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Everything was going great. The traditional wedding had passed. It was the most beautiful wedding I had ever been to. Thousands of people came to witness it. There was a lot of singing and dancing. My father was a proud man. He sure walked with pride like a Zulu king that he was but on that day, he had a different kind of pride. His eyes were sparkling with so much love. I wished my father in law was there to witness our wedding but it is what it is.

Our coronation followed soon after the traditional wedding. So I was officially Queen Lisakhanya Mihlayonke Mkhwanazi. It was an overwhelming title but I would accept it any day if it meant spending the rest of my life with the love of my life. Our white wedding was in two days. It was made clear that not everyone was invited. The media of course had a free pass but they would go through some intense security measures.

The total number of our guests was 500. We tried to make it less but we had to invite our families, our friends, business associates and almost every royal family in Africa. Our wedding was going to be at UMfolozi Hotel Casino Convention Resort. It was the only venue in King Cetshwayo district which was going to accommodate the number of our guests.

My bridal party was spending the two days before my wedding in the BON Hotel, in Empangeni. Most of my family members also booked themselves in this hotel. We were supposed to do our facials, nails, some waxing and treat our hair on this particular day. So we did so. Zenzo was sad to see me leaving but he knew after this, we would never be apart. Dad said something funny, he said we are like conjoined twins and we are always touching each other if not talking to each other. I guess we were still in the honeymoon phase.

My bridesmaids were Thando, sis Futhy’s younger sister, Thembelihle, sis Lee’s younger sister and Zesizwe which was my younger sister. She was 19 years old and MaShezi’s firstborn. My maid of honor was Libongwe. She was shocked when I picked her but nobody else was surprised. She was like my best friend. She knew everything about me so it was fitting that I made her my maid of honor. Also this could ensure that I was safe at all times in my wedding.

We went to the beauty salon and did everything there. It was booked for us the whole day. We did our facials, waxing, hair and nails. After that we went back to the hotel. One of the staff members ushered us to the back and there was a beautiful marque which was decorated all white with a touch of baby blue. There were people inside the marque.

“Why are we being led here? Aren’t we gate crashing some people’s event?” I asked confused.
“Who cares if we are? I mean we are dressed like everyone else.” Thando said.

Well I didn’t realize that I was actually wearing a white tie neck flounce sleeve frill trim A-line dress with baby blue sneakers. We walked to the marque and as soon as we got to the entrance, everyone screamed SURPRISE! I jumped up and everyone was looking at me. I looked around and it was all the females I knew.

From my mothers, other older women, even my mother-in-law, my sisters, almost every female I knew. Even my sister in laws were here. There was a backdrop at the front with a throne. It was written Queen Lisa’s bridal shower. I got emotional. I started tearing up and everyone was like ‘ncoaw’. Xoli came to me and put a sash on me. I looked at it and it was written ‘Queen Lisa’s Day’.

“Welcome my darling. Please make your way to the throne.” Xoli said with a smile. I first hugged almost everyone that was there and then went to the front. I sat on the throne. I was shy a bit because I was still not used to public speaking or even the attention of people. Sis Zah went to the stage. She was wearing a beautiful tight baby blue dress with white strappy heels.

“Hello everyone. My name is Mrs. Zah. That’s my title because I am a married woman.” We all laughed. “We are here because of Queen Lisa. It is her day, her bridal shower. We are just going to have fun, speak up positive things only, get drunk and behave. If you misbehave, Libongwe and her team will quickly attend you.” everyone laughed. “There are programmes on everyone’s table. We are going to start with a prayer and then words of welcome. Mam Jabu, over to you.”

Mam Jabu came and led us to an opening prayer. Up next was sis Lee who welcomed everyone and said the purpose of the day. Many people spoke and wished me well. It was nice hearing advices about marriage and all. My mothers were up next. They were all going to speak.

“I am very happy for you. This is the first and the last time we will be allowed to educate you about marriage. I am just going to say one thing. On Saturday you are going to make vows in front of everyone. All I want to say is that stick by them and always honor them. If your promise your husband transparency, loyalty and respect, honor those vows. Always remember them. When you face problems, calm down and remember your vows. The fact that he is not honoring them doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also. If you feel like they are becoming too much for you, sit down and reflect upon them or get advice from someone who is experienced in marriage. Honor your vows. That’s all I am saying.” MaDubazane said.

“I wanna say don’t trust your in laws when it comes to your marital problems. They are here, we are not gossiping about them. Just that as we will always favour you, they will always favour your husband. You can talk to them about your happy moments and all but don’t go crying to them when you acquire problems. You must know that you may be queen but not everyone is going to like you, so be cautious of who you tell your marital problems to.” KaMahlaba said.

“Many are going to say ‘you are too young. You don’t deserve to be a queen. You are going to fail this kingdom and you are going to have scandals after scandals because you will be childish and all.’ I have heard that before. I married your father when I was 19. Many said I was not good enough to be his queen. I was said to be a gold digger even though I was a princess. All I want to say to you is that ignore all those silly comments. Don’t try to prove them wrong or right. Just be you. Be yourself and love your husband and kingdom. I love you baby.” MaMolefe said as she blew a kiss which I caught.

“You are not required to change who you are but I want you to be more open baby. You are always with your gadgets but now you must give attention to them at least 40% of the time and 60% to people.” I grunt and MaShezi laughed. She was the one talking. “I love you and I wish you all the best. You still have room to grow. Don’t rush yourself but be open to new things and people.” She went to sit down.

“This is a very emotional moment for me. I don’t wanna see you grow and you are moving too fast.” My mom said as her eyes became teary. I looked up to stop my tears. “This is very hard for me. I won’t give you advice about marriage because that would mean I am accepting that you are growing up. I just wanna remind you that you are and will forever be my princess. Whenever you have problems or you are stuck in between a bad situation, you can count on me. Your home will always be your home and you will always be welcome. If you every feel unwanted, unwelcomed or unloved, come back home baby.” she just cried and I went to her. We hugged very tight. “I am sorry. I didn’t mean to make this special day emotional.”

“You wouldn’t be my mother if you were to talk about something else.” I said and she chuckled. We broke the hug and went back to our seats.
“That was so beautiful and your words were all good. Now it is time for the gifts. Everyone can come and give our queen gifts. You all get a chance to hug her and say a few words to her not to us. Thina we are ready to get drunk.” Sis Futhy said and we all laughed.

People came and gave me gifts and said very sweet messages. We ate and the event came to an end. It was a very beautiful event and I was happy about the surprise. I swear I didn’t expect it. Zenzo extended the castle and added our own wing. It was now ready for us to live in but we were going to move in after our honeymoon. So all these gifts were going to go to our wing. I was happy about everything and I wished that nothing wrong could happen on our big day.

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