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I got home and went straight to my mom’s room. I found her reading some book on her reading chair which was near the window. She looked up and smiled when she saw me. She was getting better as days went by and she had accepted that her husband was gone and never coming back. I walked in and sat opposite her.

“Mama I need a healer ASAP.” She frowned.
“What is wrong?”
“MaZulu has shingles and her mother said they are moving too fast.” Her eyes popped out.
“Ibhande lamaloyo?” I nodded because that’s what I suspected. “Where is she?”

“Ekhaya Kwa Nongoma.” She sighed and then took her phone. She dialed a number. The receiver took a few moments before answering.
“Wena wangasenhla.” Mom chuckled.
“Mkhozi wami, how are you?”
“I am good. What do you want? You always call when you are in trouble.” Mom laughed and rolled her eyes.

“That is not true Lihle but right now I have an emergency.”
“You always do. Now what is it?”
“My daughter in law has Ibhande lamaloyo and it is moving too fast. Their royal healer failed to heal it. She needs you.” the receiver went quiet for a while. Then she cleared her throat.
“Where is your boy?”
“He is here.”

“Boy get a plane that is going to pick me up at King Mswati III international airport as soon as possible. That girl is not supposed to see the next sunrise. Her fate has already been sealed. We need to move fast.” My eyes got filled with tears. Who would wish death upon my fiancé?

“Hey baby, now is not the time to tear up. You need to save your girlfriend and maybe you can cry together tomorrow.” I exhaled and nodded. “I will come with you. Go wait for me in the lobby. For now just make sure you get your jet to fetch my friend.” I sighed and walked out.

I told Banele to give an order to my pilot and then I asked one of the maids to make coffee and she brought it within a few moments. Banele came back and told me that all is well. We waited for mom and she came down the stairs looking like a beauty queen. One thing about my mom was that she didn’t take hours to get ready. It’s like she would just say ‘abracadabra’ and viola, she is all set and ready to go.

“We can go now.” We were going to wait for her friend at the uLundi airport and then drive to the palace after that.
The king with Futhy, Kuhle and their kids arrived at the palace just as the wives were driving in. One of the guards helped Lisa into the house who was back to being unconscious. Everyone went inside the house. The guard placed her on a couch at the lounge and headed out. One of the helpers quickly took the kids to the playroom so that they could get distracted. MaShezi was sitting on the rug busy mumbling things. It was like she had gone crazy.

“What is wrong with her?” Futhy asked.
“She can’t help with anything. She is punishing herself for being useless at such a time and she won’t accomplish anything with that.” Mthembu said walking in. “You can get someone to sedate her Ndabezitha because what she is doing is not healthy.” The king sighed and kneeled in front of his wife. He cupped her face and made her look at him.

“Sthandwa sami.” She stopped mumbling and looked at him. “You don’t have to punish yourself for this. Nobody is expecting you to do anything. Inyanga ayizelaphi.” She gave him a weak smile and she started shaking. MaMolefe acted fast and took out a sedative. She quickly sedated MaShezi and she stopped shaking. The king sighed and picked her up. “Help my child Mthembu.” He then walked away with MaShezi. Mthembu touched Lisa’s hand and his whole body froze.

“What is it Mvelase?” MaDubazane asked fearfully.
“I can’t heal her. This is too powerful for me and she is running out of time.” He said. The wives started crying. Futhy swallowed hard. Her phone beeped. It was a message from Zenzo.

“Zenzo found a healer and he will be here in a few hours. She is from Swaziland.” She told everyone.
“Let’s hope it is who I think it is.” Mthembu said and sat down. Everyone also sat down after seeing that there was no use standing up.
My mother’s friend landed and we drove to KwaNongoma. She wasn’t what I expected her to be. She was wearing a dark green mock neck solid pencil dress with black heels and a black coat. She was even wearing make-up and a weave. The only thing that stated that she was a healer were her white, red and blue beads. She was around mom’s age but you could see that she aged very well.

“Why don’t you have a royal healer Mkhozi wam? I mean you even had to fetch someone from Swaziland to help your daughter in law whereas you could’ve asked a royal healer.” MaMnguni said. Mom said her name was Thembelihle Mnguni and she was unmarried. Mom sighed and looked outside the window.

“The royal healer was my brother in law’s wife. After what he did, I don’t trust him or his wife. So I chased her away from the kingdom.” My mom replied.
“Meaning the throne is defenseless and anyone who is powerful enough can bewitch you. Shame. Lucky for you, you have me. But you have to ordain a royal healer before his coronation. You boy also need to have a royal advisor.” I hated her calling me ‘boy’ but because I was desperate for her help, I wasn’t going to say anything.

“I thought babomncane would be my advisor.” She shook her head.
“You can’t have an advisor older than you. Plus every king needs his own advisor. You must choose between your younger brothers. Not cousins, but brothers. You need to choose all that before your coronation. You must also choose a council which is modern and choose new judges and officials for the traditional court. You control all that since you are king now. You must make changes and modernize some silly old traditions.” She then kept quiet and looked down.

“She is done talking.” Mom said.
We got to the palace and they allowed us in. the minute MaMnguni climbed out of the car the weather started changing. I don’t know when her heels came off but she started dancing and chanting things I couldn’t hear. Her chaos made most of the royal members come out of the house. They stood not far from her. She started singing and doing those sangoma dances. Mthembu started clapping and singing with her. Soon everyone was singing and clapping. The king came out of the house and looked at us and then at MaMnguni.

“THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!” she shouted looking at the king and then lightning and thunder made an appearance. “BRING ME THE GIRL!” she shouted again. Mthembu said something to one of the guards. He went outside and came out with Lisa who was red and shivering. My heart broke when my eyes landed on her fragile body. Who was capable of this? MaMnguni looked at mom. “Give me ibhayi lami.” Mom quickly handed her the black, red and white ibhayi. She also gave her a weird looking bag. She used ibhayi to cover her shoulders and then walked to the backyard. She was still singing. “Thina asidlali nabathakathi, thina asidlali nemoya emibi, hhemu.” That is what she was singing.

Mthembu took Lisa and followed MaMnguni. I was still confused with what was happening but when everyone started following her I also followed after. She was barefoot but she didn’t care. She passed all the rondavels, even passed the kraal then ventured on a smaller path.

“She can’t go there. That is the royal graveyard and only males enter. Someone stop her.” Lisa’s mom said looking at me and my mother. I looked at my mother who just shrugged.

“If you don’t want your daughter to die, you will let her do what is needed to be done.” Mom replied. MaMnguni stopped and looked back. She then went to Mthembu.

“Put her on my back.” Mthembu did as instructed. MaMnguni then entered the graveyard with Lisa on her back. “Prince Kuhle follow me.” Kuhle quickly took off his shoes and followed them. Heavy rain started falling and we ran to take shelter.

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