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His mother was right. Zenzo did leave with me. Even when I told him to stay and attend to the guests. He just told us to wait in the car. After thirty minutes, he came and we left. Sis Nompilo’s husband came to fetch her, so only Xoli was left now. We got to Esikhawini mall and bought 3 full chicken combos from Africaz and some goodies. We then drove to his house.

We found his friends already there with their partners. We walked inside the house and exchanged greetings. I went to change into slippers and then went to dish up for everyone. I guess we were going to order pizza for dinner because the chicken was finished. Just as we were washing the dishes, bhut Phumudzo came. He was like my brother’s best friend, so I was a bit scared for him to see me here.

“Hey little one.” He said. I smiled and hugged him.
“Hey bhuty. How are you?”
“I am good. Where is that boyfriend of yours?” I giggled nervously.

“He is in the backyard. Let me go and call him.” I quickly went to the backyard and found him drinking with his friends. He stood up and came to me.
“You miss me already?” I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

“My brother’s friend, Xoli’s husband is here and he wants to greet you before they leave.” He swallowed.

“Is he a muscle man?” I laughed and pulled him to the kitchen. Xoli and Phumudzo were holding each other. I cleared my throat and they looked at me. “Hey man. I am Zenzo Mkhwanazi and I am Lisa’s boyfriend.”

“I am Phumudzo and I am her older brother.” They shook hands. “She is very important to us. We are all a bunch of cool dudes without short temper but if you were to mistreat her, we would turn to beasts and feast on you. I am expecting to see you soon in the Zulu homestead. Bye princess.” He kissed my cheek and walked away.

“Sorry about that. He can be quite dramatic sometimes.” Xoli said with a smile. “I will see you soon and when you’re in Jo’burg, don’t hesitate to call me so that we can hang out.”
“And when you’re in South America, don’t hesitate to call so that we can hang out.” we both laughed and shared a hug.
“Bye guys.” She hugged Zenzo and then headed out.

“You still scared from bhut Phumudzo’s words?” I asked Zenzo who just drank bottled water and shook his head.
“I really need to pay lobola for you soon.” I chuckled.
“Don’t feel pressured. Just pay for it when you’re ready.”

“Baby I was ready before I even went out with you on our first date.” I smiled. “Where are the other ladies?”
“In the bar drinking wine.” He nodded.

He came closer to me, cupped my face and perked my lips multiple times that I ended up giggling. Someone entered the front door and that caused us to break out little session. The person was a woman wearing heels because they made sound as she came to the kitchen. It was a lady wearing a bodycon black dress, with heels and a dramatic black hat. She was carrying a handbag and a food container.

“Hey baby. Are you okay? I am sorry I wasn’t there for you during the week. It was crazy at work. But I am here now. I brought you food.” She said as she placed the things she was carrying in the counter and went to hug Zenzo who hugged her back. I was like ‘and then?’ they broke their hug and I think that’s when Zenzo remembered that I was in the room.

“Thank you Balungile but I am fine. You shouldn’t have come here. If you were really worried about me, you would’ve called during the week.”
“But I am here now.” She looked at me and frowned. “Little girl, find something that will keep you busy while us the adults talk.” I chuckled.

“Wow. I will be at the bar if you need me sir.” I said looking at Zenzo who looked down. I took out Amarula from the fridge and went to the bar.
“Finally, you decided to join us. We thought you abandoned us in your house.” Siyethemba’s wife, Carol, said and I just laughed.

“I was saying goodbye to my friend Xoli.” I said as I poured my liquor in the glass and downed it on one go.
“Woah, chill. Is everything okay?” Nqobani’s girlfriend, Simthande, asked.
“Zenzo has a guest. She called me little girl. The nerve.” Just as I was pouring my second glass, Balungile entered the bar.

“Hey ladies. I didn’t know you were here.” she said in an annoying voice.
“You and Zenzo are no longer an item. That was what made us close before. So why would you know our whereabouts?” Carol asked. It looked like she didn’t like Balungile very much.
“Why is this little girl with you?”
“She is Zenzo’s girlfriend, a princess. Treat her with respect.” Likhanye who is Skhumbuzo’s fiancé said. Balungile just laughed.

“Well, hello kitty, whatever Zenzo promised you, forget it. We were in a rough space but we will fix things soon. You better walk away early to save yourself some heartbreak.” I looked at her and just chuckled. I took my bottle, together with my glass and walked out. I went outside to my guards.

“Guys we are leaving in a few minutes. Libongwe book us to a hotel in Richards Bay. We will drive home tomorrow morning.” She nodded.

I walked to Zenzo’s bedroom, freshen up and then got dressed in a grey flap pocket side tight short skirt with a matching crop jacket which I buttoned up and grey sneakers. I packed my things in my bag. I then drank another glass of Amarula. I could feel the effects of alcohol in my body. I took my bag and bottle and headed to the lounge where I met Zenzo and his friends watching TV. He frowned and stood up.

“And then? What is going on baby?” he asked as he made his way to me.
“Baby? So now you know I am your ‘baby’? Since you are a little confused, I will make things clear for you. I am leaving.”
“But I thought you were going to leave next week.”

“And I thought so too, until you became a mute in front of your ex. What am I to you Zenzo?”
“My girlfriend.”
“How would you feel being in the same house or room with my ex-boyfriend without me having introduced you as my boyfriend? In fact how would you feel if I were to hug my ex in front of you?”

“Baby look…”
“No, you look. I love you, I really do. But I am not stupid. I will see you.” I began to walk and he grabbed me.
“Baby I am sorry if her presence made you upset. I am going to chase her out.”

“She has access to your house. Your guards know her and have no problem with her being inside your house and you also saw no fault until I raised this issue. Clearly I am the one trespassing.”
“Ow come on Lisa, stop being petty. Angithi I am telling you that I am going to chase her out.” he didn’t see it coming because he half screamed when I slapped him.

“Fuck you, yezwa Zenzo? Fuck you.” I walked away and he just wrapped his arms around my waist and turned me to look at him. The ladies came to the lounge. He turned his head to look at them.
“Balungile you are not welcomed in my house. Please leave and don’t ever come back. You and I are no longer and will never again be an item. Please leave, you are making my girlfriend uncomfortable.” He said and Balungile frowned.

“What? Zenzo come on. Can’t you see that she is not good for you? She is even chasing away people who are important in your life. She is just behaving like a spoiled brat and you deserve a real woman not just some stuck up ‘perfect princess’.” She didn’t see it coming, Zothando punched her so hard, and she landed on the floor with her butt. She screamed.

“That is Her Royal Highness, Princess Lisakhanya Zulu. No one has the right to talk to her like that. Even her parents. Next time you think of disrespecting her, just know that you are going to get yourself killed.” Zothando stood up straight and looked at me. “You are ready to leave Your Majesty?” I looked at Zenzo who exhaled. He just lost his father, he didn’t need this drama. He just needed comfort from my arms but his actions led us to this current dilemma.

“Lisa is not leaving today Zothando. But please accompany Miss Balungile out.” he said as he picked me up and walked to the bedroom with me. When we got to the bedroom, he placed me on the bed, took my bag and went to place it on the closet. Now I came back to my senses and remembered I slapped him. What was I thinking?

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