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Thembelihle ordered the wives to be in charge of every meal for the next two days, so they were busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Luckily it was Friday, a holiday, so the young children didn’t go to school. Those who lived nearby were coming in and those who lived overseas were on their flights.

“Do you think the twins will come?” MaMolefe asked as she dished everything on casseroles. She didn’t cook anything. She was just helping around in the kitchen.
“They will. Konke said he made sure their flights were booked. They will be here by 5pm.” MaDlomo said.

“So care to share why you aren’t allowed to cook?” MaDubazane asked. MaMolefe exhaled and held on to the counter.
“Well I am not sure about the why part. I swear this is the last time. She said they are the lastborns. I didn’t even know about it until she said it.” She said nervously.

“You are pregnant?” KaMahlaba asked and she nodded. “But why don’t you seem happy or excited?”
“Because it is a secret pregnancy and I have to leave the palace for at least year. I must come back when the twins are 6 months old.”

“You are carrying twins? That is a blessing from the ancestors. Congratulations Malebogo.” MaShezi said as she hugged her. She just broke down in her arms. “Shh. Don’t cry. Everything is going to be fine. What is importance is your health, your wellbeing and your safety. All will fall into place eventually.”

“But I will be lonely.”
“Don’t be sad. I have been here before. You are even lucky that our husband has a private jet and he can visit you anytime he likes. I was sent to live with this healer in Niger when I was pregnant with Nompilo. It was like I was in exile. It was bad but I survived. You will to.” MaDlomo said, comforting her.

“Just make sure Mageba doesn’t marry a virgin on my absence.” They all laughed.
“As if. I may have spoken to the ancestors a while ago and they told me that 5 is enough.” MaShezi said jokingly.
“Can I have one final glass of Lubelihle wines?” MaMolefe asked and MaDubazane was quick to retrieve a bottle from the pantry.

“Secret stash for emergencies.” She said and they all laughed. She poured the wine for everyone but in tea mugs. “Does anyone know why the witch blamed our husband for the attack on Lisa?”
“Oww Mageba said Mthunzi’s mother was responsible for the attack. It was somehow revenge for the death of Mthunzi but she has already paid for her sins because our ancestors fought back hard last night.” MaMolefe answered.

“Cheers to the crazy witch then.” KaMahlaba said and they all laughed. They finished drinking their wine and just as MaMolefe was washing the mugs, Lisa made her way inside the kitchen. She was still dirty and she had just woken up from the rondavel. She looked like a zombie. Her body was a bit sore and stiff.

“Morning wives.” She said. They all went to her and bombarded her with hugs. She just giggled and hugged them back. “I am a die hard.”
“I thought I had lost you.” MaDlomo said tearing up. Lisa hugged her once more.

“Relax. I am not going anywhere. Now why are you guys cooking? This is really weird. Did your husband threaten to divorce you if you don’t pull up your socks?” she asked and they just laughed.

“You will find out soon enough. For now go freshen up. Breakfast will be served soon.” MaDubazane said. Lisa quickly went upstairs.
Craziest and most scary experience I have ever had in my life. I mean what happened was totally unexpected. While I was unconscious, I had a dream about my grandmother, great-grandmother and great great-grandmother. They told me that whoever that did this had been dealt with and I didn’t need to worry about her. I also saw my grandfather. He just hugged me and said he is very proud of the woman I have become. I swear seeing all of them made me so happy.

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