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The hangover I had the following morning was killing me. Last night was my bachelorette party which was also a surprise. I had so much fun. We partied so hard. We went to different clubs but wherever we went, we were welcomed with good vibes. We started at my suite where we drank shots and went to grab dinner at La Fusion Chefs restaurant.

We then went to Wave Sports Café. That’s where the partying started. We had so much fun and drank so hard. We then went to Gesh Lounge. That’s where we met up with Zenzo and his entourage but we didn’t stay long. We had a stolen quickie which left my legs trembling. We then went to Cloud 7 Lifestyle and that’s where we grooved until sunrise. We only came back to the hotel at 8 pm because we also went to the beach to watch the sunrise.

My brothers were partying with Zenzo. In fact most males were with him. I don’t know when I last saw sis Futhy but I think we lost her at Gesh Lounge. She couldn’t get away from her husband. They disappeared and we didn’t even bother looking for them.

I got up from my bed and quickly rushed to the bathroom where I vomited everything from last night until my throat was sore. I groaned and went to wash my mouth. I rinsed my face and went back to bed. Just as I was falling asleep, someone entered my room. I looked up to see Muziwabo carrying an accordion. Muziwabo was my brother, one of the twins from overseas. They had Zulu names.

“Get out Muzi.” He cleared his throat and started playing the instrument. He sang one of Vusi Ximba’s songs in a funny accent. He was making so much noise. I groaned and tried to block the noise using my pillow but that didn’t work. I stood up and went to the balcony. I closed the sliding door from the outside and sat on the floor. The sun was already too hot. I had a headache. Muzi didn’t stop singing. Instead he sang louder. I groaned and covered my ears.

“Hamba lonke ilizwe mtanami
Hamba lonke ilizwe mtanami
Yahlangana insizwa nentokazi edolobheni.”

I went back to my room and he was laughing like crazy. I hated him at that particular moment. Muzikhona, the other twin, came in with a glass full of unknown things and he handed it to me. I figured it’s the hangover cure, so I drank it.

“You look like shit.” Muziwabo said.
“I know. Thank you for stating the obvious.” I said sarcastically. They both laughed. “What time is it?”
“11:54.” Muzikhona answered with a smile. The wedding was supposed to start at 1pm.

“What the fuck? Why didn’t anyone wake me up? They want me to be late on my wedding day? Why are they so evil?” I ran to the bathroom and removed the dress I was wearing. I didn’t even change to pajamas when we came back. There was no time for that.
“Well it’s nobody’s fault that you drank like a fish last night.” One of the twins shouted. I couldn’t tell who was talking since they had the same voice but I knew how to differentiate them when we were in the same room.

“Tell Libongwe to call my make-up artist now.” I shouted back as I stepped inside the shower. There was no way I was going to be late for my own wedding. I just had to be quick.
Close friends and family were seated by the pool in a very beautiful setting where the matrimonial ceremony was going to take place. Everything looked perfect and white. It was so elegant. A local band was keeping the guests entertained while waiting for the groom and bride. The band was playing soft love songs which made almost everyone reminisce good times. Only 50 people were going to attend the matrimonial ceremony.

The groom and his groomsmen walked down the aisle looking very handsome in black tuxedos with white shirts and black ties. The groom was wearing a navy and black tuxedo with a white shirt and a navy tie. They looked so handsome. The press wasn’t allowed in the matrimonial ceremony but many photographers were there capturing every beautiful moment.

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