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“KwaDlangezwa? Who do you know there? What are you doing there?” my sister asked. I was in a call with her asking her to come. I needed her support.

“Please sisi. Just come I will explain everything to you when you have arrived.” She huffed.
“You are such a nuisance.” She said and hung up.

I knew she was going to come. I needed female support. Zenzo’s father wasn’t just a regular king but he was my father in law and I couldn’t just go there alone with my guards. I then called Xoli who worked for sis Futhy. I don’t know how but we somehow had a few things in common and almost the same personality. We had talked a few times before but never really spent time together. She answered after a few rings.

“Xoli Modisane hello.”
“Hi Xoli. It’s me, Lisa.”
“Princess Lisa?”
“Oww wow okay. How are you?”
“I am doing okay. How are you?”
“I am fine. It’s nice to hear from you. Are you in South Africa?”

“Yes. I actually need your help, your emotional support rather.”
“What’s wrong?”
“My father in law passed away and I need someone who will accompany me to the funeral. They don’t know about my boyfriend in my family and I would like it to stay like that.”

“Okay. I hear you. When is the funeral?”
“This coming Sunday. It is in KwaDlangezwa near Empangeni.” She exhaled.

“Okay. Phumudzo and I are coming to visit my parents this weekend. I guess I will see you on Saturday afternoon. You will have to send me your location.”

“Okay. Thank you. Now what does one bring in a situation like this?” she giggled.
“Well you will have to buy a blanket, bring a bucket of cakes preferably scones or muffins and also buy a 6-pack of drink or a crate of beer. It will depend on your budget.”

“I think I might go to Durban for the blanket.”
“Okay. There is a girl at KwaDlangezwa. She lives on campus and she sells cakes. I have seen her work on social media. It’s good and the reviews are good. Contact her. You will find her details on Enhle's Sweet Tooth Facebook page. She also has a wix website.”

“Thank you Xoli. You are such a life saver.”
“No thank you. It’s not every day I help royalty and feel good about it.” I laughed. We said our goodbyes and then I hung up.
“You are leaving?” I quickly turned and found him leaning in the door frame. He was wearing blue overalls and boots. He seemed dirty.

“Yes but I will come back. I just wanna buy a blanket for my father in law and I think he deserves the best.” He smiled. I walked to him. “Why are you so dirty?”
“It doesn’t turn you on?” he wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed. He held my waist and brought me closer to him.
“Eww. You are going to make me dirty.” I said while laughing.

“I don’t care. We will take a shower together. I am just going to find it hard not to touch you.” he licked his lips and I just giggled.
“But then will you handle not touching me because you are in mourning?” he groaned.
“I will just have to try. This will give me practice.”
“Practice for what?”

“When you give birth. We would have to abstain from sex for 6 weeks right? Let’s see if I can handle just one day.” I laughed. He picked me up and we went to the bathroom.
We got to Durban and went to Sheet Street. I bought a grey 3kg mink heavy weight blanket. I also brought a grey faux fur throw for Zenzo’s mother. We then went to a clothing store and I bought a black pearls beaded sheer sleeve layered mesh hem peekaboo dress and a black sheer mesh stiletto heeled court pumps. I was going to wear these clothes to the funeral. I wasn’t a fan of heels but that doesn’t mean I didn’t know how to walk in them.

I also bought a net décor solid beret and embroidered lace gloves. I took a leap of faith and decided to buy a black suit, black shirt, tie and shoes for Zenzo. He may have had prepared something to wear but I think he would appreciate my effort and definitely wear what I bought. I then went to buy some food and we drove back to Esikhawini.

This place wasn’t bad at all. It was developed. Even had a mall and all. Zenzo’s house was really beautiful. It was in a section called H2. It was a bit dramatic though because it was the only triple story house in the area but when you are a prince, it must show I guess. When we got to the house, we found Zenzo with some men. He smiled when he saw me. He came and hugged me.

“How was your trip?” I smiled.
“Fruitful. I bought you something. I hope you are going to like it.” He gave me a smirk.
“Is it something lacy?” he asked already licking his lips. I laughed and shook my head.

“God you’re so horny.” I whispered. “Who are they?” I asked pointing at his guests with my eyes. He smiled and we walked to the men. He sat down and made me sit on top of him.

“Gents this is my wife to be, Princess Lisakhanya. You can call her MaZulu. Sthandwa sami these are my friends, Skhumbuzo, Siyethemba and Nqobani. They only came here to greet you. They will be sleeping at a nearby BnB.” I frowned.

“Why not here? There is plenty of room.”
“They will be invading our privacy, so no.” I rolled my eyes and his friends laughed.
“You can call me Lisa and it is nice to meet you.” I smiled at them. They were wearing casual clothes but you could see that they are business men. One of them, Siyethemba, was wearing a wedding band.

“You are the humble princess.” Nqobani said with a smile.
“And there is nothing humble about someone flirting with my wife. I will pluck out your teeth one by one.” Zenzo said and they laughed at him.

“Easy man. No one is going to take away your wife.” Siyethemba said still laughing.
“Let me go and prepare something to eat.” I said while attempting to stand.
“Really? What are you going to prepare?” Zenzo asked while holding in his laughter.
“You know I am going to order in.” I said rolling my eyes and he just laughed.

“Don’t worry babe. I have already sent one of my guards to buy us meat and drinks from The Eclipse. He should be coming back in a minute.”

“Okay. I gotta unpack and freshen up. Call me when he has arrived so that I can dish up.”
“Okay.” He perked my lips.
“It was nice to meet you all.” I said at his friends and went to our bedroom.

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