world. Bring her back home safe without a shadow hovering over her.” He said all that talking to the bones in his mat and clapping. He then looked at me. “When is he coming home to do right by you?” I swallowed hard and then cleared my throat.

“He was supposed to come in October but this happened. But I am sure after all this has passed, he will come.” He nodded.
“Go well my child. Don’t go to the graveyard and don’t go anywhere near you father-in-law’s casket.” I nodded.

“Okay baba.” He gave me some herbs rolled in a newspaper.
“Bath with this before you come back.” I nodded again and headed out. I wore my sneakers and went to the car.
We arrived at Esikhawini after 2 hours of driving. I had the spare key, so I made myself at home. I sent one of my guards to buy some groceries because the kitchen was very empty. I also asked her to being some breakfast from Spur because the princess doesn’t know how to cook. I went to place my bag in the master bedroom and then went to make myself some coffee. I heard a car driving in and I figured it was my guards and I just continued making my coffee. My back was against the kitchen door. It opened.

“Sthandwa sam.” I quickly turned causing my coffee to slip, fall and burn my hands and feet. I screamed and he quickly made his way to me. “I am so sorry for scarring you. I was just surprised to see you here.” he took some dish cloth, wet it with cold water and placed it against my burned skin. Nothing much happened but hot coffee is hot.

“I am sorry. I just wanted to come and support you.” he picked me up and went to the bedroom with me. He undressed me and dressed me with his t-shirt which was oversize to me.
“What happened to your wrists and ankles?”

“Consequences of me wanting to come and support you. Anyways come and tell me what happened.” I put my back against the headboard and pulled him closer to me. He laid his body between my legs. He sighed and looked down.

“He was coming out of the tribal court with his advisor, ubabomncane, when they were gunned down. Luckily babomncane survived but he is in a critical condition at the hospital. My father didn’t survive. I don’t know who did it babe but I am suspecting his other little brother who is 5 years younger than him. He always said that dad was not worth the throne, that it should’ve been him who became king.” I nodded and played with his hair.

“Babe I know this is hard. Very hard but right now forget about how he died and focus on burying him and making sure that the throne is safe. Right now they are expecting you to go on a man hunt and try to find his killers. While you are busy with that, they will warm their way to the throne and maybe make you seem unfit to rule. Prove them wrong. We will deal with his killers later.” He exhaled loudly.

“My representatives can’t come in October but I will make sure they come in December.”
“There is no rush my love. I am here and I am not going anywhere. Now rest a bit. After that you are going to wake up and go home. Show no weakness. Be the firstborn and lead your family. Be your mother and siblings’ comforter and then come back to me. You will cry in my chest and be as weak as you want.” He sniffed and placed his head in my chest.

“I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“And you don’t have to find out because I am here to stay.”
“I love you Ndabezitha.”
“I love you too Ndonga.”

After a while I heard him snoring lightly. I waited till he was in deep sleep and then I slowly detached him from my body. I carefully slid out of the bed and looked at him. I don’t know what I would do if my dad were to die. I headed to the kitchen and found Libongwe busy preparing breakfast.

“And people wonder why you are my favourite guard.” She chuckled.
“How is the prince?” I sighed.
“He will be fine. He has me.” I looked into her eyes. “Find me the killers. I just want their names.” she nodded and then headed out. My phone rang from the counter and I picked it up. It was my dad. I huffed before answering it. “Daddy.”

“And then?”
“I am around dad. I haven’t left the country. A friend of mine, Princess Winile Mkhwanazi, just lost her father. So I am here to support her.”
“Who is her father?”

“King Mkhwanazi from KwaDlangezwa.” He went quiet for a long time and then sighed.
“What happened to him?”
“He was involved in a shooting with his younger brother. The brother survived but is in a critical condition. He, the king, didn’t make it.”

“That is terrible news. I will see if I can come and pay my condolences during the week because I don’t think I will make it to the funeral. You would have to represent our family.”
“Okay dad.”

“Are you okay though? Do you need anything? Your brother told me you left in a hurry.”
“I am fine daddy. I will see you soon.”
“I love you princess.”

“I love you more my king.” I hung up and then sat on one of the barstools. This was going to be a long week but I had to be emotionally ready for it because Zenzo needed me to be his pillar of strength.

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