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Wedding season was upon us. With the help of KN Clothing I managed to get the perfect wedding dresses. Umkhehlo and umembeso had passed along with ingqibamasondo. The usual designer, Simamiso Mthethwa is the one who made my dresses for the occasions. But for the traditional weddings my husband to be saw it best fit to get our attires from Africa Fashion House. Almost all my family members wanted to be dressed by Simamiso, so I didn’t wanna put pressure on her.

So here we were in the boutique. We were shown many beautiful dresses and shirts with pants for my king but I wasn’t fazed by them. Zenzo sighed and stood up.

“I am going outside for some air. Go and look around. Maybe you will find something you like.” I pouted and he chuckled. He perked my lips and then walked out. I stood up and did as he said. Maybe I needed some help choosing. How I wished KN Clothing also had a traditional clothing section. An assistant came to me with a smile.

“See anything you like, your Majesty?” I shook my head.
“Your dresses are really beautiful but I don’t think they are for me. Maybe we will come back when we need attires for other special occasions. It was good being assisted by you. Thank you.” I took off R500 from my wallet and she thanked me. I walked out with my guards and found my fiancé leaning on the car while talking to the phone. He hang up and watched me.

“Still nothing?”
“I will just surf the internet and I swear I won’t sleep until I find something.” He rolled his eyes and opened the car door for me. I climbed in the car.
I squealed when I stumbled upon a dress which I loved very much. It was designed by Tomi Rikhotso. It was a white with a satin fabric A-line long dress. On the upper area and at the bottom it had beautiful red, blue, yellow and green lines pattern. It was paired with a blue inhloko which also had some beadworks.

Everything about this dress was so beautiful. Of course I would have to get a shawl to cover my shoulders but I was happy that I found my perfect dress. I rushed to Zenzo who was watching soccer at the lounge. We were still in Jo’burg but at one of his houses which is situated in Protea Glen. I threw myself on top of him and he groaned.

“Kodwa sthandwa Sami.”
“Stop being grumpy. I found my dress. Which automatically means that you have your outfit.”
“Ow really? Where did you find it?”

“On Instagram. The designer is Tomi Rikhotso. His work is beautiful my love. You have to call him today and set up a meeting.” He laughed.
“Why me?”
“Because he won’t say no or complain about short notice.”
“You are using me.”

“And you like it when I use you.” he laughed once again. I gave him the designer’s contact details. Then he called him. They talked for a few minutes. Luckily he was available the next morning. That made me happy. “So what do we do with ourselves right now?” he smirked and tilted his head to the side. “What’s with that look?”

“You don’t wanna know what is happening in my mind right now.” I laughed.
“Let’s go shopping.” he groaned. My fiancé wasn’t one who didn’t enjoy shopping but I guess the amount of searching we had done this week drained him. “Come on. It’s a surprise. Don’t you wanna know what I have in mind?”

“Why does it involve leaving the house?”
“You are going to love it.” I said standing up and pulling him. He intentionally made his body stiff causing me to fall back into his arms.
“Oops.” He said with a chuckle and I just giggled.
I actually took him to an adult shop. The shock on his face when we entered the shop was priceless. It was in a hidden corner so I was sure no journalist would follow us in here. The shop owner was very delighted to assist us.

“What can I help you guys with?” she asked with a smile.
“I am in the mood for some roleplaying tonight. My fiancé has been really helpful this week and very supportive. So I think he deserves a treat.” I said looking a Zenzo who just blushed and looked sideways.

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