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“I am sorry for slapping you.” we were now lying in bed. Everyone was in bed now. I didn’t go down for dinner and also Zenzo didn’t go down. He just sighed and turned to look the other way. Okay I was used to a touchy clingy Zenzo. Not this type of Zenzo. So I was a bit sad that he was treating me this way. “Baby.” I touched him and he just shook my hand off.

“Sleep Lisa.” He dismissed me as he switched off his side lamp. I couldn’t sleep. Not while I was uneasy. I waited for him to start snoring. Then I slipped off the bed and went to take my bag. I took my laptop and iPad and went to his study.

Being in Zenzo’s house had made me neglect work. So since I couldn’t sleep, I figured I would catch up. First case I stumbled upon was a woman who wanted me to hack into her husband’s gadgets because she suspected him of cheating. This was funny. She even mentioned the name of the supposed mistress.

Hacking into a phone or laptop without being there is like taking candy from a baby. I hacked into the husband’s gadgets and found proof that he was really cheating. Not only was he sleeping with the mistress, he had two kids with her. I compiled a folder and then saved it. I told the wife I have the proof. She then sent me my payment immediately and I sent her the folder. I was like a private detective but faster and more expensive.

I got on the net and found 2 struggling companies which were on the verge of closing down because they weren’t making much profit. I had like 5 companies which I purchased this way and turned them to very successful companies but I remained a silent owner and had people running them for me.
I decided to set up meetings with the owners of the two companies. Luckily they were in Durban. They agreed to meet on Tuesday. Meaning we would be driving to Durban before returning to Nongoma. I was only going to stay for a weekend at home and then return to my house. I had some things I needed to take care off and I needed to check some of my businesses in Ecuador.

I decided to just surf the net and then I stumbled upon this foundation which gave out 10 bursaries to lucky students each year. I also had opportunities like this in two of my companies but I wanted to give out more. I suddenly had an idea of awarding at least 100 virgins who attend the annual reed dance bursaries but I would have to make sure my family is in on it. It would be a great thing for my father to give back to the community in this way.

“You didn’t even hear me come in.” I raised my head to see Libongwe standing in front of me with two cups of coffee. She handed me one. I chuckled and took it. “What are you working on?” she asked as she made herself comfortable in the chair opposite me.

“Oww this and that. Trying to find ways to keep on being a humble princess.”
“Ow honey there is nothing humble about you. Especially after that slap.” I gave her a death stare and she just laughed. “Did he forgive you?”

“He just dismissed me. I guess we will talk about it tomorrow. Anyways any news on that assignment I gave you?”
“I found the hitmen sent to do the job. All that’s left is to question them and find out what I need to know.”

“You think they will talk?”
“Ow they will. They have to if they know what’s good for them.”

“Okay. Tuesday we are going to Durban and on Wednesday to Nongoma. Make sure you do whatever you need to do before that. I don’t want you leaving South Africa with some loose ends.”

“Yes princess.”
“Why are you awake?”
“I can literally feel it in my bones when you are not sleeping plus it is my job to keep you safe and protected at all times. This is why I am awake.” I rolled my eyes and she laughed.

“You are all smiley and happy. Why? Did you find someone to scratch that itch?” I asked with a smirk.
“Good night, Your Majesty.” She stood up and left. I just laughed and got back to what I was doing. Libongwe has been single since the first day I got introduced to her. I thought she was a lesbian or something but she was as straight as they come.

I continued working and even stole a few dollars and pounds from billionaires. Having money is cool and all but dipping your hand on the forbidden jars, that’s awesome. I then opened some of my emails and one was from bhuty Kuhle asking me to review his new app and even add on what he can add or subtract on the app.

That’s what kept me all night because it had some glitches which I fixed. When I was done, I sent it back to him and then stood up to stretch my body. I closed my gadgets and left them on the table as I went outside to get some fresh air. I chuckled when I discovered that it’s already morning. It wasn’t the first time working all night. In fact that’s how I get most jobs done, at night.

I walked around the lawn and greeted some of Zenzo’s guards who were already awake and walking around. I went back inside the house and went to the kitchen where I found Zenzo making a shake. He looked at me and frowned.

“Where are you coming from?”
“Good morning to you too Zenzo. How are you doing this morning?” he raised his eyebrows and just shook his head. “Blue tick again. Okay.” I turned and made my way upstairs.
“Where did you sleep last night?” I stopped on my tracks and turned to look at him.

“I am your girlfriend. You don’t know where I slept last night. You didn’t bother to find out. You are just asking me this morning. Wow.”
“Come on. Stop being dramatic Lisa. Just answer the damn question.” I folded my arms to my chest and looked at him. He was seriously pissing me off.

“Why are you being a jerk? Why are you treating me like this and talking to me like I am a kid? Is it the grief? Or are you sexually frustrated? Or you are finally showing off your true colours now that you have slept with me?”

“No. you are the one switching up on me. Since when are you this dramatic disrespectful teenager?”
“Heee. Wow.” I shook my head and went upstairs.

I took a warm shower and wore my rib-knit cami lounge set with robe. I went to bed and got under the covers. I don’t know why Zenzo suddenly switched up on me. Was he always like this or maybe something happened? But all in all I didn’t need this drama in my life right now and I could feel creeping up on me. I just exhaled and closed my eyes, hoping that sleep will come.

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